My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 6: The second source of starry sky!

"Master Father!"

Seeing the long gate, Rin's face had a more heartfelt smile and an elegant salute.

At the next moment, a red, blue, and gold rainbow bridge suddenly appeared in the starry sky, starting from the feet of Rin, and extending to the vicinity of the long gate. Under the transmission of the Hongqiao, the girl quickly reached the long gate.

Rin was not surprised at what happened to her.

In fact, this is not the first time the girl has come to this place called the source starry sky.

More than ten years ago, since Longmen took advantage of the rebirth of a certain world as an opportunity, after embedding a system spreading across the entire heaven, and even the heavens and the world, on the network of laws, he placed the main body of this system in various places. The origin space of heaven and earth.

Since then, a place called the source starry sky has been formed!

This is the true core of the heavens, the storage place of the original power, and the deepest part of the world, the sea eye of the sea of ​​souls are connected, the core of all the laws, the largest and first source of all living beings.

On weekdays, this space will show the attitude of purple starry sky——

The sun is the main body of the system, and the stars that dot the starry sky are the symbols of the planets in all planes in the entire chaotic starry sky.

Of course, because the predecessor was the original space, everything here is under the control of the long door and the long door. It has the ability to create and destroy here. It is not surprising that there is only a three-color rainbow bridge.

"I was just thinking, when will you be here."

Looking at his daughter, a smile appeared on Nagato's face, and the thoughts moved, and the environment around the two began to change.

In an instant, a floating ground appeared in this purple starry sky.

And Nagato and Rin stood in the center of the ground, beside them, there was a table with snacks and black tea, two chairs, and a huge umbrella

"Sit down and talk! Take the black tea and snacks yourself!"

Nagato first sat down on the chair, with a slight smile on his face, gentle and gentle, "Although it was made directly, it is definitely made with your favorite taste, it should not be wrong, so you are welcome."

Now, with the passage of time, the indifference and domineering in Nagato gradually faded

It does not disappear, but it gradually converges to a certain extent. In fact, the indifference and domineering of Nagato almost penetrated into the bone marrow and soul, and the personality of this life can hardly be changed.

Just facing the family, under normal circumstances, really do not need any indifference and domineering.


Rin also sat down after hearing the words of Nagato.

Elegantly picked up the knife and fork on the table, and cut a piece from the cake in front of her. The girl tasted it carefully, and she couldn't help but reveal a look of joy. As the long door said, this is what Rin likes. .

There is no reason for a girl to be unhappy that her father can remember his own taste so clearly.

"Okay, Father, are you asking me to come?"

After a short period of joy, the girl immediately returned to the topic and asked her own question.

As Rin said, this time Rin's arrival was not the girl's own attention, but the long gate suddenly notified the girl through the red post yesterday. In the communication, Nagato's language is unknown, just calling Rin to the original source starry sky once.

"Wow, it looks really reliable, seriously."

Seeing his daughter's so serious gesture, the long door couldn't help but admire, letting the girl's cheeks flush for a while, and then the red-haired boy said seriously, "Rin, what do you think of the great red that only hinders you?

"It's terrible!"

Hearing the mention of the Great Red by Nagato, the blush on Rin's face suddenly disappeared, and he frowned slightly, "I was the first time I saw Sister Luo Hao and Sister Zhu Yue had no choice."

"Forget about the other legions for a while, the morale within the Wushuang Legion is undoubtedly greatly affected. Otherwise, the Rushen God's plane would not take nearly three years to manage."

"After all, the strongest of their planes, named Rushen, died early, and then died."

"This kind of thing is normal. Both Lian'er and Zhu Yue are very strong, but they are not invincible!"

Nagato disregarded Rin ’s encounter, and even a smile appeared on his face, "To be honest, in my eyes, this setback is good. The Wushuang Legion and the Night Legion are too adored by their commanders So that the plane conquest will not be regarded as a real war. "

"Rin, do you know? Among the three legions, the Dawn legion only took a year to conquer the plane."

After listening to the long door, the girl fell silent.

The Dawning Legion, one of the three major legions on Baiyu Jingming today, as far as pure commanders are concerned, this legion is the most obscure. They do not exist like Zhu Yue and Luo Hao. People who fall for it.

But obviously, this legion is the most successful legion. It is really a legion that was poured out with the blood of more than 100,000 people!

"Okay, let's not talk about the Legion, return to the great red temporarily!"

Seeing Rin falling silent, Nagato had to remind the other party and said, "That guy is very troublesome, which is almost equivalent to kidnapping several planes. Even I have some booby traps."

"It's not that you can't beat it, or you are worried that the plane guarded by the other party will suffer too much damage."

"Then what are you going to do, my father!"

Hearing this, Rin couldn't help but ask, to be honest, the girl was indeed a little curious. According to the girl's understanding of his father, since he raised the problem, he must have figured out a solution.

"This is the purpose of me looking for you, Rin!"

Speaking of which, there was a subtle smile on the face of Nagato, "According to some experiences, Saya and I have already judged the situation of the world protected by the Great Red. Next, you just have to"

Listening to the words of Nagato, a look of excitement gradually appeared on Rin's face

ps: strange, the whole person is a little soft ..

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