My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 13: Fallen angel Lina Li second more!

The development of things is always very dramatic.

Before that, Rin was still praying not to encounter troubled fallen angels and demons, but in a short time, she really met fallen angels. This unfolding suddenly made the girl a little speechless.

"What's wrong, sister?"

Seeing Rin stopped, Sakura could not help asking.

During the talk, the girl secretly began to refine her own spiritual power. The smart girl knew that her sister had definitely encountered something. The biggest possibility is that she met the indigenous people of the underworld.

"It's a fallen angel, just a few kilometers behind the mountain on the left."

In the face of her sister's doubts, Rin did not have any meaning to hide, frowned and said, "Although it is not really afraid of things, but before the task is completed, there will be less trouble, but you must also be prepared for war. "


Sakura nodded and agreed.

Ilia sneered a bit, but didn't say anything. After all, the task was the first. If you were happy for a while and delayed your father's task, Ilia would not forgive herself.

"In this case, let the gorgeous Miss Eliya do some preparations!"

As soon as the words fell, Ilya's hands flashed a blue current. She bent over slightly and pressed her hands to the ground. In an instant, a faint current covered the earth within a hundred meters.

This is a kind of positional refining made by the fusion of alchemy of different planes that Elia learned!

In an instant, all the element information of the underworld land under the feet flowed into the girl's brain. At the same time, under the will of the girl, the ground began to change. Invisible, the aura began to gather, and the runes condensed and merged into the ground.

After almost ten seconds, the flashing current disappeared and everything went back to its original state.

It's just that Sakura and Rin knew that the place where they were at this time had turned into a place similar to a magic workshop.

"Cut, this guy has made great progress over the years!"

Slightly stepped on the ground a few times with his feet, Rin said secretly in his heart, but he didn't wait for the girl to think more about it. Suddenly, in her perception, an obvious aura shock spread from the mountain on the left of the girl.


Embracing both hands, Missy slightly looked up in the direction where Reiki spread. Not only Rin, Sakura and Ilya also noticed this fluctuation successively and looked at it in the same way.

In the sight of the three girls, a black figure was flying rapidly from the side of the mountain.

"Shoot !!!"

Almost ten seconds later, the sound of breaking the air rang in the ears of the girls, accompanied by the slightly sweeping wind, a girl with black wings and fallen angel appeared in front of the girls, and a few pieces of black feathers fell.

Seeing the first glance of the fallen angel girl, the faces of the three girls could not help but flash a little uncomfortably

This is a cute and **** **** fallen angel. Purple pupil black hair, its clothing is extremely exposed, only covering a little bit of vitality, and the broken skin is exposed to the outside, and it is extremely sultry. The only thing that is more discordant is that the expression of the other party is too pure , It looks very unmatched with her dress.

But anyway, the dress of the fallen angel girl is a big impact on the three girls!

"Huh? Is it human?"

After arriving here, the fallen angel was stunned for the first time. Obviously he was surprised to see human beings, and then he showed an alert look, "Human girl, tell your purpose, why step into my territory!"

"Cough, hello, respected Miss Angel!"

Hearing the question of the fallen angel girl, Rin forcibly suppressed the uncomfortable feeling in her heart and stepped forward, saying, "It is not the wishes of our three sisters to enter your territory, we were just mistakenly transmitted here."

"Can I take the liberty to ask, where can the Underworld return to the world?"

When talking and acting, Rin showed an elegant temperament, being polite and making people feel like a spring breeze.

"This one?"

After listening to Rin's words, the face of the fallen angel girl showed a look of embarrassment, "The passage from the underworld to the world is generally in the hands of major forces. I am just a low-level fallen angel, sorry."

"Well, is there really no way but the channel controlled by the great forces?"

Seeing such a fallen angel girl, Rin secretly exclaimed while asking for questions. The guy in front of him was not the same as the fallen angel in his intelligence. According to Rin's information, the fallen angel came from the fallen angel.

Because angels are always adhering to various dogmas, and fallen angels are a complete reversal. Therefore, in a sense, many fallen angels indulge their desires more than ordinary demons, more degenerate and evil!

It's just that the girl in front of me seems to be so simple to be liked!

"Uh, there is another way!"

Regarding Rin's question, the fallen angel girl hesitated for a while before saying, "Even purgatory also has a passage to the world, but it is too difficult there. In fact, I don't recommend you to go very much."

"In fact, there are some places in the underworld, there are still human survival, you can"

"no need!"

Waiting for the kind angel girl in front of her to finish speaking, Rin interrupted, "Miss Angel, thank you for your kindness, but we have something to go to the world, and purgatory is not desperate for us."

"If you can, can you please give us a map!"

Rin's voice was so firm that the fallen angel girl couldn't refute it, she could only sigh and said, "If that's the case, then there is no way. In the case of the map, there is in my mansion, you."

"Stay and be our servant!"

A sudden sound came in. At the next moment, in the sound of breaking the sky, a gun of light descended from the sky, and they were inserted around the three people. Then, surrounded by the fallen angels, a male with ten wings fell from the sky. .

Seeing the fallen angels of the ten wings, the fallen angel girl was completely stunned, at a loss!

"Lina Li, do you still think you are that angel?"

The eyes of Ten Wings Fallen Angel looked at the girl in a vicious manner, "Since it has fallen into heaven, show me the way of falling angels, otherwise, even if you are a servant of Assahir, I will kill you!"

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