My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 12: First entry into the underworld!

The original starry sky, the large courtyard suspended in the center.

In Bai Yu's flawless courtyard, on a spacious lawn, the long door looked at the virtual three-dimensional image in front of him, and Sakura entered the scene of the space-time channel, and he couldn't help but show a hint of helpless smile.

"So, is it really okay?"

A gentle voice rang in the ears of the long door, making people feel a spring breeze.

Hearing the words, Nagato turned to look at where the sound came from. It was a black straight girl dressed in a kimono. The whole body showed a warm atmosphere like the mother of all things. She was no one else. The incarnation of celestial heaven-two ceremonies!

At this time, Yuan was carrying a small basket, and under the gaze of the long door, he walked to his side and sat down on his knees.

Then the basket opened, and a few delicate foods and a bottle of mellow wine were in it.

"It's okay, Saya secretly protects them."

Looking at Liangyiyuan, a smile appeared on Nagato's face. As he spoke, he straightened up the saucer. Yuanji picked up the wine bottle intentionally, and filled Nagato with the saucer in his hand.

"For Saya, there is no difference between protecting one person and protecting one hundred people."

"Just give them a chance to experience!"

After finishing this sentence, the long door brought the saucer over and sipped it out. In a flash, the strong aroma of wine reverberated in his mouth, making the red-haired teenager's face filled with a comfortable look.

"Ha ha!"

After listening to Nagato's words, Fate just smiled softly for the Nagato to continue to fill the saucer

In the original starry sky, the days of Nagato are still leisurely.

"Why do you come over !!!"

On the other side, just arriving in the New World, she was about to start showing off her fist. She felt the changes in the space-time channel behind her for the first time. As a result, she saw Sakura and Elia coming out before the channel closed. Scenes.

Such unfolding suddenly made Miss Rin couldn't help but exclaim.


Hearing Rin's exclamation, the silver-haired girl Ilya said with a full expression, "I ran in by myself, so that Rin was not allowed to stand out, hum, don't you want to get rid of me!"

"Sister, it's Sister Bellflower called me in!"

In contrast, Sakura still appears to be gentle and polite, but the girl turned to Eliya. "Sister Ilya, your behavior makes Sister Kikyo not happy. Please go back and prepare yourself."

As soon as this remark came out, there was silence all around.

Ilya's complexion suddenly changed, to be honest, the previous move was just a girl's impulse. Looking back now, it looks like it will be very miserable when I look back!

Rin on one side had already turned around, and the slightly lowered face was completely red, and even a little distortion appeared.

If it is not to take care of your own image, I am afraid the girl has already burst into laughter.

"Speaking of it, is the sky of the New World purple?"

At this time, Sakura had already diverted his attention from his two sisters, and began to look around. I saw a desolate earth around me. The only thing that was more conspicuous was the purple sky. "This should be the underworld of the new world, which has more than one plane."

Hearing her sister's words, Rin calmed down the smile in her heart and returned to God to say, "I'm not you. Before I set off, I knew a lot of information about this world through my father!"

Although for the original single task, the group task of three people is not particularly comfortable.

But Miss Rin was not a person with a small amount of measure. In the face of the reality, the girl quickly straightened her mind.

As soon as the voice fell, Rin's right hand wiped the space ring on his left hand

A dark gem appeared in the girl's hand.

"Crack !!!"

The gem was broken in the girl's hands, and then a whole body of pure white ghosts appeared around the girls. The number quickly reached three digits, and the surrounding environment was even colder.

"Huh, isn't this Xia Lei's fierce ghost undead?"

Ilya, who had also recovered from the gods, looked at the fierce ghosts around her and couldn't help but speak in amazement.

"I am different from you. Before I came in, I made multiple preparations. This is the fierce ghost scout from Sister Xia Lei through gem magic, which is just right as an envoy to explore new world intelligence!"

With that said, the girl ’s heart was conveyed, and the fierce ghosts around began to scatter around

"Come on, let's find a place to rest temporarily."

After doing all this, Rin looked at Ilya and Sakura and said, "If the fierce ghosts can't find a place to rest, we might be sleeping overnight, and, although there is some trouble, we need to set it up later. Enchantment "

"After all, the words of the underworld are very dangerous."

Underworld, or hell!

In the information known to Rin, this is the place where demons, fallen angels, and even some other races live together. Among them, demons and fallen angels are the most powerful forces.

These two forces occupy almost 70% or 80% of the underworld chassis.

Although today's demons and fallen angels have experienced a three-party battle between ancient times and angels, as well as some internal disturbances of their respective forces behind, their overall strength has weakened a lot, but they are still the strongest forces in the underworld.

After all, the governor of fallen angels survived the ancient wars. Although the demon demon did not survive the ancients, but the blue is better than the blue, the same strength!

"Hope is not the site of fallen angels and demons, that's troublesome!"

In this way, the girl began to walk in a certain direction. Behind her, Sakura and Ilya followed silently, and from time to time looked at the surrounding scenery, looking excited.

It was only a short walk, and Rin stopped immediately.

One of the fierce ghosts just sent out disappeared.

Not disappear naturally

It was destroyed!

From the feedback from it, Rin saw a light gun and black feathers falling from the sky.

Although there is only such a picture, it is enough for the girl to make a judgment-

Fallen angel! ..

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