My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 7: The third prelude to the prelude!

"Master Father!"

Almost two hours later, in the purple native starry sky, Rin was slightly excited and waved farewell towards the long door in the distance, "Please watch it carefully, I will definitely complete the mission!"

At the next moment, the girl disappeared in place under a sudden space ripple

Only Nagato was left alone in this quiet space.

"Now, I'm looking forward to it!"

After drinking the black tea in the cup in his hand, the long door said leisurely, then looked at the cup in his hand with a frown, "Although the taste of the black tea made by the source is not bad, it is always a little less distracting! "

As the essence of Nagato's life continues to improve, the more Nagato can feel the splendor of life.

Even if it is just a simple cup of tea, Nagato can appreciate the mood of the tea maker. If it is the tea made by his loved one, even if it is not comparable to professional means, it is also the most flavorful in Nagato's heart.

"Ah, I knew that Brother Nagato would complain about this."

At this moment, a soft and gentle voice rang around. At the next moment, Saya in a white dress stepped barefoot on the ground and appeared in this purple native starry sky.


As if a drop of water had fallen into a calm lake, centered on Saya, the invisible waves spread out on all sides, and the surrounding environment suddenly changed. The purple starry sky gradually became higher, centered on the ‘sun’, and the sky of law was looming.

The long gate and the ground at the foot of Saya extended, and the splendid courtyard of white jade suddenly appeared.

Outside the huge courtyard, the red sea of ​​soul began to surround, setting the entire huge courtyard as if it were a wandering island.

"There is no way not to complain, it is probably spoiled by those women on weekdays!"

Hearing what Saye said, a seemingly self-deprecating smile appeared on the face of Nagato, but in fact showed a smile like that, and then looked at Saye, "Yeah, I didn't find anything about you."

"When you and your daughter are about to say goodbye!"

The white girl was talking, and walked to the long door, and sat down in the position of Rin just now. There was a look of surprise on her face. "It really surprised Saya. Brother Nagato, you did not push Rin. "

"What do you think of me?"

To Saye's surprise, a smile on his face appeared on Nagato's face, "Although I can feel the love in Rin's heart, but not in a hurry, I look forward to her more beautiful moments before picking."

"You are really going to be a ghost father!"

Hearing the words of Nagato, Saya suddenly became speechless, and then began to digress, and said, "Yes, Brother Nagato, I just used the key of the world and my own ability to cross the great red and ran over there. Go to the plane group. "

"Oh, listening to your tone, what did you find?"

The long door, knowing that Saya never targeted, raised his eyebrows slightly, then remembered something like that, and asked, "Could you find the infinite dragon god?"

"That's not there. There are many planes over there. If the Infinite Dragon God wants to hide it, I can't find it!"

Hearing the long gate, Shaye shook his head, and then said, "I just found the legendary dragon that was sealed up. I wanted to bring him back directly, but it was the Pluto Black that protected it. Dice, it's hard to get around. "

"It's not a fight, after all, my strength is very little affected by the plane, but it will only attract the attention of other forces."

"There are really a lot of powerhouses in the world over there! No less than ten digits beyond, huh!"

Speaking of which, Saya's face couldn't help but show a little worry, "When Rin starts to act, I have to protect her secretly by her side, otherwise, she is very easy to have an accident."

"To be honest, this kind of thing should be done by the elder brother, or our six incarnations."

"Then please come to Saye sauce!"

At this moment, Nagato seemed to be ready to say, not giving Shaye a chance to refuse, "After all, my body has to stay here for some years. No one else is suitable to be a bodyguard, only Shaye sauce can be used. Now. "


Seeing Nagato's reaction, Saya suddenly understood that the other party was already waiting for his answer.

Some snorted uncomfortably, but the girl did not object. After all, Saya's ability was indeed very suitable, and Rin was very happy with Saya. If the object was her, the girl would not mind being a secret nanny.

The most important thing is that the Nagato at this time is really inconvenient to shoot!

Ten years ago, when the Wanjie system was rooted in the chaotic starry sky, the originally difficult-to-digest type of moon base accelerated the digestion of tens of millions of times at the first time, and within less than a year, the body of Nagato was truly awake.

However, at that time, the strength of Nagato's body suddenly increased to a point where it could not even be suppressed

If it is purely based on the power of the Heavenly Dao model, it is time for the long gate to ascend to the throne.

In order to ensure that the most important breakthrough in his life will not cause any accidents and be successfully achieved, Nagato stays in this starry sky world all the year round, and uses the power of the system to contain the changes in his body.

At the same time, the red-haired boy began to constantly comb his own strength for the last time.

Saya knows clearly that this time is important for Nagato.

When Nagato walks out of here, it will be the moment of complete transformation, and it will be three consecutive transformations and may even usher in the fourth.


"Why do you want to do this?"

A little doubt appeared on Saya's face, "Although I also recognize the strength and potential of Rin, there is more than one person in Bai Yujing who is more suitable for this task than Rin."

"Just give her a chance."

Faced with Saye's question, Nagato did not answer directly, "Follow Rin, you will naturally know, I just let Rin try it out, can I inherit that thing?"

Between the speeches, the purple eyes of the long door seemed to shimmer with mysterious colors

ps: When writing, I almost fainted ..

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