My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 68: Brand new future third!

The sky was getting brighter and the morning wind was blowing.

The silk curtains are rippled and appear very soft, and the air is particularly fresh.

A small pink room with a few cute dolls stacked on the head of the bed, and a quilt tightly wrapped in bread on the bed. The quilt lazily wriggled out and turned out a small head, pink The hair curled up.

Opening his eyes, Lumu Yuan glanced out of the window and watched the already bright sky gradually getting distracted.

"How long haven't you seen this kind of scenery, thanks to Brother Nagato!"

Such thoughts flashed in my heart, and a bright smile flashed on Lu Muyuan's somewhat confused cheek. He subconsciously rubbed a teddy bear beside him, but he was protested by a plush bear.

"Senior Madam, the bear cubs protest. The bear cubs want to sleep. If you want to play, go to the bear cubs two!"

"Uncle Ben is not interested! There is also a bully named Uncle Ben bully!"

Just as the stuffed bear's words fell, a more violent voice suddenly sounded, but it was the voice of another plush bear at the head of the girl's bed. Compared to the bear beside the deer eyes, that The bear looks much more powerful, with claw weapons on his right hand.

"Xiongbei No. 2 is proud!"

"Your whole family is arrogant, and you have said that you don't need to call me Xiongzai No. 2."

"Got it, Bear Cub II!"

"Asshole, do you want to fight?"

Looking at Ming Ming, he said that he was going to sleep, but now he ran out and the bear bear beast II lifted the bar and enjoyed it. The eyes of Lu Muyuan showed a sincere smile, and felt sincere about the Saya. Thanks.

After resetting the world, Nagato brought all the reasons into Lumuyuan's mind.

Of course, when Xiao Meiyan's actions during that period, Nagato really didn't mean to occupy Xiao Meiyan's body.

Therefore, it is only vague, and it is said to be some necessary rituals using the power of causation!

Last night ’s battle, it was entirely Nagano and Saye who, in order to follow the general trend to pull the principle of the ring to the present world layout, a special system controlled the principle of the ring in the long door, leading the world in a new direction .

Without the shackles of the circle, Lumuyuan finally descended from the high latitude and regained his family and partners.

At this time, Lumuyuan is no longer the incarnation of the principle of the circle, but one of the two pole guardians of the heaven system, the controller of the magical girl system called Yuanshen, and an ordinary magical girl.

In order to pay for the ceremony, Saya collected the core data of the two dead bears and reproduced the resurrection to Lumuyuan.

"Although the process is indeed difficult, Madoka is very happy."

Regarding the world's control, Lu Muyuan has no attempt to be able to let himself have a better future without sacrificing others. Even a saint like her cannot refuse.

"Small circle! You are already a junior high school student, not a child, don't sleep any longer!"

At this moment, the door of the room opened, and Madoka ’s mother, Lumu Xunzi pushed the door in. However, the situation in the room made her eyes widen, right? Madoka did this on weekends Get up early! ?


At the next moment, Madoka in her pajamas rushed directly into Lumu Xingzi's arms, "Mom, I finally saw you again, really, really, really miss you, dad, and Tatsuya . "

"What nonsense!"

Hearing Madoka ’s words, Lumu Que suddenly froze for a moment, and said, “Xiaoyuan, did you have a nightmare? It ’s true. By the way, get dressed quickly, Homura, Sayaka, and also Kyoko is waiting for you! "

"Yeah! Mom, why didn't you wake me up early !!"

Xiaoyuan suddenly exclaimed, and then remembered that before returning last night, several girls agreed to meet at school at noon today.

Out of Lumu Xingzi's arms, Madoka began to put on her clothes.

Just two or three times, Xiaoyuan put on a casual wear sportswear, although it was just casually worn without serious consideration, but Xiaoyuan itself is so cute, that this dress is not rude, but gives a kind of Natural taste.

Stumbled to the ground, Madoka rushed out of the door to the hall.

As soon as she entered, she saw three cute girls sitting on the couch teasing her three-year-old brother.

"Sorry, Homura, Sayaka, or Kyoko, let you wait a long time."

"It's okay!"

Originally because of the last kiss, Xiao Meiyan, who dare not face Madoka, naturally would not have an opinion on Madoka.

"We haven't been here long."

Sayaka, who was playing with Tatsuya, was because of her almost betrayal behavior last night. She felt guilty for Madoka and said nothing.

"Hey, Sayaka, it's not long after half an hour, Madoka, I don't have such a big measure, of course, if you can block my mouth."

It was Xingzi who said this, while Red Hair Foodie was talking, and he did not forget to take a bite of the apple.

"Kyoko, you are not allowed to bully Madoka!"

Seeing Kyoko's performance, Sayaka couldn't help it immediately, and said, "Otherwise, I will limit the number of apples in my house, there is no source of life, and Ms. Kyoko is parasitic in my house!"

"Hey, Sayaka, you can't be so cruel! Don't force me to use tricks!"

"Ha, trick? Don't make me laugh!"

"This is what you forced me, Sayaka, Dangdang, this is a photo of Sayaka drooling!"

The red-haired girl took her phone out of her arms and adjusted an indecent picture of Kyoko after she slept, revealing a smug smile.

"Asshole, you dare"

Seeing the photos, Sayaka suddenly couldn't sit still. She rushed over and wanted to **** the phone. As a result, Kyoko was snatched away. At the next moment, the two began to circle in this small hall.

Just like their daily life in the witch dream.

"Really, Sayaka and Kyoko are like little children, but their relationship is so good!"

Seeing this scene, Lu Muyuan's face suddenly showed a smile of incomparable emotion, and then subconsciously looked at Xiao Meiyan, and after seeing Xiao Meiyan's reacting gaze, Madoka couldn't help but divert her eyes, Before he said:

"By the way, Xiaoyan, Sister Ama, don't she go to school first."

"No, Sister Aesthetic has gone!"

Xiao Meiyan was stunned for a while before saying, "Mami called me this morning, she has already gone, and went to the so-called Heavenly Baiyujing with Senior Nagato"

"I don't know why, obviously the memory is false, but Mami has already claimed herself as his predecessor girlfriend!"

"Oh! By the way! Baijiangzhu, that is Beibei, also went there with Mami, although I feel more that she was tempted by the bad woman named Saya with delicious snacks."

Kyoko, who was hiding from Sayaka, suddenly said after hearing Xiao Meiyan's words, and was almost caught by Sayaka.

"Heaven Bai Yujing, let's go if we have time!"

After memory transmission, Madoka knows that the plane world where she is has been dragged into a chaotic starry sky belonging to the predecessor of Nagato. In that **** starry sky, there are different planes.

If heaven is the center of all planes, then Bai Yujing is the center of heaven.

"Okay, it's not too early, Homura, you just wait for me two more minutes, I'll just wash it."

He said, realizing that after a long time, Madoka turned around and hurried to the bathroom, but it seemed that he turned too fast, he could not help but tossed his feet, and fell flat on the ground.


Xiaoyan exclaimed, but before she passed, Madoka got up on her own.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm okay, I will be back soon."

While talking, Xiaoyuan rushed into the bathroom in a hurry, and soon the sound of flushing sounded. Looking at the figure of Xiaoyuan behind the frosted glass, Xiaoyan's smile gradually faded.

Sayaka and Kyoko on the side also stopped playing.

Sayaka came to Xiao Meiyan and said, "It's okay not to tell Madoka, you have to rewrite the magical girl system, and organize enough things to attack the magical girl army of a different world."

"it's OK!"

Hearing Sayaka ’s words, Xiao Meiyan did n’t think much, and she said what she said in her heart, “In any case, Madoka, who is the **** of the rounds, just needs to be redeemed. Let me take care of the battle. ! "

"I have already realized what Saye said. There are no miracles in the world at no cost! I have already understood this point!"

"Hey, Xiao Meiyan, don't think it's a great thing to be a so-called flame demon!"

After listening to Xiao Meiyan's words, she was a little ashamed and said unhappy about Madoka's Sayaka, "We can also do things about fighting. It has been our turn to protect Madoka for so long, and it is our turn to protect her." "

"Well, we are partners, Homura!"

Kyoko showed a big smile on the side, making Xiaoyan confused.

"Cut, get it!"

Said in a low voice, Xiao Meiyan's eyes turned to the floor-to-ceiling windows in the hall

Outside, the sun is shining! ..

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