My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 8: The challenge of killing pills is more!

Time rush

In a flash, a week's time passed.

During this period of time, Rin has stayed out of the house, hiding in her room, making unknown preparations for her upcoming tasks, and even having her sister Sakura call for dinner.

Until the seventh day, when Sakura prepared to order her sister to have breakfast according to the conventions of these days


The door of the lady's room opened automatically.

At the next moment, a smile with an impeccable and elegant smile came out of the room, and the ponytails bound by the soft black hair, fluttering and fluttering behind the head as the girl walked, it seemed abnormal.


Seeing her sister's posture, Sakura's eyes flashed with doubt.

"Good morning, Sakura!"

He said hello to his sister, and she said heartily, "Sakura, are you here to cheer for my sister, really a caring sister, but first of all, please cheer for Uncle Shishengwan."

"Huh? Yeah!"

With no expression on his face, Sakura suddenly realized that he seemed to have missed something.

But there is no way. The teacher who is Sakura is Bellflower. Bellflower is notorious for anything. As long as it is not the long door to notify Bellflower, Miss Witch will only live in a remote small village in heaven.

Because of her physical problems, Sakura has to go to Campanulaceae every day to practice.

Naturally, girls often do not know what happened in Bai Yujing

Even if I go to ask my sister to eat these days before going out, it's just a matter of course. The girl didn't pay attention to what her sister was doing, how to say, in the eyes of Sakura, the magician did this.

"In that case, let's go together!"

I didn't notice the abnormality of my sister, or she was still excited. She directly took Sakura's hand, and the two quickly ran across Baiyu's corridor, and stepped on a teleportation circle near the exit of the corridor .

Next, under the leadership of Rin, the two sat in several consecutive teleportation arrays, and even the last one was a cross-plane teleportation array.

Soon, the two arrived at their destination—

A few days ago, the world edge of the gentleman's plane where Rin stayed!

Here is the end of the legendary earth, and beyond that end, there is a turbulent flow of dimensionality, and the distance is still far away, but standing here, Sakura can perceive the terrible turbulent flow.

"Huh, is everyone here?"

After arriving at the location, Sakura instantly found many familiar figures, such as Bingli and Xueli, which were less than five meters away from the two sisters, such as the feather fox that almost hit when they arrived, and the high-level seniors of the Wushuang Legion

Most of Bai Yujing's people who like to watch lively or like to fight are here.

"I didn't expect you to come here."

At this moment, the crisp child sound rang in Sakura ’s ear and turned to look at it, but it was sister Eliya who grew up together from her childhood, um, maybe only Sakura and Rin grew up "Good morning, Sister Eliya!"

Even though Ilia, who is much shorter than herself, Sakura still greeted politely, "I just came to cheer for my sister, of course, first of all, to cheer Uncle Shashengwan."

As the saying goes, in fact, Sakura doesn't know what happened yet

"Really intimate sister!"

Looking at Sakura, Ilya couldn't help but sigh, then looked at Rin, very rarely said without stinging, "I heard that your task this time is very troublesome, don't lose before I'm defeated! "

"Hah, who do you think it is!"

Hearing Eliya ’s words, Rin ’s eyes flickered slightly, and a touch of emotion appeared in her heart, but she said, "Difficult is difficult, but the chance of completion is not zero, Miss Ben will be able to complete!"


Seeing Rin's still arrogant gesture, Ilya couldn't help but sarcasm the other side, but suddenly found that the surrounding environment suddenly suffocated, as if something terrible appeared.

Not only Eliya, everyone in the room felt it, a strong sense of presence appeared in the sky.

Looking at the past, everyone saw it at first glance

The figure of silver hair standing at the end of the earth.

The silver face of the demon face, the immortal moon seal, two red demon patterns on the left and right cheeks, several white plums floating in the white elegant kimono, the body has piles of plush, and the whole body has a sense of existence.

"Uncle Shisheng Maru!"

Seeing this figure, Ying Qing couldn't help but whispered.

Although the number of meetings is very small, Sakura is very impressed with the only one or two top-level figures of Bai Yujing who are known as brothers and brothers.

Seeing his appearance, the girl couldn't help but raise a doubt

"What is Uncle Shishengwan doing?"

It's just that the girl's doubts didn't last long, not long-

"Roar Roar !!!"

The abrupt dragon chant sounds from the turbulent flow of the dimension beyond the end of the world. With the endless dragon power raging across the world, the dragon power contains extremely terrifying killing intentions and maliciousness. Instinctively felt a shiver.

Fortunately, the special spiritual power in the body boils at this moment, instantly counteracting the pressure on Sakura's body.

Otherwise, the girl may really fall directly to the ground.

Nevertheless, this terrifying dragon prestige left a deep impression on Sakura.

Along with the sound of dragon chanting, a scarlet dragon claw penetrated the turbulent flow of the dimension and appeared directly in Sakura's field of vision. Immediately afterwards, the huge and terrifying dragon head, the powerful and gigantic dragon body, cut through the void Dragon tails appear one after another

Soon, a huge red dragon with a height of hundreds of meters flew out of the turbulence of the dimension and appeared outside the end of the world!

Standing quietly in the turbulent flow of the dimension of the void, the red dragon ’s eyes swept everything at the end of the sky and earth, and no excessive language description was needed. As long as it was in contact with that eye, everyone could clearly perceive the red dragon ’s powerful!

"Roar! Roar! Roar !!!"

Finally, the red dragon's eyes focused on the killing pill, and a burst of earth-raising dragon chanting sounded. The scorching dragon breath gathered in the red dragon's mouth. ..

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