My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 17: The oath of the Holy Devil is second!

"Yes, this is the wave of God's Extermination !!"

When other senior fallen angels had some doubts, the fallen angel governor Asachel did not. The governor of fallen angels, who was good at the study of artifacts, knew at the first time that this was the wave of God's extinction.

Not only that, Asachel also clearly understood that this fluctuation is not included in the known fourteen extermination tools!

Although the fallen angel's forces only possessed one piece of destructive equipment, Asachel, the governor, was a character recorded in the Bible. After a long period of time, Asachel has already seen all the destructive tools. .

Even though the same **** extermination equipment in different host states will be slightly different, the essential fluctuations are unchanged.

Therefore, the situation today is obviously that either there is no discovery or a new **** exterminator is about to be born!

Thinking of this possibility, Assa Shelton couldn't bear it, and didn't even greet his companions. The six pairs of black wings spread instantly, and the whole person exploded at an unprecedented speed, rushing in the direction of the god's extinction. past.

Behind him, the fallen angels who came back to God, including Kirkbol, also followed one by one.

After all, this fluctuation is related to the God Destroyer. It is important to know that the users of God Destroyer all have the power to change the regional pattern. A few users of God Destroyer even have the possibility of changing the world.

For all forces, God's extinction equipment has to be valued!

It was only when the fallen angels reached the starting point of the wave of God ’s Destruction with less than one kilometer. Suddenly, a bright white beam of light rose from the starting point, and a strong gust of wind swept up. The terrifying coercion spread and let fall The angels were hard to approach for a while.

The bright beam of light was incompatible with the entire underworld. Suddenly, the surrounding creatures rioted when they encountered this light.

Fortunately, fallen angels also use the power of light, and this bright light does not hinder their vision.

However, at this moment, the fallen angels would rather have their sight blocked!

Because they saw that within the beam of light, a blonde twelve-winged angel who looked only eight or nine years old was slowly landing!

When I saw this angel, all the fallen angels gave birth to the name of "the Son of God".

"This is really a bad joke!"

Seeing the figure of this angel, even Assahir, who was most devoted to the study of artifacts, could not help showing a bitter smile on his face, "God destroyers are all sealed mythical creatures, don't tell me, this time it's not a dragon or other Warcraft, but the most sacred Seraph. "

What happened outside, at this time Rin did not know at all.

Sealing the book of Chiyue in her artifact card is a flash of the girl's aura. What will happen next is not within the girl's expectations. She just moves with her own inner guidance.

Standing at the bottom of the beam of light and closing her eyes, the girl completely sinks into this sudden change.

The girl could clearly perceive that the seal card in her body began to undergo drastic changes under the infection of Chiyue Book, gradually changing from the card to the form of the magic book, and having contact with her own mind.

At this moment, an oath suddenly appeared in the heart of the girl! Already knowing some profiles of the book of Chiyue from Nagato, he instantly understood that this is a contract between his father and his witch, as long as Rin agreed to this vow, Transformed into a witch similar to Nangong Nayue and others, and gave birth to a powerful guardian by oath.

The most important thing is that Rin who holds the book of Chiyue will become the first witch under his father's master!

"I agree!"

No need to think at all, Rin has decided everything before entering the dxd world. Otherwise, how does Rin control the group of witches who do not serve except the father and adult, even with the second user of the book of Chiyue In the name of.

In addition to the father, the group of witches is very powerful and exclusive!


When Rin agreed, a violent roar rang in the girl's ear, making her dizzy.

Then the girl's soul moved slightly, as if it was completely connected with the existence of a great shore. At the next moment, the powerful magic power was madly injected into the girl's limbs and bones, expanding her already powerful magic power several times again.

In a blink of an eye, the girl's magic power has reached the level of this world's demon king, and the quality is almost the same.

Then the power of the oath began to emerge behind the girl, and she began to bear the guardian of the girl at the cost. At this moment, a strong sense of existence rose in the heart of the heart, and a familiar voice came.

"Rin! Relax yourself and leave it to me next!"

"Yes, my father!"

Although only hearing the voice, the girl understood that the will of her father ’s adult had been projected.

Next, the girl felt that the guardian behind her was fused by something falling from the sky. At the next moment, the fusion product rushed into the girl's body and merged with the new book of artifacts.

In a trance, the girl understood that this is the birth of her own **** exterminator!

One of the beasts of Father and Master, fully integrated with his soon-to-be-born guardian, and transformed into a mythical creature with a seal inside the **** exterminator, raising the **** exterminator born because of the integration of the book of Chiyue .

As the progress of fusion increases, the greater the beam of light, the greater the pressure of diffusion!

Until a certain limit is reached


Under the sudden noise, the soaring beam of light suddenly shattered and turned into a little powder, rendering the surrounding earth and sky in the surrounding world extremely beautiful, and the terrifying pressure disappeared at this moment.

Rin ’s original cave has completely disappeared, leaving only the girl and two sisters standing on the spot, and the fallen angel in a coma.

There is an extra book in the girl ’s hand. The six-star star is still on the big red cover, but the red moon logo is missing, but there are six pairs of wings, half of which are pure white angel wings, and the other half are dark. s wing!

This is the girl's **** extermination--

The upper **** destroys: the oath of the Holy Devil! ..

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