My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 161: Heroic forces! Athena! First!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

When Nagato took the girls to the 100-meter-high city wall, there was a series of neat roars and roars in his ears, which were the sounds of thousands of troops marching neatly.

Everyone present looked at the distant battlefield.

Then, in a flash, most people secretly took a breath!

Because, at this moment, what is displayed in front of everyone is an incredible picture:

Starting from tens of kilometers away, to the distance of about three kilometers outside the city of Red Lotus, the dense army is divided into several squares, which are spread out neatly and orderly. The number of troops has completely exceeded everyone's imagination.

That's tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions

Even tens of millions of troops!

These troops come from the pious supporters of the most outstanding kings in human history, including the Qin Shihuang ’s great Qin army, Genghis Khan ’s prairie iron ride, Alexander the Great ’s Macedonian army, and King Arthur ’s round table knight

The **** between these wise kings and courtiers will gather all the most powerful legions in human history!

This terrorist army composed of thousands of troops!

This force has completely exceeded a certain limit, and even the restraining force must be cautious in the face of such a force!

The most **** thing is that under the call of a guy named Emperor, these troops seem to have become a whole.

I have to say that this can no longer be described as well-trained

It's totally desperate!

The army of terror that gathered thousands and thousands of horses kept approaching the city of Red Lotus.

The strong and extreme pressure constantly stirred the wind and clouds between heaven and earth, the perpetual dark clouds in the sky broke, and the earth, and even the city of red lotus, under this pressure, there was a kind of squeeze Sound.

For a time, except for a few people whose faces remained unchanged, other people's faces showed a dignified look.

"It's worthy of being an emperor, and this method is good!"

Feeling the military power that was constantly crushing, a faint smile appeared on the face of the long door.

This smile fell into the eyes of Yuzao, who was right next to the long door, and suddenly made the fox's face show a fascinating look.

However, Nagato didn't care much about the other party's reaction, but raised his left hand with his palm facing the front!

"Fortunately, I'm not unprepared! It's yours, Athena!"

As the voice just fell, the palm of the long door spouted a golden radiance, and instantly penetrated the void in front of him. At the next moment, the golden space ripples appeared out of thin air. Slowly appeared.

"Leave it to me, Lord!"

Appearing from the ripples in space, the goddess Athena seems to have known everything. Facing the endless military power, she did not show any surprise. She slowly fell from the air and quickly reached the icy ground lightly. "Humph!"

Just standing on the ground of steel, Athena couldn't help but sneer.

As the goddess with the earth priesthood, Athena clearly felt the sorrow remaining on this dead earth, which was the instinct sorrow of the earth that had passed away. At this moment, Athena was angry!

As the so-called God is angry, the situation is changing, and the world is losing its color!

Although Athena's strength has not reached that level, as the goddess of the earth and death, Athena inexplicably fits into this land of steel, and under this anger, suddenly aroused an unprecedented resonance!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In an instant, a burst of pulsating sound resounded between heaven and earth.

At this time, everyone was surprised to realize that what had happened to the entire world of silence, something more, but it was unrealistic. At the next moment, Athena standing in front of the city of Red Lotus There have been drastic changes.


Unprecedented divinity burst out of Athena.

The earth, with Athena as the center at this moment, showed a net-like posture and the villages were split, and the dark clouds in the sky broke apart in an instant, leaving the whole dead earth bathed in sunlight for a long time.

Athena seemed to be the center of the world, attracting everyone's attention.

In the city of Red Lotus, Nagato and others felt an inexplicable blessing in this terrifying divine power. The power of this blessing is so great that even the strength of Nagato itself has risen a layer.

Thousands of troops not far away are experiencing unprecedented coercion, and their speed is constantly slowing down

With the power of one person, block hundreds of millions of heroic troops!

Athena's performance this time is a bit against the sky.

So much so that not only the heads of the heroic army accepted it, but even the partners behind Athena were equally ashamed, except that Nagato and Saya's face kept smiling.

Obviously, this scene is already in the calculation of the two.


At this moment, Zhu Yue suddenly froze on the wall.

Others do n’t know much about Athena ’s situation, but how could she not understand it? As a former moon consciousness, Zhu Yue understood the first time. At this time, Athena even became a land of steel through resonance. Gaia!

To be honest, this situation is a big blow to Zhu Yue!

No, not just Zhu Yue!

Luo Hao, Agu Laura, Xuanjiu Sinai are all masters in Baiyujing, and they are all hit at this time. You must know that even if Athena has evolved before, they are the Nagato Kingdom in their eyes. One of them is only God.

Although they did not say that they could surpass Athena, these girls are very confident.

But now

Even if Athena cannot maintain such a terrifying power after the battle, but as long as you have experienced such a power once, it is almost a proper established fact.

Thinking so, the girls are burning up ..

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