My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 62: Be the first to go beyond time!

That is a wave that cannot be described in the correct language.

It was not a shock that appeared in the material world, but another kind of shock on the spiritual level. Xiao Meiyan and Lu Muyuan felt this time, and a powerful and unmatched fighting spirit was spewing out.

As if a hot flame was hitting his own soul, the two magical girls felt suffocated.


After a short suffocation, Xiao Meiyan couldn't help but snorted coldly, and the indifference and murderousness accumulated through countless reincarnations diffused out, blocking the impact of the fighting spirit from outside.

Looking at the direction of the source of the fluctuation, that is, the direction of the explosion just now, Xiao Meiyan silently raised her left hand.

"Ha, the last few bazookas really hurt me!"

At this moment, the indifferent voice rang out from the diffuse smoke, clearly passed into Xiao Meiyan's ear, let the magical girl can't help but raised his eyebrows, and immediately started the roulette on his left hand.

"Crack !!!"

The magical sound of the suspension of the starting time suddenly unfolded, and everything in Xiao Meiyan's field of vision was fixed, showing a dull silver brilliance, whether it was diffuse smoke, shaking earth, or Lumuyuanhe.

The sword lion girl who just rushed away the smoke and was rushing towards her place!

Seeing this scene, Xiao Meiyan couldn't help but raise her eyebrows. If she had fixed the time directly with her aura, otherwise she wouldn't really know that this guy was already charging himself

Obviously, the opponent's speed has completely surpassed his own reaction.

The most important thing is that even if the action is stopped by time, Xiao Meiyan can still feel that the terrible fighting spirit in the guy in front of him is constantly impacting time, as if the volcano was conceived in that small body.

Feeling the kind of fighting spirit that keeps trying to impact, the girls are a little palpitated.

Even, Xiao Meiyan couldn't help worrying about whether her time pause would be directly broken by her fighting spirit!

and so

"Solve her in one go, can't delay anymore!"

There was a fierce gleam in his eyes, and Xiao Meiyan took out the strongest killing weapon in his hand-the cloud explosion bomb from his four-dimensional pocket, which was more than twenty in a row, arranged with the gap of time pause

"Crack !!!"

Later, time began to return to normal, Xiao Meiyan immediately hugged Lumuyuan, who was still in a state of stun, and the two of them jumped up and immediately hid behind a huge building.

And then

"Boom! Boom! Boom !!!"

Compared with the previous explosion, a more magnificent explosion was born at this moment, and the air seemed to be burning at this moment too. With the center of the explosion, the area within a 100-meter radius was completely shrouded in heat at this moment.

Everything and everything, all burned to death!

The building next to Xiao Meiyan and Lumuyuan used to block the explosion was in an instant, the glass on it was all broken, the whole building was under the hot shock wave, the temperature rose crazy, and even started to burn from the inside

"Roar Mura sauce!" With Xiao Meiyan ’s time-pause ability, once again experienced a sudden big explosion, Lu Muyuan is still very uncomfortable, looking at Xiao Meiyan with some worry, and said ,"how is it now?"

"Relax, bun card, I will definitely win!"

Facing Lu Muyuan's worry, Xiao Meiyan's face appeared a smile, and he said.

The determination in that smile is not so much a confidence as it is a decision without a future. Although Xiao Meiyan has not restored her previous memories, she has experienced the innumerable reincarnations and has to save Madoka ’s state of mind. .

Only, sometimes, reality is so desperate!


A sudden roar sounded in the ears of the two girls. In a blink of an eye, the wall of the building next to the girls burst through a big mouth, and the golden figure appeared suddenly, hitting Xiao Meiyan with a punch

At the next moment, the black and straight girl flew out instantly and hit the wall of the building opposite.

Cracks started to spread on the wall

"Roar Mura Sauce !!"

Seeing this sudden change, Lumuyuan was also shocked, and raised his bow and arrow, but as a result, he had not yet made an attacking gesture, and the golden figure bullied himself, kicked the volley, and kicked Lumuyuan to fly. Hit the wall of the building opposite.

"It's a shame, even though I am not at a loss today, cloud bombs will not kill me!"

Landing lightly, the figure of the sword lion Saya appeared casually. After many explosions, the girl today is no longer intact, and the clothes on her body have been slightly damaged.

But it is clear that these are only minor injuries and have not hurt the roots.

"Damn !!"

Xiao Meiyan, who was originally dizzy because of the punch of the sword lion girl, saw Lumu stepping on her own footsteps, and suddenly angered her heart, forcibly extracting magic power, and activated her right hand shield again.

"Crack !!!"

The gear sound of the stop time sounded again, and everything around was frozen again.

It ’s just this time, it ’s not yet waiting for Xiao Meiyan to prepare how to concoct her opponent. The sudden shock reverberates in this silver-gray world. The next moment, in Xiao Meiyan ’s shocked eyes


The golden arrogance exploded from the sword lion's body at this moment.

The arrogance completely different from this silver-gray world is like a prairie fire, which illuminates the entire silver-gray world in an instant, and the invisible terror is raging.

"Hahaha, yes, that's how it feels!"

The sword lion girl, who was clearly in the world of time stopping, under the gaze that Xiao Meiyan could not react at all, made a punching gesture with difficulty, and then hit a fist in the void!


With this punch, the whole world shook wildly

The golden arrogance is spreading insanely, the invisible vibration is crushing the silver-gray space a little, and everything in the world is stopped. Under this punch, it seems to be crumbled like a paper tiger.

The world where time has stopped is broken ...

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