My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 159: Baiji and Yuzao are second before!

"Wow! It's dangerous !!!"

Despite the timely escape under the load of the Dragon of the Divine Dragon, the fragment of the city gate also nearly hit the slightly weak body of the fox girl, so that the British Lingling who lost the British throne suddenly exclaimed.


At this time, the girl with short blond hair walked out from the broken city gate. For the first time, the pair of glass-like crimson eyes locked the fox girl not far away, making the other party instantly feel an unspeakable oppression:

"It's you, Changmen Jun said the uninvited guest ?!"

The coming person is no one else, it is the princess of the true ancestor, the second daughter of Zhu Yue, Erkut Brenstadt!

When the fox girl she sent to the door was spotted at Nagato, the princess of the true ancestor broke the wall for the first time, breaking through numerous obstacles including the city gate at a multiple of the speed of sound, and appeared here.

"I am not a good guest, I am just"

After hearing Elkut ’s words, the fox girl immediately wanted to explain her purpose, but she was stuck before the words were finished. After all, no matter how cheerful, the girl is a girl after all.

There is really no way to say in front of a strange girl that you want to find a husband or something.

"Can't tell?"

It's just that she got stuck, and immediately made Erkut who was ready to fight to make his own judgment. "Since this is the case, then I can only catch you as long as the longmen said!"

As soon as the words fell, El Quat burst out with a strong momentum, and the pressure from the true ancestor enveloped the surrounding environment!

"Danger, woo"

In an instant, the fox girl felt a strong crisis, almost subconsciously, the fox girl urged the **** to quickly fly back again, each hand picked up the rune paper, projected it, and turned into a magic bomb Come out!

"Boom! Boom! Boom !!"

The next moment, the group of magic bullets projected by the fox girl burst apart.

I saw Bai Ji's princess turned into a violent wind, and rushed directly towards the fox girl. When all the magic bullets touched Bai Ji's body, they burst automatically and did not let their speed be affected at all. Block!

"This body is too foul!"

At this time, the fox girl had such a thought in her heart, and her thoughts were messy, but the girl's hands were non-stop, and a lot of magic power condensed from the body, and the girl instantly spilled hundreds of runes.

I saw that hundreds of rune papers were arranged in the air into a five-pointed stance, and then turned into a magic dragon to bomb out!


Suddenly, the magic dragon collided head-on with Alquette.

Even if the almost foul physique of the true ancestor's princess did little harm under these attacks, the power brought by the magic dragon was not to be underestimated, so Elquitte's charge stopped and even retreated A step.

"Humph, you are not alone!"

At the moment when the charge was blocked, the eyes of some piqued princess Baiji suddenly filled with golden brilliance, and the vast magic turned into perception, reaching a certain resonance with the entire surrounding space.

One of Bai Ji's stunts, his name dreams come to life!

"Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!" In an instant, the sin particles permeating the steel earth instantly turned into a sharply sharp cold weapon, or magic sword, bombarded mercilessly towards the fox girl Down!

"not good!!!"

At this moment, the fox girl felt an unprecedented crisis.

Not only because of the attacks of these magic swords, but also because the magic power of the fox girl has consumed about a quarter. The existence of the whole person is much thinner, and it is very unfavorable to continue fighting.


"How can I admit defeat before fulfilling my wish!"

In an instant, the girl made a decision in her heart. For the first time, the fox girl used the dragon of the gods around her as a shield to block the first wave of attacks, and she took the opportunity to take out a mirror.

It is a unique ancient mirror with eight mysterious stones inlaid on the frame. The mirror surface contains deadly magic power!

"Xuanyuan Mausoleum, endless from the underworld"

"There is a **** in Izumo, and it is indeed beautiful, giving soul breath."

"Tianzhao mountains, rivers and waters are proof of freedom."

"Named Yuzao Zhenshi, Shenbao Yujia's Mirror!"

The spell describing the ancient scene came out of the girl ’s mouth. The next moment, a mysterious wave permeated from the mirror surface, sweeping the entire surrounding environment in an instant, and then an enchantment appeared out of thin air, surrounding the entire battlefield!


Very abrupt, the magic sword in the air dissipated in an instant, and Princess Baiji ’s face was even more dumb. The princess of Zhenzu could n’t understand why at this moment, the utopian manifestation failed, or rather

She couldn't connect with the whole world naturally!

"Ha, that's natural, here is the enchantment that shields the rules of the world through curses. The effect of my treasure-water sky, sun, sky, and light on Baye Zhenshi, is very different from the outside world. I see how you still use the tactile sense connected to nature to manipulate nature! "

Looking at the confused Princess of Real Ancestor, the heroic girl said with a smile, "By the way, here, I use the spell but it is not consumed, so be prepared for enlightenment, you savage woman!"

"Remember sincerely, Miss Ben is the one who defeated you before Yuzao!"

The voice just fell, and under the infinite magic power, the entire enchantment turned into a barrage.


five minutes later

"How can it be!!!"

In the unbelievable voice, Yuzao was blasted by the fist on the furious fist!

boom! ! !

The sound of the broken enchantment came out, and the previously arrogant heroic girl directly smashed the enchantment, and the blue ultra-short kimono on her body was almost damaged, showing a reverie.

Then she flew into a warm embrace

"Exactly, the battle is over! It seems that a cute little fox has been harvested!"

Fainted, the magic and energy were trapped in front of the jade algae, only to hear the voice of the man who hugged him, subconsciously rejoiced, and then fell into a deep darkness. ->

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