My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 1: Belluzard first!

"Ding, system alarm, found foreign objects invading the plane crystal wall!"

Standing in the sci-fi tower on the top of the mountain, the abrupt voice spread throughout the tower. The people who originally walked back and forth in the tower were slightly paused, revealing a trace of surprise, and the meeting room at the top of the tower was even more There was an uproar.

The meeting that was originally discussing how to target a scary monster came to an abrupt end.

"Red Queen, what happened just now!"

Rin's eyes near the head of the conference room vacated slightly, and her left hand immediately touched a red circle on her right hand. At the next moment, a virtual projection of a blonde girl projected from the circle on the girl's right wrist.

"Miss Rin, just that was recently designed by Lord Saya, an automatic warning function of the Wanjie system."

The phantom of the blonde girl bowed slightly towards Rin and said, "The main function is to recognize the possible crossing behavior under the system. Just now, either someone came to this plane without permission, or something came. "

"Do you know the specific location?"

Hearing the report of the management ai of the Wanjie system, Rin nodded and asked, after receiving the shaking response from Hou Hou, he said with some helplessness, “That ’s no way, notify all the soldiers of the Warriors, let them Be careful. "

"Also, get rid of the elf goddess as soon as possible."

Between the speeches, Rin's eyes glanced slightly at the Europa who only had b, and he was suddenly annoyed, "The Europa or whatever, die! How can the **** existence survive?"

"Where am I?"

Faint, Beiruzad opened his eyes, forced himself to ache, and said to himself.

At this time, Belluzad was lying in a wood, surrounded by the breath of earth and the fragrance of flowers and grass. The fresh air was blowing against the face, and the natural breath filled the surroundings and was full of vitality.

In the distance, there are rolling beautiful peaks and lush green trees.

Near the top of the mountain are strangely shaped rocks and vigorous ancient wood, as well as bucket-sized old vines coiled like a dragon.

"Am I not dead?"

Belluzad's eyes widened and he looked around seriously, struggling to get up from the ground.

"The second Olympics hurt me!"

It was only after a slight movement that Belluzzard felt a pain in his heart from all over his body, causing him to grin and not move.

"Yo, partner, did you wake up?"

A low and powerful voice came from the red caged hand on his right hand, "It seems that your life is saved, but your life span is not much. After careful estimation, it will probably be less than a year. Now. "

For this voice, Belluzad was not surprised. As the voice said, the other party is his partner-one of the legendary **** exterminators, Chilong Emperor's caged hands! To be precise, it is the Red Dragon Emperor who is sealed in the Red Dragon Emperor's cage, one of the legendary two-day dragons, Deleg!

The host of Chilong Emperor's caged hands is also called Chilong Emperor.

Beiruzad is the current Red Dragon Emperor and the most powerful Red Dragon Emperor in history. He is not a latecomer, but there is absolutely no ancient.

After all, just before, Beluzad had already killed the second White Dragon Emperor, which was impossible in the past.

The so-called White Dragon Emperor is Dreg's old enemy, White Dragon Emperor Arubian!

In the long past, when the gods, demons, and fallen angels battled in three ways, the Red Dragon Emperor and the White Dragon Emperor fought on the battlefield of the three parties. As a result, the two heavenly dragons were defeated by the three forces.

The Red Dragon Emperor was sealed by the gods inside the artifact Chilong Emperor's caged hands, and the White Dragon Emperor was sealed by the gods inside the artifact White Dragon Emperor's Light Wings.

However, even if the two-day dragon is sealed in the artifact, the battle continues, so the owner of the red dragon emperor's caged hand will fight the owner of the white dragon emperor's light wing.

"It doesn't matter anymore. I've been fighting for a lifetime, and I'm already aware of death!"

Hearing his partner's words, Belluzad couldn't help but sigh, and said with emotion, "Haha, that said, the white guy is really hard to tangle, much stronger than the previous host."

"That's true, the guy is really strong, and the Tyrannosaurus control is excellent."

Regarding Belluzad's words, Deleg expressed full approval, and then hesitantly said, "Your partner, I don't know if it is an illusion, I always feel that this is not our original world."


Hearing Draig ’s words, Beluzad froze for a moment, then looked around, and said, “It ’s not the original world. Where is that? Underworld? Heaven? Or the worlds of different mythical forces?”

"None, this is the world of the milk god, at least for now!"

It was n’t Draig who spoke, but a dark blue armored creature who did n’t know when to stand not far away. The creature ’s head was similar to sea dragon ’s head, and there were many damages all over the body. A fighting humanoid dragon.

"Oh oh, what did I see, is it the same type of armor **** destroyer owner as me?"

Seeing the creature in front of him, a look of surprise appeared on Beiruzad's face, because he used his full power to activate the **** extermination and put on the armor of the Red Dragon Emperor, which was very similar to the creature in front of him.

"Idiot, he is not the owner of the God Destroyer, and you should pay attention to this!"

Hearing the words of his host, Red Dragon Emperor Deleg could not help being speechless. His current host is good, but he is off-line. Many things must be done by him. "Hey, guy over there, who are you, the so-called What does the different world mean. "

"Hello, I am the milk elf-the sea dragon, the angel of the milk god!"

Hearing the question of Red Dragon Emperor, the armored creature, or Hailong said, "The so-called alien world is literally meaning, the world outside your dimensional space guarded by the dragon **** called the Great Red."

"Uh cough cough cough !!"

As soon as the words fell, Hailong heard the man who was extremely wounded suddenly coughing suddenly, his face twisted a bit, "It doesn't matter what the world is like, but the milk elf? How can there be such an elf!" ..

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