My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 160: God's Fox! The war begins! Third

growing up!

This is the theme of any conscious existence!

No conscious existence is everlasting, neither human nor non-human, even fantasy species, transcendental species, and the two most powerful restraints and roots are constantly growing.

In the early days of the Xingyue World, both the two major inhibitory forces and the root cause are very weak.

Even whether Alaya was born is a question.

At that time, the outflow named ‘The Scourge of Roots’, in the Moon-shaped world, formed a living body called the Law of Gods, which is a creature that surpasses all life and is located at the highest end of the evolutionary chain.

In the early days of the Xingyue World, gods are the tools of root management of the world!

But do gods really exist?

the answer is negative!

The kind of thoughts that perpetuated, the existence of a raging mountain and river, and the existence of beings like ants, after Gaia and Alaya were born, they were completely reduced to world worms, and they were heavily oppressed by two major inhibitory forces.

So, under the interference of depressive forces, the relationship between the gods deteriorated, fighting each other, and even led to the gods dusk.


The gods have long disappeared throughout the entire moon

As the outflow of the roots, the spirits after death return to the roots one by one, and continue to grow the roots. In a sense, in addition to the interference of restraint, in this case, the will of the roots is also one of the sources of the disappearance of the spirits.

However, not all gods have passed away!

Just like Yuzao!

"It's unimaginable, there is such a god!"

Sitting on the sofa in the corner of a hall in the central building of the city of Red Lotus, Aoqi orange looked at the other side of the hall standing in front of the long door, in front of Yuzao, who was arguing with Elkut, facing himself The fairy witch around her said.


Sitting beside his former friend, Jiuyuan Temple's beads are equally exciting.

At this time, it was an hour after the end of the battle between Erkuite and Yuzao.

Before defeating the coma, Yuzao quickly added enough magic power with the help of Nagato, woke up from the coma, and even took the initiative to sign a subordinate contract with the Nagato for the spirit.

The long door was completely entangled.

Under such circumstances, after the inquiry by Nagato, the situation in front of Yuzao let everyone know.

In front of the so-called Yingling Yuzao, it is actually a royal soul split from the **** Tianzhao. Its true face is not a nine-tailed fox, but it is regarded as a god's expression.

She was transformed into a heroic spirit by Tianzhao's wish to become a good wife!

In short, this is a hidden god

The **** of nine tails! The miraculous deification of the sun! The troublesome Tianzhao God! Although it sounds very unreliable, in fact, Tianzhao, by virtue of such means, actually survived the evening robbery of all the gods that all gods have fallen. Return to the roots.

It's just obvious that Gaia and Alaya gave up her in a tacit understanding.

Prepare to let her self-destruct, return to the roots.

However, I don't know if it was due to fate. The place where Yuzao came before was actually near the Red Lotus City. Then, she was naturally captured by Nagato and others and became the hero of Nagato.

In a sense, the restraint really brought a very good fighting power to Nagato.

Of course, that means before Yuzao in its heyday, not before Yuzao today. Although the magic level before Yuzao is very good today, the combat power cannot really be the role of war.

But, the more troublesome thing is

Although Yuzaoqian is only one of Tianzhao's imperial souls, she occupies the main consciousness, and she is very repellent of other imperial souls.

In contrast, Yuzao ’s previous quarrel with Elkuit was a minor issue.

What only makes other girls more puzzled is that they should be able to force Yuzao to restore his own strength as a long door, but he didn't do it. He just smiled faintly and didn't know what he was thinking about.

At this moment--

boom! ! !

Some kind of silent fluctuation came from afar.

In an instant, everyone in the hall stopped at the same time. Even if Yuzao and Erkuite were arguing, everyone looked at the entrance of the hall.

In the perception of everyone, the mighty momentum of the behemoth is slowly approaching

Soon, Jeanne's figure came in from the door.

"Adult, and everyone!"

Without talking much nonsense, Jeanne knelt down on the ground in front of the long gate and immediately said, "A few dozen kilometers away, the heroic army from the Hall of Heroes is already rolling over, and the war has begun!"

"Not bad!"

Hearing Joan ’s words, Nagato understood

The emperor has completely integrated the entire Hall of Heroes, adhering to the mentality of repaying for Alaya, without leaving a trace of preparation time for the long door and others, and immediately launched the attack. correct.

After all, with the means of Nagato and others, as long as there is enough time, it is enough to subvert everything!

"In that case"

He said lightly, the long door's eyes swept around, swept through each girl's body, and finally stayed on Saya's body, and said, "The emperor will leave it to you to satisfy the boy's wishes. "

"Okay, I will teach him how to be a man!"

Regarding the arrangement of the long gate, Saye's face showed a sweet smile, but the implication of the heavy black belly contained in it suddenly left everyone around him cold behind him, deeply mourning for the emperor.

"So, let's go! It's time to put down a perfect curtain for this stage !!"

As the voice of Nagato just fell, a very terrifying breath burst out from the center of the city of Red Lotus, and in a blink of an eye, the power of this terrifying strongman spread out, surrounding the whole Red Lotus City The momentum that is slowly approaching is kilometers away!

The final battle on the land of steel is about to ignite! ..

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