My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 63: Boxing and arrows are second!

"Crack !!!"

As if the sound of glass breaking sounded in his ears, Xiao Meiyan was shocked.

At the next moment, the silver-gray world in front of the girl dissipated, and the battlefield of flames once again hit Xiao Meiyan's eyes. Suddenly, the girl couldn't help but frowned, and her face suddenly looked ugly.

Because just now, Xiao Meiyan's time was suspended, and was actually smashed by the other party's arrogance.

"Although it can be used, it must be cooled for at least one minute."

Without much panic, or facing such a terrible strong enemy, Xiao Meiyan knew that she didn't have much time to panic.

In an instant, the girl felt the condition of her left hand treasure, and at the same time, her eyes stared at the girl who was not far away, and she was crazy thinking about what to do next.

Somehow, the girl always has a sense of inexplicable familiarity with the current situation

It seems that this is not the first time I have faced the situation where the time lapse expires!

"Roar, roar Mura sauce, doesn't it matter?"

At this moment, Lu Muyuan, who had become a watcher fighting Xiao Meiyan and the sword lion girl, endured the pain in her body and walked to Xiao Meiyan's side, "Also, don't put the bun card on the side, bun card It's also a magic girl! "

Although the combat power can't really make people have much expectations, but after all, it is a magical girl. Lu Muyuan clearly feels that the time just stopped the world from breaking. The girl naturally understands that her friend seems to be in a hard fight.

Under such circumstances, the girl could not sit still and join the battle, which is an inevitable result.

"Bun Card, You"

Seeing such a deer eye circle, Xiao Meiyan flashed a glare in her eyes. It seemed to recall something, but she couldn't grasp the clue. Inexplicably, a feeling of irritability poured into the girl's heart.

At the next moment, the girl forcibly suppressed these irritations and became alert all over

In the face of an existence that can smash the ability to pause time, you can't be too alert.


At this time, the sword lion Saya finally recovered from the aftermath of breaking the world with a punch.

Although Xiao Meiyan's time stop is just a force similar to the realm of the realm, it is not a real time to stop the world's time, but in the end it involves the time of one of the two foundations of the world, time and space.

Plus the original sword lion Saya can break the void with fists

Now, through this punch, Sword Lion Shaye finally feels his way forward!

After the adjudicator Saya and the incubator Saya, Saya's third form gradually depicts the way forward

"Don't you plan to give up in the face of me like this?"

Afterwards, the sword lion ’s girl looked not far away in front of her and was alerting herself to Xiao Meiyan and Lumuyuan. She said, "Courage is commendable, but courage and stupidity are often just a line Across! "

"It's wordy!"

Facing an almost irresistible enemy, Xiao Meiyan's face was still stubborn and was preparing to take out his modern weapon in his four-dimensional pocket, but somehow, a purple-black Japanese longbow suddenly appeared on her Hands.

"In any case, I will never give up!"

When the long bow is pulled away, the arrows of light converge. The purple-black arrows seem to contain Xiao Meiyan's strong will, and even make the atmosphere in the entire space oscillate.

"Roar Mura sauce?"

Seeing this Xiao Meiyan, and then looking at the longbow and arrows that came from nowhere, Lumuyuan first looked puzzled, and then also showed a firm smile, and the pink longbow appeared and pulled away!

The pink arrows that seemed to be filled with hope in the world suddenly appeared, shining the entire space in an instant.


At this moment, unprecedented resonance burst out.

The arrows of Xiao Meiyan and the arrows of Lumuyuan each gave out strong brilliance, the purple light and the pink light intersect, as if Xiaomeiyan and Lumuyuan's will are communicating

Even the whole world is responding to the two of them, and the invisible oppression appears on the sword lion Saya!

"what is this"

Looking at the scene in front of me, at the same time, I felt the invisible oppressive sword lion girl suddenly stunned, and then showed a war-like smile, "Okay, what a surprising performance!"

"So, keep fighting !!!"

The violent fighting spirit could not be concealed. The lion-like roar echoed in the void. Instantly, the sword lion girl turned into a ray of light and rushed towards Xiao Meiyan and Lumu.

If it were before, without Xiao Meiyan's time force, the two would not be able to react.

However, this time was different. The two girls looked at each other tacitly, with the same idea. If they could help predict the trajectory of the sword lion Saya, they would shoot out the arrows that had been in their hands for a long time.

In an instant, purple and pink arrows intertwined into a spiral, tracing a beautiful arc in the sky, and directly bombarded the sword lion girl!

In the face of the spiral arrows that appeared on his way forward, the sword lion Saya's eyes could not help but shine, the combined attack of the two magical girls was really beyond her imagination, and it was much stronger than something like a cloud bomb. Too.

"The energy intensity is no worse than mine, but ah"

A phrase flashed in my heart. The girl's slender fist was **** at once. Various strong emotions spewed out at this moment. The girl's will was fully integrated into the fist and slammed into the arrow.


Suddenly, a violent vibration sounded suddenly, and a strong light shone through the night sky, and in the center of the light, all the strong energy fluctuations that were unprecedented diffused

"But, I'm stronger !!!"

Against the power of the entire space, the fist of the sword lion girl did not have any slight weakness, but instead slammed, punctured the spiral arrows, and the golden streamer hole penetrated the energy shock!


The deadly streamer came through the air, and in the blink of an eye, it was about to bombard two magical girls.

At this moment, obviously without vision, Xiao Meiyan directly pushed Lumuyuan by virtue of it, and at the next moment, streamer mercilessly bombarded Xiao Meiyan.

"Boom !!!"

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