My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 157: courage! uninvited guest?

What a terrible punch!

One punch came out, and with the looming cry of all living beings, the mighty fist echoed back, and the whole world seemed to penetrate through this invisible fist, and the fierce fighting intention rendered the whole world.

No matter what kind of heroes or grudges, no matter what their merits, no matter what their identity,

At this moment, they were all silent

In fact

Silence, and only silence, can really express their feelings for this punch!

This punch is unstoppable and unstoppable!

All the treasures in the treasure trove of the hero king collapsed, and the torrent of treasures could not stop the fist of the fist. In a blink of an eye, the huge fist had bombarded the flying boat named Vimona.

boom! ! !

In the tremendous roar, the heroes of the gold armor flew back and fell from above that Vimona. However, at this moment, with the arrogance in his heart, the hero king actually reacted in midair, and the space behind him rippled Open again

A weird looking piece, more like three cylindrical spirals than a magic sword, appeared slowly from the ripples in this space

"Damn miscellaneous, see a king's love sword"

However, the hero king's words were not finished yet. The huge fist that bombarded Vimona collapsed into a huge torrent that directly impacted the hero king's body. The movement of the oldest king could not help but slow down.

At this moment, the hero Wang froze

Because he heard, the cry of countless lives in the desperate place, the gathering of courage, turned into the light of hope in the deepest despair of mankind, which is a scene that is unimaginable for the oldest king who witnessed the ugliness of mankind. !

"The most precious thing of mankind is never wealth, but the heart!"

At this moment, the indifferent voice echoed in the ear of the hero king, and then the oldest king saw that the silver-haired man was standing in front of himself somehow, indifferently, "That is your king's treasure Something that could not be collected. "


After listening to the emperor's words, the hero king was silent for a while, and then said, "Miscellaneous, no, silver-haired guy, who are you, this king admits you, you guys are indeed the enemy of this king!"

In just a moment, the hero king understood the essence of this guy in front of him.

Contrary to the heroic king's way of overlordship, the guy in front of him has hundreds of millions of incarnations and the way of the king who leads the humanitarian trend. In a sense, this guy is not a person at all, but a country!

"This body is unknown, you can call me emperor!"

Seemingly knowing the idea of ​​the hero king, a smile filled the emperor's face and raised his fist, "So, this victory in the battle, I won, remember, hero king, defeat you The fist is the strongest fist of mankind! "

"The courage of its name !!!"

With a binge, the emperor's fist bombarded the hero king. Unexpectedly, there does not seem to be much power in this fist, the figure of the hero king does not see any shake, in fact, the fist of the emperor is also an ordinary human The strength of men can't touch the other's heroic body at all.

However, what was contained in the emperor's fist broke into the soul of the hero king in an instant!

At this moment, due to the most tenacious pure will courage of the endless beings, and the arrogant conflict with one of the greatest original sins of the sentient beings, the powerful fortress named King of Heroes was instantly defeated from within.

The tyranny in the heart of the hero king was also purified at this moment

boom! ! !

At the next moment, the dazzling light blooms in the sky

"What a dazzling light!"

In the city of Honglian in a distant place, on the balcony at the top of the building as an office, the long door retracted its gaze, and he couldn't help admiring, "It looks like the emperor has taken a great path"

At this moment, Nagato suddenly looked forward to the battle between the emperor and Saya!

Presumably, that would be wonderful!

"grown ups!"

Just then, the blonde knight girl Joan of Arc appeared behind the long gate, half kneeling on the ground, "The entire city has been probed. After the clearing, most of the city ’s lives have been moved, leaving less than three thousand. people."

"There are actually three thousand people!"

Hearing Joan ’s report, Nagato ’s face twitched for a while, and there were only 3,000 people in the city that were thrown to destruction, even if some of them were drained, but the real number was also insignificant.

This is just a city, and the number of the entire steel land has definitely doubled.

If you think about it like this, the world can still exist until this time, it is simply because the lucky index is full, or the reason for restraint is intervening, otherwise, how would you think that the world would have been destroyed long ago.


"If you do this, you don't need to keep your hands!"

Turning around, Nagato looked down at his saint slightly and said, "Even if the battle affects those people, it's just those who are eager to destroy.

"I see, my lord!"

Hearing the long door, Jeanne bowed his head to salute, then stood up and consciously walked behind the long door.

Seeing Joan's action, the long door nodded, walked, and quickly walked off the balcony into the hall on the top floor of the building. In this rather huge hall, girls are doing leisurely Talking about your own affairs or whispering to each other.

And at the moment when Nagato entered, the movement of the girls stopped and looked at Nagato.

"How to say, sneak attack or something, probably can't make it!"

Under the eyes of all eyes, the long door shrugged indifferently, with a smile on his face, "Next, what we are about to greet is probably the attack from the Hall of Heroes. Last time, so this time, destroy it as much as you want! "

"Of course, first of all, who wants to help me bring an uninvited guest back?" In the speaking room, the long door stretched out a hand, a little empty, and the invisible power instantly put the paper on the wall unknown when Film annihilation ..

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