My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 16: The inheritance of the magic book is the first!

Artifacts are the instruments under the **** system!

In this new world named dxd world, the artifact system is probably a very amazing method. It is a system developed by the God of the Bible and implanted in the world ’s origin. Under this system, each piece of special artifact born.

These artifacts are different from many famous holy swords and magic swords in history. It is not so much a weapon as it is a force made by gods that is boarded on a specific human body outside the specifications!

The artifact will take the owner's thoughts as food and constantly change and evolve, thus becoming stronger and stronger.

The highest-level artifact is the **** exterminator, an artifact that can destroy gods and demon kings.

Rin ’s mission was not from the beginning. It was n’t a single game that broke into the world alone. In fact, if it is another world, Nagato may really allow Rin to practice his hands like this, but for the dxd world, for Rin, The level is still slightly higher.

Not to mention that this world contains many mythological forces. The fairy demon, the devil, the Buddha and the ghost, almost include all the creatures that may exist in the myth, even the double-digit transcendentals standing on top of this world, and the great red, it is not Rin can be shaken.

Such opponents, if not the top executives such as Nagato and Bai Yujing, can't really win it!

Therefore, the main line of Rin's mission is actually an artifact, or an artifact system!

"I just didn't expect it to be so soon!"

After having fiddled with three small artifacts in their hands, the elder lady with double ponytails said in a speechless manner, "I thought I was going to the world to find the owner of the artifact. I didn't expect to encounter a fallen angel carrying the artifact. "

After all, artifacts are things that can only be used by humans, and the girl didn't really expect to find them on fallen angels at first.

However, after seeing these artifacts in front of her, the girl understood that the artifact was only a force after all. As long as the power was resolved, it could be captured, and it was not an impossible event to capture the artifact from the owner of the artifact.

Although this kind of thing has a great possibility of causing the death of the owner of the artifact, Rin who has seen many deaths no longer cares about these.

"In other words, what are the capabilities of these three artifacts?"

Although accidentally completing the task made me less interesting, Rin was not hypocritical, and began to study the role of the artifact in his hand, but when Rin picked up the cards in the three artifacts and injected the magic power


Sudden magic shock burst from the girl.

Sakura and Ilya standing next to the girl were shocked for a moment. Fortunately, both of them were able to deal with the magic power. However, there was no problem. The comatose fallen angel Rina Li was also protected by Sakura. stand up.

At the next moment, the magic shock on the girl began to converge, and soon disappeared without a trace.

It ’s just relative. The artifact card in Rin ’s hand has disappeared.

"Hey, Rin, why are you suddenly scared!"

After recovering from the sudden shock, Ilia lost her temper in dissatisfaction, but she was a sister of Rin, but Sakura noticed some changes in Rin's body, and said with uncertainty:

"Sister, have you become the host of the artifact?"

As soon as this remark came out, Ilya was a little surprised, only to find that the card in Rin's hand was gone!

"Yes, I have become the host of the artifact!"

At this time, Rin slowly opened her eyes and spread her right hand. There was a circular symbol in the palm of her hand. "Artifact-seal card, this is a powerful seal, it is the most common artifact. ,but"

"In a sense, this is probably the most suitable artifact for me!"

When speaking, Rin secretly lamented that his luck was really terrible. Based on the knowledge of Bai Yujing in the past, Rin vaguely understood that this was probably due to the luck he had as one of the daughters of the creator of the founder Yes.

"suits you?"

"An artifact suitable for my sister?"

Hearing Rin ’s words, the two girls who did n’t yet know her task could not help but show their doubts.

Then, in the surprised eyes of the other two girls, Rin took a book from the storage ring in her left hand.

That is a book that looks extremely simple. The only thing that stands out in the whole book is the six-pointed star and the crimson moon pattern on the cover of the book. Indistinctly, anyone who sees this book can perceive it. Its hidden magic.

"Book of Chiyue!"

"Why is it with you, is it !!!"

Seeing this familiar book of magic books, no matter whether it was Elia or the gentle Sakura, at this moment, they could not sit still, and the eyes of the two girls stared at Rin, even if it was Sakura ’s. tender.

The Book of Chiyue, that is Nagato's magic book, although it is not a combat item, but also symbolizes Nagato's knowledge achievement in the mysterious way!

In fact, Nagato itself is too strong to be needed.

Otherwise, this magic book is not a decoration!

"As you can see, although it took a lot of energy to make it, the book of Chiyue gradually became meaningless to my father!"

Looking at the surprised, unbelievable and even vicious eyes in the eyes of Ilya and Sakura, Rin said leisurely, "So, from now on, I am the second master of the book of Chiyue, and this task is essentially , That is, I got the trial of the magic book! "

As soon as the voice fell, Rin stepped back several steps, and pressed the right hand directly on the cover of Chiyue's Book!


The magnificent magic that far surpassed the last magic shock suddenly broke out!

From Rin ’s right hand, it seemed that a series of pure white energy chains composed of runes diffused out, and soon the book of Chiyue was completely tied up, and then the ripples of space diffused on the level of the girl ’s palm.

Under the chain, Chiyue's book slowly sinks into the ripples in space.

At this moment, the extreme fighting power of the entire dxd world suddenly felt that something big change is about to appear, and dozens of kilometers away, the senior fallen angels who are about to leave are completely stunned.

Because at this moment, artifact fluctuations far beyond the ordinary category appear in their perception!

"Don't these fluctuations be the gods?" ..

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