My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 146: The most ancient vs final! The tip of the emperor iceberg!

In an instant

The whole central city is silent.

Many heroes summoned from the Hall of Heroes were speechless at this moment.

These heroes did not expect that, above them, the men who were appointed by the two major inhibitory forces, the man who was known as the last king, could burst out such a shocking momentum, covering all the gathering momentum.

You must know that the heroes present are all left in the historical legends, and they can be recognized by the world as heroes. They make the most positive portrayal of the power and glory of these heroes.

However, it is such a great existence

The gathered momentum is not as good as this silver-haired king!

Isn't that saying that no one can match each other? !

This is a huge blow for all heroes, especially those who are proud and proud. I am afraid there is nothing more shameful than this situation!


"What a great king!"

After a few blows, many heroes showed emotions on their faces.

Although bathed in the earth-shattering pressure, the heroes present did not feel any suffocating pressure, but felt a very warm and inclusive force.

Inclusive of this day, this land, and all beings!

Even the heroes with insufficient IQ can understand at this moment!

Why the two major restraints chose the silver-haired king in front of him as the commander of the heroes, a king who practiced the king's way to the extreme, and a king who could tolerate everything, is indeed the most suitable commander of the heroes.

After all, the heroes here come from different regions in different times, and even some heroes are overhead heroes, and even their origins are unknown. Therefore, the personality of the heroes is very different.

If there is no such heart tolerate all things in the world, how can we control the heroes? !


"Damn shit, you angered the king!"

The oldest king of anger erupted standing on the flying boat treasure called Vimona, looking at the silver-haired king on the same level as himself, instantly opened the door of his treasure house, and the ripples in space slowly appeared behind him.

Although the original hero also felt the emperor's momentum and understood the other party's situation, he was so arrogant, how could he tolerate the other party to become the commander standing on top of himself.

What's more, the emperor said to defeat him

This is absolutely unbearable!

The hero king roared in his heart!

In the ripples in the space, the crimson color gradually stained a corner of the world, just like a huge crimson door, slowly appeared, and then slowly opened.

Each piece exudes vicissitudes, ancient, mysterious and inexplicable fluctuations, some strange shapes, some luxury, some simple, some strange-shaped swords, swords, guns, halberds of various treasures from circle to circle Head out of the ripples.

It didn't take long for the entire crimson space to be filled, and now everyone's vision was filled, and it was pointed far away.

This is the power that the hero king relies on, the treasure of the king!

The debut of this treasure made all the heroes present in the chaos suddenly chaotic. The heroes present really did not expect that some people would have so many weapon-like treasures that even some weapons-like treasures do not have Yingling, I suddenly felt inferior

"Miscellaneous, now it is useless to say more, let this king die!"

As soon as the words fell, the tens of thousands of treasures emerging from the treasure of the king were like bullets that burst out of the barrel, like machine guns, and burst out like crazy.

The rain like a storm-like treasure swept through the sky like a fleeting stream of light in the air, pulling up a cold arc of light belonging to weapons, amidst the riots in the atmosphere and the clutter of the air that was sounded together, Like a torrential rain, he went forward and bombarded the emperor.

"The number of weapons is really amazing!"

In the face of the many treasures that struck, the emperor's face appeared with a solemn sole, his right hand stretched out, and his mouth was softly full of powerful words and spirits, "But then, the soldier, the ominous weapon, in my name, Humane!

In an instant, the bursting momentum of the emperor condensed into an entity, like an endless nebula, blocking the emperor's body.

In the meantime, all the people present heard the cry of unknown origin.

In that nebula, it seemed that there were countless wills and countless loyalty to the emperor's will. At this moment, all the ambitions turned into a terrible guardian, blocking it in front of the emperor.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In an instant, endless treasures bombarded that nebula!

Suddenly, the whirlpool clouds that looked like stars and galaxy were shot by real treasures, as if the waves were thrown into a bomb, and pits burst out in a loud noise.

Yun Hai also turned upside down completely and became a lot thinner at once.

However, soon new clouds appeared out of thin air, merged into the sea of ​​clouds, and made up for the previously thin nebula.

Despite the passage of time, the trend of Yunhai's decrease remains unchanged

However, it is undeniable that:

Wang Zhibao has been blocked in this period of time!

next moment

"The treasure of the king who claims to have all the treasures in the world is indeed extraordinary"

"But Lord Hero, you know"

"What is the greatest treasure of mankind? !!!"

A faint voice came from within the nebula. In a flash, a fiery will filled the world and the spirits burst out. The heroes present were shocked. At this moment, they all felt that the almost substantive, Will of courage!

At the same time, the diffuse nebula instantly became red, the shape changed rapidly, and a huge fist was condensed, and an endless flame was gathered.

The fiery fist broke through the endless treasure and directly bombarded the flying boat!

boom! ! ! ..

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