My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 155: The horn and Zhengrong fourth!


It is to clear out people who should not be there.

So, what kind of people shouldn't be on this steel land that is about to become a battlefield?

kind person? People who contribute to society? Or a beautiful woman?

The answer: All! neither!

These answers are all based on personal feelings. However, this time the protagonists of the clearing are the three major consciousnesses of Nagato and Xingyue. From the perspective of the four, it does not matter whether good or evil, and whether they contribute to society is even more careless. .

As for the final beauty or not, Nagato wanted to ask, but it didn't make much sense.

For these four people, life is the same weight for the world. Probably only those who desire chaos, destroy order, and even destroy the world are the most undesirable beings.

The existence of these lives is a virus for the world

Must be cleared!


Altolia sighed as she looked at the fallen figure screaming from time to time outside the city.

That's a virus detected by mysterious waves.

Who would have thought that there are so many lives desperate for destruction on this land of steel, but if you think about it carefully, it is reasonable and prays for destruction because of despair. This is indeed normal.

It must be said that this totally hopeless steel land is indeed a terrible place.

"Done testing!"

At this moment, the sudden voice echoed in the ears of everyone in the world.

Everyone is enlightened.

Altria and Lisser's ears echoed the sound of 'Are you sure to stay?', The two girls looked at each other, and they both chose yes, the next moment, the invisible power swept across the entire steel instantly The earth.

In an instant, the whole world seemed quiet.

Afterwards, the two girls discovered that they were standing in the field of vision on the observation deck. The people in the entire central city seemed to be missing too much, and the situation of ten rooms and nine empty rooms was the most prosperous. What happened in the city

"Already, is the clearance finished ?!"

Although I had expected it, when I saw this scene, there was still an undisguised surprise on Altria's face.


At this moment, the girl in the arms of the cavalier king called softly to each other, and after attracting Altria ’s attention, she pointed her finger at the distant sky, and Altria looked at Lisse ’s hand.

The big hole in the distant sky is slowly getting smaller and soon disappears

"It's worthy of being the elder brother of the gate, so amazing!"

At this moment, the indifferent male voice sounded beside the two women. At the next moment, the emperor's silver-haired figure emerged from the sky, and then slowly descended, standing in front of the two women.

"Master Father!" "My father-in-law!"

The apparently intimate two separated a little in a panic after the Emperor appeared and greeted the Emperor.

At this time, the last king of the silver hair nodded lightly, then took out a horn made of an unknown beast, walked to the edge of the lookout, put the horn in his mouth, and slammed it out.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

Not long afterwards, the sound of a dragon-like horn resounded through the world, echoing throughout the slightly empty central city, and then out of the central city, echoing on the empty and vast land

Artolia standing behind the emperor suddenly understood that it was nothing else, it was

The horn of war!

With the sound of this horn, the war started

In a trance, the last ray of light on the altar in the center of the palace was exhausted. At the next moment, there was a wave of ripples in the surrounding space, and the existence of a strong atmosphere came out of the ripple.

These existences are very weird, most of them are human beings, but regardless of clothing, weapons, or even individuals, are full of unique momentum.

Not long after, the central city, which was clearly already empty, was once more populated.

But the intensity of life is totally different.

In an instant, the thick clouds above the entire central city, under the momentum of these people gathering, were heavily powdered

These beings are no longer human beings. They are indeed heroes from the Hall of Heroes. This time the emperor summoned them, not only the guardians of Alaya, but also the heroes of Gaia. The two major restraints at this moment , Teamed up!


"Miscellaneous !!!"

In an instant, a glorious boat formed of gold and emeralds that can soar in the sky rose up, and the golden king with golden armor on his body stood on the boat and looked down at everyone, especially the emperor-

"Although Gaia did ask me to obey your orders, do you have this qualification?"

Between the speeches, the golden king's face was marked with anger, killing Ling Xian

Gaia ’s command is to say that he is not as good as the silver-haired guy in front of him. Although he has great respect for the will of the earth, the golden king is still reluctant to admit that he will lose to others because he is the original hero, Gilgamesh !


After hearing Gilgamesh's words, the emperor appeared unhurried.

In fact, when Alaya and Gaia obtained the alliance, the emperor obtained the command of the entire Hall of Heroes. At that time, he had already expected the current situation, and the abdominal draft was also prepared.

"This kind of thing is unclear, isn't it?"

Talking faintly, the emperor felt the attention of the surrounding spirits, and the whole person floated out of thin air, came to the same level as Gilgamesh, with his hands behind his back, he said:

"Let's fight with you and me!"

"By the way, let me see why I can be recognized by Gaia and Alaya as your commander-in-chief!"

During the speech, the mighty emperor's prestige spread out, completely covering the entire central city and the sky where it was, and even covering up the other people's unintentional diffuse momentum.

For a time, the emperor came out!

ps: I wrote it a little late, but it's okay to catch up! ..

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