My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 64: The third realm of karma!


There was a roar in the ear, Xiao Meiyan's body completely lost consciousness

In the afterglow of her eyes, the girl seemed to see Lu Muyuan's surprised and unbelievable expression, and then the whole person fell back involuntarily. At this time, she realized that she really reached the limit.

"Sorry, Madoka"

Such a word flashed in my heart, Xiao Meiyan's consciousness gradually became confused.

However, just before she was about to fall into darkness, the girl's sense of time seemed to have a certain distortion, which began to extend indefinitely, and fragments of memory diffused from the depths of memory.

That is a very messy memory, countless fragments, repeated time, different events

"No matter how many times the reincarnation, I still choose reincarnation! Countless times of searching, looking for the only exit, looking for the road that can save you from despair."

"Lumuyuan, my only friend! For you"

"Even if I'm locked in the eternal maze, I don't mind !!!"

Until the oath of the past echoed in the ear, all the memories of all were integrated into a complete memory in an instant, and Xiao Meiyan was about to fall into the vague will completely, sober again.

Then she remembered the cause and effect of all this, and remembered everything that Chubby did.

"No! Can't fall down here!"

Although I do n’t know why I was with Madoka before, and I do n’t know what the so-called world is about, Xiao Meiyan is very clear that his soul gems have indeed reached the limit. After a coma, he will definitely become a witch!

"I must not hurt Madoka, absolutely not"

Obviously it is despair at present, and the strong will is still struggling unyieldingly. However, the more struggling, the more clearly Xiao Meiyan feels, the despair and curse that he wants to gush out from the bottom of his heart.

"Could it be my end?"

Gradually, Xiao Meiyan also began to despair, not that she was not strong, but the reality was too cruel, until

"When you are desperate, call me!"

A memory of the past suddenly flashed, as if he had caught a life-saving straw, Xiao Meiyan, regardless of whether his thinking was normal, called directly in his heart, and then


In the dark, Xiao Meiyan felt her right hand held by someone.

It was a hand that could not be described in words. It was so warm that it even let the girl's despair and curse that emerged from the bottom of her heart disperse instantly, like Madoka's hand.

"You finally came"

A familiar and unfamiliar voice suddenly sounded. At the next moment, Xiao Meiyan's dark vision suddenly lighted up, presenting a world woven entirely by thin red threads and a red-haired boy holding his right hand.

"I have been waiting for you for a long time, time traveler-Xiao Meiyan!"

Looking at Xiao Meiyan, who had some doubts in her eyes, a smile appeared on the face of Nagato, "Welcome to the realm of karma!"

"The realm of karma?"

Subconsciously repeated the sentence, Xiao Meiyan's consciousness was completely awakened. Then, she suddenly realized that the person in front of her who had once had a connection, and she seemed to be a schoolboy boyfriend outside was holding her hand.

Xiao Meiyan's cheeks suddenly flushed, trying to break free, but found that the long door was tightly gripped.

"Before we finish talking, we can't let go."

Holding the girl's hand tightly, the long door explained indifferently, "Here is the unique realm I created by some means, but only I can come in. Other people need to really contact me, otherwise they will be rejected. "

"Now, if you go out from here, you must be a witch directly!"


Hearing Nagato's words, Xiao Meiyan's pupils shrank, but he didn't do any more resistance. After a moment of silence, he said, "What is the realm, what is the time difference between here and the outside world."

"The realm is a very abstract thing, as you can understand it, the existence of things is based on the existence of the realm."

Regarding Xiao Meiyan ’s question, Nagato did not conceal the opening and explained, “For example, if there is no water surface, the lake does not exist. If there is no ridge, the mountain and the sky do not exist. If all things are in the realm If it does not exist, then the world will be a huge whole. "

"And the time difference between here and the outside world, in a short time, the outside time is almost the same as not flowing."

During the talk, Nagato's tone was full of proud looks, but this was also normal. After all, Nagato knew the realm ability, but he really didn't have the ability to manipulate the realm. It is indeed proud to develop this place.

Speaking of which, I have to mention the past life where Nagato once lived.

What secrets are there in that world, Nagato is still not very clear, but the memory of the previous life did give Nagato a great harvest, and even helped him predict some powerful people that he might encounter in the future.

In order to win all the time, during the leisure time of Nagato, they often take the strong men who have not yet appeared or may not even exist as imaginary enemies, and find ways to defeat them.

The realm monster Yakumo Zi is one of Nagato's imaginary enemies.

After all, in the world of Nagato, there are places like the realm of life and immortality. Naturally, it will not be considered that the realm does not exist.

Since the realm exists, the possibility of the presence of Yakumo Zi is infinitely greater

In order to let his power fall into the disadvantage when confronting the power of the realm, Nagato relied on the power of the humane model to understand the laws of life and death, reincarnation and causation, and to simulate the realm of life and immortality. realm.

As long as he is in control of his own realm, Nagato is at least invincible in the face of the power of the realm

"That's it!"

Although it is not very clear what the meaning of the long door words, but the other party's strength, at this moment the girl understood, standing in silence for a while, and then said: "Speak, what is your purpose? Don't tell me you don't have purpose?"

"Now, Homura, do you want to be with Madoka forever" ..

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