My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 19: Sixth Winged Beast Fallen Form 4th!

The sudden attack caused chaos for fallen angels.

When the fallen angels returned to God and turned their angry eyes towards the figure that attacked, all fallen angels, including the governor of the fallen angel Assahir, were a little dumbfounded.

What appeared in front of the crowd was a handsome blond young man with a height of about two meters and muscular body!

Although the appearance has changed a bit, from the general outline, the fallen angels can still be recognized. The young man in front of him is the scorching angel who slowly descended from the beam of light as they saw it before the birth of the God Destroyer.

However, the six pairs of wings behind the opponent showed half black and half pure white!

"What's the situation? Halfway down?"

Seeing this scene, a strange look appeared on Assachel's face, but only after contacting the cause and effect, and thinking about it carefully, the face of the fallen angel Governor suddenly changed!

At this moment, the blond young man just turned his head and looked directly at Asachel. The eyes, which seemed to be like ants, shuddered the governor of the fallen angel.

"My name Six-Winged Beast Fallen Form! Please advise the lost paradise!"

After the indifferent introduction, the fallen form of the six-winged beast launched an attack on the fallen angel governor. In a flash, the fist that was surpassed the limit speed blasted the fallen angel governor like raindrops.

Unspeakable punches and kicks made him lose his ability to resist for a time, and his feet began to leave the ground!

"grown ups!!"

"Damn it !!!"

"Go die to me!"

Seeing the behavior of the fallen form of the Six-winged Beast, worried that the fallen angel of his governor instantly recovered, he rushed towards the place where the fallen form of the Six-Winged Beast and Asachel were, but they did not I know that this is exactly the fall of the six-winged beast!

"Lost Paradise Lost !!!"

When the fallen angels approached, the invisible realm expanded on the fallen form of the six-winged beast that was madly fisting. The fallen angels were all included, countless fist shadows constantly appeared in the realm, and all fallen angels were in At this moment, all of them were attacked!

Fly and dance with extreme speed to send enemies to the sky; with pure fist, let the enemies fall into paradise forever!

For five minutes, the silent ground is full of sounds of fists and feet colliding with the flesh!

Eventually kicked in the fallen form of the six-winged beast!

"Boom! Boom! Boom !!!"

The continuous roar echoed on the earth, and the fallen angels fell one after another to the ground, smashing pits of different sizes on the ground, and set off a burst of smoke.

The fallen form of Six-Winged Beast fell to the ground without showing any fatigue.

"Great! I want it too!"

Seeing the fallen form of the six-winged beast almost one enemy, ten moves of the fallen angels who were attacked at once, Ilya standing behind could not help but express a look of admiration, and then looked at Rin with some jealousy.

"Huh, fortunately you don't know the true identity of the fallen form of the six-winged beast, otherwise you will be more jealous!" Realizing that Ilya did not recognize the fallen form of the six-winged beast in front of her as the beast of his father ’s father, that is, his inner consciousness was turned into his father ’s subconscious. Head, not to let Ilya see the smug smile on the corner of her mouth.



As soon as she turned her head, she saw a sweet smile from her sister. Her eyes were full of jealous expression, and the black gas behind him came out wildly, making the girls feel a chill.

In a flash, Rin understood that Sakura had noticed everything from the subtle places!

Then she blackened

Just when Rin was at a loss—

"Shoot !!!"

Suddenly, the sound of breaking the sky came from my ears. A few pieces of black feathers fell in front of the girl and turned her head. The girl saw it. I do n’t know when, the fallen angel cadre who was initially smashed to the ground by the fallen form of the six-winged beast, Kou Kebol has appeared in front of himself!

"Haha! No matter how strong the guy summoned by your God Destroyer, I will kill you first!"

Seeing Rin's slightly surprised look, the fallen angel cadre with a broken shirt appeared with his hands raised, a huge gun of light converged in his hands, holding the gun of light tightly, Kirkbolt was assassinated towards Rin go with.

Facing a sudden blow, Rin couldn't help closing her eyes, but there was a sarcastic smile in the corner of her mouth!

At the next moment, the tip of the gun of light stayed on the girl's head for less than a centimeter, but he could not get closer anyway.

Because, the fallen form of the six-winged beast, apparently not far away, appeared here!

And one of his hands is holding the body of the gun of light!

"No one should hurt her until I fall!"

Holding the gun tightly, it is almost equivalent to the fallen form of the six-winged beast teleporting here and said with a cold face, "Dare to hurt my lord, give you the trial between life and death, kill! Life and death are intertwined!"

In an instant, the spear of light in the hand of the fallen form of the six-winged beast shattered, and endless light converged on one hand of the fallen form of the six-winged beast to form a light ball, and the other hand directly extracted the darkness from the heaven and earth of the underworld. Make a black ball!

The convergence of the two light **** instantly turned into a three-dimensional magic square array, and took Kokbol into it!


At the next moment, Kirkbol flew out, hitting the ground heavily, and blood spilled to the ground!

"This guy is lucky!"

The staggered life and death is the strongest skill of the fallen form of the six-winged beast!

The perfect combination of light and dark life-threatening skills, the most powerful skill of the six-winged beast fallen form, which is proud to seal all enemies within a certain range in the Rubik's cube through enchantment, and perform half of the life and death Judgment, that is, it is directly eliminated or suffers major damage.

I just didn't expect that Kirkbol was not directly destroyed!

"Forget it, add another knife!"

It was just at this moment that the sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and endless currents were constantly flashing between the dark clouds. A short time later, a huge lightning flashed down suddenly, and the target was exactly the fallen form of the six-winged beast, and howling The area where people are! ..

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