My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 2: The second dance of Sakura Sky!

Not only Belluzad, but even the well-known Draig was speechless.

After all, no matter from which point of view, Hailong, a dragon-shaped creature with a dark blue armor all over his body, is a warrior, not an elf, and the milk **** is not only unheard of, It is inexplicable!

"Sure enough, in a different world, there are still too few people who can understand the greatness of milk!"

Facing the reaction of Red Dragon Emperor, Hailong seemed to have expected it for a long time, but he didn't reveal much reaction, but said in a slightly sullen tone, "But after all it is a hope. By the way, what is your name, Red Dragon Emperor?"

"Wait, how do you know our identity ?!"

Hearing Hailong ’s title, Belluzad had n’t responded yet, and Draeger, the dragon, blurted out. “It ’s very strange from the beginning. You actually know that we are people from different worlds.”

"This is normal, we have peeped into your world more than once!"

It seems to have long known what questions Draig would ask, and Hailong immediately said, "It's a pity that your world is guarded by the terrible dragon called the Great Red, and we can only peep and can't enter."

"Obviously there are so many attributes that can be absorbed, which is really wasteful!"

Hailong's voice was getting smaller and lower, and the last sentence, neither Dreg nor Belluzad, heard it.

"Hey, what are you talking about!"

At this moment, Beiruzad suddenly said, for this kind of thing, this Ren Chilong did not like it.

"Nothing, just want to make a deal with you."

Hearing Belluzad ’s words, Hailong reacted from his loss, and at the same time said, “I will help you to heal the wounds and send you back to your world, on the condition that you carry the inheritance of the power of the Milk God Pass it on. "

"Wait, although I don't know what is the power of the milk god, but it is obviously a powerful force, why let us inherit it?"

Although some sloppy, Beluzad is not an idiot, he immediately questioned, although he really needs treatment at this time, but did not lose his sanity, or this is how he can perfectly control the Red Dragon Emperor One of the reasons for strength.

"Because he is dying!"

At this moment, a slightly strange voice sounded, and at the next moment, accompanied by the light footsteps, a young girl with **** who walked out and came to the crowd.

"I didn't expect you to chase me down, Zhao Yingkong !!!"

Seeing the person coming, Hailong suddenly showed a very weird state, both aimed at the enemy and faced with idols. His eyes stared straight at the other party's European school. The emperor couldn't help but be speechless.

"No way, Missy is getting angry. In order to calm her anger earlier, I can only come when I am the best at tracking."

Regarding the strange behavior of Hailong, Ying Kong ’s eyelids did n’t even bother to move anymore, and he did n’t respond at all. Since coming to this slightly strange world, the girl has met so much in this situation.

For the Red Dragon Emperor, the girl showed an unexpected smile

"The little brother lying over there, you are a guy from another world, how about waiting to come back with me, my young lady is looking for you."

"Never promise her, Red Dragon Emperor!"

When Beluzad had not responded, Hailong immediately said, "This guy and the forces behind her are too terrifying and extremely aggressive. If you do n’t want your world to be destroyed, do n’t overdo it. Contact them. "

"Huh, so scary?"

After being silent for a while, enduring the severe pain in his body, Beluzad sat down, a rare flash of wisdom on his face, "Listen to your words, your world has already been destroyed? Is it not that they are in this world right now? people?"

"No, we are vanquishers of the void!"

Although Beiruzad asked Hailong, Zhao Yingkong did n’t mind answering some unimportant questions, "Also, Hailongjun, we did n’t destroy the world, we just conquered the world, but as a **** of milk, Hailongjun will not understand it. "

"Never mind, after today, everything will be meaningless. Let's go to war, and then please die here, Hailongjun!"

During the talk, a bright red dagger appeared in the hands of the monster girl, and instantly turned into a residual image, rushing towards the sea dragon, the speed was fast, so that both Belluzad and Dreg were watching for a while. be surprised.


Facing Yingkong's attack, Hailong punched out at the remnant shadow, but directly hit the ground. The real Yingkong had long disappeared in place, appearing behind Hailong, and the **** dagger suddenly drawn out.

At the next moment, in a squeak, the armor of Hailong's back cracked and blood spilled!


Suddenly hit hard, Hailong could n’t help but shouted, suddenly turned around and punched out, trying to kill Yingkong, but helplessly his speed was too slow, when his punch was just burst, Yingkong already appeared in He was on his side, the blood blade shining!

In the next minute, Zhao Yingkong seemed to be dancing an exciting dance.

The graceful dance steps turned the sea dragons around. The heavy fists could not hit the enemy anyway. Every flash of the girl brought a splash of blood, and in an instant, the earth was dyed red.

"It seems that I overestimated your combat effectiveness, Hailong Jun!"

When Yingkong stopped her dance steps, the armor of Hailong's body was all broken, and the whole person was half kneeling on the ground, panting, "Since you can't make me happier, then say goodbye"

"Welshdragonoverbooster !!!"

Before Yingkong's words were finished, she felt a burst of violent red blaze burst out. Long Wei wantedlessly. At the next moment, the red-clad warrior in the whole body suddenly appeared in front of her before the girl could not react.

"Boost! Boost! Boost!"

With three commands to multiply, the horrible arrogance expanded at least eight times and exploded from the red warrior fist!

"Boom !!!"

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