My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 162: The power of Gaia is second!

Compared to the Nagato side

The heroic army at the moment is very bad.

Tens of millions of troops, even under the pressure of Athena, are in a difficult situation. The closer they are to Athena, the more heroes feel the unprecedented divinity.

Both the body and the soul seem to be under heavy pressure.

Such an amazing scene made the truly extraordinary heroes standing at the end of the heroic army frightened.

"Not good"

Standing in the center of all supernatural heroes, the emperor sat above the heroic king, Dimona, and looked across the space of tens of kilometers, facing the angry eyes of the golden goddess far away.

Although not immune to the goddess ’coercion, the emperor still felt an unusual headache.

To be honest, although the emperor knew that the ten million troops he had pulled up for his forever advancing forever, there was no pressure for the boss who had already stepped into an incredible state.

However, he really did not expect that the boss had not fought himself, so he frustrated the army he had assembled!


"This situation is simply an alternative interpretation of the war between the Hall of Heroes and Gaia!"

After being silent for a while, the emperor made his own assessment of the situation in front of him, and then glanced slightly over the surrounding spirits who were also suppressed by the divine power.

At the next moment, under this divine power, the emperor stood up as if nothing happened!


At the same moment, a look of surprise appeared on Athena's face.

The speed of God's thinking is far beyond the imagination of human beings. In the blink of an eye, Athena has filtered countless messages and understood the identity of the other party. His own master, an incarnation of Taoism in his early years!

Then, in the eyes of the goddess, the man who stood up on the flying boat tens of kilometers away raised his right hand and made a fist, making the shiver of platinum glory converge on the other's right hand, condensing into a platinum snake.

"not good!!!"

In an instant, the goddess' psychological warning was on the rise.

The wisdom of Athena allowed the goddess to penetrate the appearance in an instant, and saw the essence of the things contained in the bright platinum light, which is a collection of business ideas called emotions

The natural enemy of wisdom!

Athena doesn't think she can support this kind of attack that belongs to her.

At the moment of Athena's thinking, the platinum snake has turned into a beautiful arc in the sky filled with divine power, and bombarded towards Athena.

"How to do?!!"

Athena stared at the attacking platinum snake with her eyes burning, thinking wildly.

As far as the current situation is concerned, nothing more than evasion or confrontation!


Athena cannot move easily at this time! Do n’t look like Athena is as powerful today, but in fact, she is in a state of immobility at this time. With the identity of her land and the goddess of death, Athena temporarily seized Access to the land of steel.

But I have to say that Athena is not enough to control the entire steel land now.

At this time, Athena is in an overloaded state. The use of Gaia's power requires a buffer time. It cannot be moved before the buffer time ends. Otherwise, it will cause the connection between Athena and the land of steel. Abnormal.

and so

"I'm here to help you, little Nana!"

An indifferent voice rang in Athena's ears to relax the goddess. Then, a pure white girl in a thin dress appeared above Athena, looking directly at the attacking platinum snake.

"This is not the time for you to intervene!"

Stepping on the void, Shaye's hands condensed a large amount of pure white light, and his hands were folded together, as if a pure white beam like an energy cannon burst out, and there was a frontal impact with the incoming platinum snake.

The power released by Saya is the light of the soul, the brilliance from the soul of the self!


A violent explosion occurred above the battlefield!

Separating the self from all beings, rejecting all brilliance, and colliding violently with the snakes of platinum formed by the emotions of all beings, the terrible fluctuations caused by the explosion, like a shocking soul shock, instantly knocked down a large group of heroes.

This scene embarrassed the entire emperor.

However, waiting for the emperor to respond, Athena ’s buffer time has come, and in an instant, Gaia ’s power broke out on this steel land, and the unpredictable super earthquake blossomed on all sides.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The deafening roar resounded in everyone's ears, the world and earth shook at this moment, the sky had not collapsed, but the earth had been completely cracked, and the entire battlefield was completely transformed into a **** of lava splash in an instant!

Tens of millions of heroes suffered huge losses in an instant under such terrible natural disasters, leaving the heroes standing at the end in despair.

"Listen, the last voice of the planet!"

In this hell-like scene, Athena's voice spread across the entire battlefield in an instant, no, it is the whole earth, or the whole earth is at this moment conveying the spirit to Athena.

With the words and spirits, some kind of indescribable sound echoed in everyone's ears and hearts

Except for outsiders such as Nagato, all the creatures bred on the Moon Earth, even the heroes, feel the infinite sadness in their hearts at this moment.

That's sorrow for the lost Mother Earth

"not good!"

The soul is already complete, and the uninfected emperor felt the crisis for the first time, but no adjustments have been made.

"In the name of Athena, give the primates that caused the destruction of the planet the end of the world!"

"Appear, Athena's pets!"

In an instant, the ground in front of the emperor cracked, and the magma burst. Then, a huge rock snake that seemed to be composed of rocks deep in the earth swam out of the magma, biting a nearby hero with a level b or above dead!

One hit kill!

The process does not even take a second.

The neatness makes the emperor feel speechless.

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