My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 11: Swallow the Japanese and smuggle the fourth!

"Crack !!!"

In an instant, the sound of a hard object breaking echoed in the void, and even outside the void

Almost all the spectators had a toothache when they heard this voice, staring at the distant void with stunned eyes, biting the huge ‘little sun’ out of a fissured monster dog.

At the next moment, the cracked ‘little sun’ showed a situation where it was about to explode!

Everyone can perceive the powerful and tyrannical energy fluctuations, and even the great red instantly retreats without knowing that it is nearly thousands of meters, worrying that the sudden explosion will affect itself.

Then, the invisible mysterious waves spread out from the mouth of the silver and white demon dogs, covering the 'little sun'

Then again, the violent energy fluctuations gradually subsided.

The whole "little sun" gradually softened under some invisible force, and began to pour into the mouth of the white demon dog. The eyesight people knew at a glance that the whole "little sun" was being swallowed.

In an instant, there was silence all around, even the great red was stunned.

"Tengu swallows the sun ?!"

Looking at this scene, the bellflower frowns frivolously, as if remembering something, the expressionless face can't help but show a hint of smile.

To be honest, Campanulaceae didn't expect such a thing to happen. Although the dragon that was fighting against Shengsheng Pill was very powerful, but the luck was not high, and it actually displayed such an oolong.

Bellflower can probably guess that the dragon mimicked its erupting power into a small sun, which was solely for the purpose of enhancing its power.

But the other party absolutely did not expect that the existence of Shisheng Pill is a natural enemy for Sun and Moon!

The bloodline power possessed by Shisheng Pill is based on its own bloodline, engulfing the existence of the sun and moon beads, thus transforming the tengu bloodline. Although it is not complete, it still exists for the restraint of the power of the sun and moon.

No, the dragon hit the muzzle

"In other words, what is that dragon?"

At this moment, it seemed to remember something. Bellflower tilted his head, glanced at the three girls next to him, and asked, "Although it seems a little bad on the way, it still feels quite powerful."


Hearing the bellflower's words, Sakura's face also showed a hint of doubt.

Rin and Ilia looked at the two apprentices of Kikyo and Sakura with an incredible expression. Although the girls knew that these two apprentices were not very concerned about the world conquest, they really did not expect that they Will be closed to this extent.

"It is a great red!"

The two glanced at each other, and finally explained to the bellflower by Rin mouth, "The great red recorded in the Bible of Christ! Also known as the True Red Dragon Divine Emperor, it is the guardian of the great world opposite the void."

"The great red, its sacredness is indeed called great!"

Hearing the words, Kikyo Remote Sensing received the magnificence and sacredness of the Great Red, nodded, and then said, "I have heard of the guardian of the big world from my husband, I just don't know the name. "


After listening to the bellflower, Rin didn't react at first, but just aftertaste it, and suddenly showed a surprised look, "Sister Bellflower, are you called by your father?" "I come to Sakura, and by the way of the husband's instructions, help you!"

The bellflower still has no expression on his face, and he said one word at a time, "Fu Jun said, it is better for me to control the space channel. If something happens, I can take care of you."

"Roar Roar !!!"

Rin hadn't answered yet, and a fierce dragon chant came from afar.

Looking subconsciously at the sound, Rin saw the huge white demon dog seeming to be violent, madly pressing the great red hit, sharp poison claws, terrifying fangs, the speed that the great red could not reach

It seems that after swallowing that 'little sun', the fighting power of the silver and white demon dog has increased by more than one step.

Under the suppression of the demon dog, the great red kept roaring and wailing.

It's just that as the battle progresses, even the girl can vaguely perceive that the Great Red's physical energy has not been consumed, the combat power is constantly improving, and even the injuries that have been injured, begin to recover slowly over time.

"Is this, support from the big world?"

Looking at the epic battle scenes, especially when I feel the great red, such a sentence flashed in my heart with a deep understanding of the great red, and I understood

Why did Luo Hao not want to fight the Great Red?


At this moment, the bellflower's voice rang in the girl's ear, calling her attention back, and then the girl was surprised to find out that there was no more time and space channel beside the bellflower.

"Now is the most intense time for battle, the great red's blind spot for outsiders, go!"

"When did it open!"

Seeing this scene, even if I had long known the powerful bellflower of Bellflower, I would inevitably be a bit stunned. Although I did n’t open the space-time channel with the authority of the key of the world, Rin did not have hypocrisy and went straight in.

"Sakura, cheer for me! Eliya, look at Miss Ben's"

Before the words were finished, Rin's body disappeared into the space-time vortex in the passage. Just as the bellflower was about to turn off the space-time passage, a white figure suddenly rushed into the space-time vortex, leaving only a remnant

"Ilia will not let you stand out!"


Suddenly encountered an accident, Rao is bellflower and also a little stunned, and the cherry on the side is already dull.

"Children, need education!"

After being silent for a while, the bellflower said, this sentence almost doomed Ilya's future misery.

Through some connection, the witch and the long door of the heavenly starry sky talked a little, then turned to look at his apprentice, and said, "Sakura, you go, take care of them!"

"Yes, Sister Bellflower!"

After hearing this, Sakura was shocked for a while, then responded, and quickly walked into the space-time channel.

At the next moment, the channel disappears

In the void, the great red is still fighting, unaware ..

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