My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 10: Void Fight [Last] Third!

"Uncle Shasheng Maru ?!"

At the end of the heaven and earth, seeing a scene in the turbulent flow of the Void Dimension, Sakura couldn't help covering her small mouth, and there was a worried look on her face, not only Sakura, the surrounding Rin and Ilia, and most of the others nearby. .

But even so, no one proposed anything to help.

Although the time spent in Bai Yujing is not long, the character of Xie Sheng Wan is well-known throughout Bai Yujing. How to say, almost the top fighting power on Bai Yujing is almost all of this virtue.

Luo Hao and Zhu Yue are all proud types.

To be honest, if there were n’t two Nagato and Saya that were almost bugs, they were suppressing everything, and the entire Baiyujing forces seniors had already fought against themselves.

"Relax, Sakura!"

A slightly cold voice sounded behind the three Sakura, and the three Sakura, Rin, and Ilya turned their heads to look over, and saw a black and white witch in red and white standing behind them, with a delicate expressionless face , Full of silent pressure.

"Master, why are you here?"

Seeing the appearance of his master, Sakura's face couldn't help but a surprise, and then remembered something, and immediately bent down and bowed, "Sorry, Master, I didn't go to you today, but I forgot to ask for leave."

"Sakura, you"

Rin standing aside, eyes widened slightly, seemed to understand.

The girl realized that her sister, Sakura, might not even know the news that she was going to leave, but it was very likely that this would happen in the case of Sakura on weekdays.

"Sister Bellflower, Sakura, she's just"

I thought it was because after forcibly bringing Sakura over, subconsciously wanted to justify Sakura, but before the words were finished, I met the cold, mirror-like eyes of Kikyo.

In an instant, the girl couldn't say anything.

"The next one is not an example!"

Strolling through Rin, Sakura and Ilya, the three maidens said lightly as they passed by Sakura, and all of them suddenly showed a relieved expression

"You pay attention, the real battle is about to begin!"

Hearing the bellflower, the three girls all expressed their surprised expressions, gazing involuntarily towards the void beyond the end of the world, and saw what changes were taking place in the turbulent dimensional flow under the huge dragon claws.

In the endless void, I thought that the great red that I had won has not been happy for long, and I felt a powerful crisis, which was looming out of the void that broke under my claws.

Then, the dragon realized that his enemies had not yet died and had the ability to fight back.

For the first time, the Great Red did not think about it, and began to go backwards crazy!


"Aooo !!!"

At this moment, a huge silver-white monster dog of six or seventy meters broke through the turbulent turbulence of the void in the roar, and bit directly on a forelimb of the dragon. The horrible fangs penetrated the giant. Dragon defense!

A lot of dragon blood flows from the corner of the monster dog's mouth and falls into the void, and then it does not know where it disappeared under the turbulent flow of the dimension. "Roar Roar !!!"

In an instant, the dragon's slightly roaring roar could not help but echoed throughout the void, and everyone could hear the pain and anger of the Great Red from the dragon chant!

It can be seen that the fangs of the giant monster dog have done great harm to the great red!

At the next moment, the eyes of the great red flashed through a fierce light, and another dragon claw gathered a terrifying red light, and bombarded towards the demon dog at the stage, forcing the demon dog's fangs not to loosen, Instantly retreated hundreds of meters.

Then the huge monster dog stepped into the void, staring at the dragon bloodthirstyly, and the murderous breathtaking!


Because the demon dog evaded in time, the bombardment of the Great Red did not fall on it. The power of this blow directly penetrated the void, causing a violent roar, and even stunned the entire void.

The turbulent flow of dimensions throughout the void is even more dangerous!

But this kind of danger is no longer seen in the eyes of the two giant monsters facing each other in the void, and the terrifying coercion collides with the entire void, even reaching the end of the world.

"Roar Roar !!!"

"Ooooooooo !!!"

Screaming at each other, two fabulous creatures confronted each other for a while, and moved almost at the same time.

Among them, the huge white demon dog instantly turned into a silver light, and rushed towards the great red. The turbulent flow along the way for the demon dog, as if lying on the ground, had no effect at all.

In the face of the impact of the monster dog, the great red is no longer the name of greatness

Ordinary dragon races can only use the dragon breath that concentrates a large part of their strength. In the great red mouth, there is almost no need to charge the gap, and the hot dragon breath is like a arrow!

"Boom! Boom! Boom !!!"

In an instant, a large number of explosions continued to appear in the void, and the turbulence in the entire void continued to stir.

However, under such an attack, the huge monster dog evaded various explosions with extremely small movements, and in a short period of time, once again approached the great red, fangs flashing cold mango!


Faced with this situation, the power of the Great Red suddenly increased, and a terrible flame burst out!

At the next moment, an unprecedented heat burst from the whole body of the Great Red and spread out, as if spraying the dragon breath from the whole body. Soon, a `` little sun '' with a radius of about 300 meters appeared in the sky!

The hot breath made the entire void boil, even reaching the end of the world

Some hay on the barren ground even burned!

In the face of such a "Little Sun" attack, the silver and white demon dogs that are charging are obviously unable to avoid. Not to mention the large range of the attack of the "Little Sun", it is difficult to escape because it was originally charging.

At this moment, many spectators frowned and became worried.

However, in the next scene, everyone's chin was instantly shocked!

I saw that the huge monster dog did not retreat, but jumped up directly, hit the little sun, and then opened his mouth, it was a bite!

"Ka !!!"

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