My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 65: Li Daitao stiff fourth!

Always with Madoka

Hearing the words of Nagato, Xiao Meiyan hesitated for the first time.

At this time, she was already in a desperate end, and it was her greatest wish to get the salvation of the circle of reason. Now someone told her that she can realize the greatest wish in her heart, even if the other party is too mysterious, Xiao Meiyan still hesitates Too.

Because he deeply loves Lumuyuan, Xiao Meiyan knows very clearly that Xiaoyuan's ideal has never been a god.

The girl who was so gentle that she couldn't do it, just wanted to be with her relatives and friends.

But the cruel reality is that the girl with a sacrificial spirit has sacrificed her life. Although she turned into a god, she has forever lost her loved ones and friends. Only Xiao Meiyan can remember her in the world.

Even, not long ago, Xiao Meiyan nearly blurred her memory!

"Mr. Madoka, if my pain is yours in the past, your pain will be forgotten by the world."

"Me who obviously wanted to save you, but was saved by you in the end, but obviously wanted to be close to you, but lost you forever. Speaking of it, or did I push you Madoka to the detective step by step, it's too bad ""

After being silent for a long time, Xiao Meiyan's mind gradually calmed down, and he looked at the red-haired boy opposite him, and then said, "I probably understand that you want me to help, then, how can you guarantee that I will get what I want result."

Yes, Xiao Meiyan's heart was moved, and at the end of the road, it was the biggest wish in her heart, and the girl would naturally be moved.

But for Nagato and Xiao Meiyan, the most important thing is the trust issue. After seeing Qiubi's deception, it is difficult for Xiao Meiyan to trust some mysterious existence.

"It seems that you agree, as for the question of trust?"

Looking at the apparently emotional girl, there was a faint smile on the face of the long door, and he said, "Did you not find it yet? You are in this state of karma. Every word and deed here has cause and effect. of."

"When Homura is in your heart, we have already signed a contract with each other"

"So, leave everything to me!"

Witch's dream battlefield.

When the long door opened his eyes, the dazzling light gradually dissipated, and the pain in the body continued to flow. At the next moment, a girl with pink hair fell on the body of the long door, tearful eyes cried out cried:

"How about you, Mula sauce? Cheer up a little !!!"

"Relax, round!"

Forcibly took control of the entire body with his will, the long door slowly sat up, raised a hand to wipe the tears of Lumuyuan, and said with Xiao Meiyan's voice, "I ’m fine, then, everything give it to me!"

"Wait, this bastard, what is going on, why is my body !!!"

At this moment, there was a continuously rising voice in Nagato's consciousness. In a trance, Nagato seemed to be able to see Xiao Meiyan's violently corrupted appearance, which made people want to laugh. "No way, the next steps are technically difficult, but only you can do it, so you can only borrow your body temporarily, to be honest, I am to you The Magic Girl is speechless. "

"You guys keep going back in time, tearing the entire plane timeline apart, and Lumuyuan directly resets the whole world, forcibly embedding the truth, if the non-incubator family harvested so much energy for the universe, This plane has long been played under your toss. "

"After all, although the incubator created your tragedy, it also saves you from becoming a world destroyer. It's an interesting situation!"

Suddenly, a lot of words in Nagato's consciousness directly passed into Xiao Meiyan's consciousness, and the girl was a little dizzy.

"Relax, leave it to me next!"

In the end, the next Xiao Meiyan was sent with the words that did not correspond to Lu Muyuan, and Nagato took the initiative to shield the other party's spiritual message. At the next moment, Nagato put the Lumu Yuan under the extreme anger of Xiao Meiyan. He wrapped himself in his arms and kissed the other person's lips directly.


Madoka, who was kissed for a while, was shocked for a while, and then was scared by the intimate contact between her lips and teeth. She wanted to get rid of the arms of ‘friends’, but unexpectedly discovered that she could n’t do it at all!

"Wow, it's a scene full of love!"

At this time, the sword lion Saya, who was already on the sidelines, could not help but exclaimed, and then looked away, "It is now, Sayaka, release the memory and power of Lumuyuan."

"Uh, yes!"

I don't know when I was standing next to Sword Lion Saya. Michelle Saya was already flushed. At this time, she looked at Kyoko, who was already in a coma. After hearing Saya's words, she fell into a trance before responding.

In the next moment, this warrior from the circle of reason has an extra sphere of light in his hand, which contains the memory of Lumuyuan as a human and the power of the circle of reason.

"Let's liberate, the principle of the circle!"

After hesitating for a second or two, and after glancing at Kyoko, Sayaka closed her eyes and read out the emancipated spirit. At the next moment, the light ball cracked and shattered into a beam of light, rushing into the deer eye Round body.

"Boom! Boom! Boom !!!"

Suddenly, the violent roar suddenly reverberated. This was not only the impact caused by the powerful pink air current bursting from Lumuyuan, but also the impact of the sky and even the whole dream world.

At this moment, Saya had manipulated Chubby long ago to disperse the interference from outside.

After losing the interference of the position, the whole witch's dream began to collapse.

A variety of messengers turned into energy in the wailing, and then, countless purple and black energy gathered frantically around the long gate, or Xiao Meiyan's body.

These energies collided violently with Madoka ’s pink energy full of sacred breath, and the roaring sounds continued to ring.

In the process, Nagato still madly smelled Madoka, and the invisible causal line vaguely revealed


Soon, under a huge roar, the witch's dream was declared broken ..

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