My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 9: Void Fight [Part 1] Second!

"Hum! Mystery-Cang Long Po !!!"

Facing the scorching dragon breath from the red monster standing in the turbulence of the dimension, the killing pill snorted coldly, but he did not dare to neglect. His right hand quickly held the most destructive demon knife in his waist, bursting his teeth. .

Pulling the sword out of the sheath, the power of the Profound Truth is released in an instant!

The blue thunder bloomed from the demon sword, and filled the surrounding space. With the sword of the killing pill, the magnificent demon spirit was compatible with the thunder, and turned into a greasy blue dragon. Go up.


In an instant, a strong collision erupted in the void, and in the bursts of roar, the scorching dragon's breath and the destroyed blue thunder exploded into more powerful forces between the constant collisions, and the entire void began to distort and destroy.

Even under the guidance of this force, the turbulence of the dimension began to further erode the world!

"It's a great red!"

Seeing this scene, Shi Sheng Wan also had to admire the powerful dragon in front of him.

A few days ago, when Killing Pill who was staying with his mother in the demon kingdom of the Nether Realm heard the news of the great red, there were still some people who did n’t quite believe it. Dragon or something, Killing Pill was not unseen. There is not an ancient dragon too large to be estimated on the Dou Qi Continent.

But no matter how big it is, it is a sword thing for the killing pills!

But now, Shisheng Pill knows that he is wrong. The dragon in front of him and the so-called Taixu Ancient Dragon are completely two-level creatures. Although the Taixu Ancient Dragon has advantages in size, it is a long enough to survive. The bloated energy is just a dragon.

The great red, whether it is power or personality, is called great!


"If this is not the case, there is no point in fighting!"

The second sentence since the beginning of the war was coldly spoken. The silver-haired shuddering nobleman jumped lightly like a flying Swift in the sky. He jumped out of the realm of heaven and earth and stepped into the chaos of the dimension.

The demon sword moved again, and the magnificent and fierce sword pressure burst out, and even the turbulence was suppressed slightly.

The next moment, Thunder Blue Dragon reappears!


Seeing that his Dragon Breath attack was ineffective, even the guy who provoked himself was still attacking himself, the Great Red, or the True Red Dragon Divine Emperor screamed in anger and anger.

To be honest, since these days, the great red has also been enough!

The original itself is the strongest in the plane group where he lives, and the Great Red has no rivals. He has been flying around in the dimensional space throughout the day, constantly flying back and forth, and occasionally seeing what fascinating fantasy is on earth.

From the perspective of the dragon, how happy is this life!

But, almost two years ago, this kind of life is gone!

As the strongest fantasy species born from unreal fantasy, the True Red Dragon Divine Emperor has the status of guardian of the world. In the face of three adjacent planes, he constantly peeks at the plane group he guards, or the infinite world. Legion

The great red cannot be ignored.

Not only can it be ignored, it must also try to beware of each other!

To be honest, in the past two years, the great red has never wanted to completely turn over the infinite legion that is watching it.

However, while the Infinite Legion fears the Great Red, the Great Red also fears the power of the Infinite Legion.

The leader of the Infinite Legion may not win it head-to-head, but the group fight is a different matter.

In addition, the big world provides comprehensive power for the great red. In addition to the opportunity to fight with outsiders, it also requires that the great red cannot stay away from the big world.

Therefore, the stalemate of confrontation has continued for two years


"I couldn't take the initiative to attack. I can only make Lao Tzu angry enough to maintain the deadlock. You monster dare to come and fight Lao Tzu, you are looking for your own way, mouth!"

The angry will can't be expressed. In an instant, the dragon breath that is enough to melt the space burst out again!


For a moment, a terrible shock erupted in the turbulent turbulence. The collision of the blue thunder dragon and the hot dragon breath seemed to throw stones into the calm lake, which made the entire turbulent turbulence even more chaotic.

In the void, space debris was rolled up from time to time, and the terrible destruction was a bit daunting to see.

In this more chaotic turbulence, the great red seems to be like a fish, and moves freely across a turbulent and dangerous place, and instantly appears in front of the killing pill, a dragon claw flashing with mysterious glory instantly swings!

When this claw is swung out, the turbulent flow around the Shisheng Pill is a stagnation, full of sense of restraint.

In the sense of the killing pill, the dragon claw of the great red seems to be transformed into the entire net, and a sense of powerlessness that cannot be avoided in any way emerges in the heart of the perfect monster.

The action on the hand of Shi Sheng Wan unexpectedly appeared a little slow!


For the first time, Shisheng Pill immediately noticed that something was wrong and his face was blue!

With the perfect fighting instinct, Shi Sheng Wan realized that this was probably a great red method.

In fact, it is exactly the same. Although the huge body with a height of more than 100 meters is indeed its own strong support, the strongest power of the Great Red is not in the body, but in the soul.

Under anger, from the depth of the blood in the body of the killing pill, the will of the unruly demon will flow wildly, filling the heart of the big monster, erasing a mysterious force that does not know when to appear between the hearts.

Internal disease contact, but external disease has come, the giant dragon claw is close at hand

It's too late to dodge or dodge!

Shi Sheng Wan's eyes flashed scarlet.


The next moment, under the slightly horrified eyes of watching the battle

The Great Red Dragon's claws slammed directly on the killing pill, and the violent roar suddenly came to mind.In an instant, including the expressionless killing pill, the huge dragon claws, the vast space, all submerged in Endless turbulence.

There was a huge wave in the whole void ..

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