My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 20: Let go with the fifth of peers!

"Boom! Boom! Boom !!!"

The huge thunder and light raged wildly in the whole area. The relentless strangling of Thunder and the extinction of the power of light perfectly combined to form a space for lore in the entire attack area.

Almost three minutes later, the surging power of thunder was exhausted, and the broken earth appeared in the sight of the fallen angels.

Apart from that, there is nothing

At this moment, the dark clouds in the sky automatically appeared a small hole, and the fallen angel with ten wings and full of muscles fell from the hole and came to the top of the area where the thunderlight bombarded. He looked at everything underneath suspiciously and said to himself:

"Strange, has it been bombarded into scum?"

"Of course not, Bai Qiu!"

Asachel, who had just stood up from the ground, was talking. The governor of the fallen angel said at this time that his body was scarred, "When your thunder light first bombarded the ground, people have already left. Cut , Have you been let go? "

"It turns out that it is no wonder that there was a trace of inconsistency in the space before!"

Hearing Assahir ’s words, the fallen angel named Baiqiu spoke openly, and then looked at the fallen angel governor, laughing, “It ’s rare to see you so embarrassed, Asachel, it seems that this opponent is really this time. It's very powerful! "

"Not so powerful!"

Asachel whispered that he had never actually fought with that six-winged beast, never knew the strength of the other party, and was able to use the power of the Sacred Devil, not to mention that the unparalleled martial skills alone made people speechless.

If there were no other fallen angels who had shared Assassin ’s fist attacks, the fallen angel governor was a little worried that he would be directly killed on the spot.

However, it was precisely because everyone shared the injuries together that there were no casualties, which is a blessing!


"Lina Li, are you still taken away?"

Thinking of a fallen servant of the fallen angel who also disappeared, Assacher secretly said.

Somehow, the governor of the fallen angel always had a wonderful feeling. The next time he saw his servant, it was probably another scene he didn't want to see.

"Right, how is Kirkbol?"

At this moment, when I suddenly remembered a companion who was directly receiving the power of the other's demon, Asachel looked around, and soon his eyes focused on a fallen angel who was lying not far away, and turned to the side Bai Qiu asked.

"It's okay, just to recuperate for several years!"

Hearing Assahir's question, Baiqiu approached Kirkbol and looked at the other's situation. So he said that his voice was full of disgust, and he was obviously dissatisfied with his fellow countryman.

"Uh, that's good!"

Regarding Bai Qiu's dissatisfaction, Asachel could only smile bitterly.

In fact, not only Bai Qiu, but also Assacher himself did not like Kirkbol very much. That guy was too advocating war and destruction, and completely out of tune with his own idea of ​​peace.

Just like this negotiation, if it is not for his appearance, it is not impossible to solve the problem peacefully. Fortunately, the opponent is not strong, otherwise, Assachel may consider removing him.

For now, just keep it for now!

At this moment, hundreds of kilometers away from fallen angels.

The ripples of the black-and-white space wandered slowly in the unmanned mountain top area, and then the six-winged beast fell into the ripples of the space holding the figure of another fallen angel girl, followed by Ilia, Rin and Sakura!

"Rin, why run away, why not kill them!"

Just out of the ripples in the space, Ilia couldn't help complaining, to be honest, since entering the dxd world, the girl has encountered two fallen angels in a row, completely tired of the group of black-winged birdmen.

If you can, Ilia absolutely does not mind completely killing the birds!

"Because, Rin's magic is not enough!"

At this moment, the fallen form of the six-winged beast gently placed the fallen angel **** the ground and said, "The first time you use the **** exterminator, you must completely activate the system inside the **** exterminator. Rin spent almost a hundred 80th of magic. "


In the fallen form of the six-winged beast, the voice just fell, and Rin took the oath of the Holy Devil in her hand and said, "Although there is still a lot of magic in this book, but after becoming a **** extermination tool, I can't activate it. You need to reach the ban to use it. "

"This is the trial for you, Rin!"

On the other side, the fallen body of the six-winged beast began to glow, and soon degenerated into a six-winged beast. Then it shrank again to the size of a slap and flew to Rin's shoulder to sit down and said, "With your will, Spirit, soul, etc., go against the world! "

"Then reach the forbidden hand, and only then will the Book of Chiyue really belong to you!"

"I see, my father!"

Hearing the six-winged beast's words, Rin's face suddenly showed a firm look.

at this time--

"Huh huh huh? !!!"

At this moment, Ilya suddenly screamed and said, "You are actually the avatar of the father, and the avatar of the father has become the guardian of Rin? Unfair, this is unfair, Ilia wants too!"

On the other side, Sakura didn't speak, and looked at the small six-winged beast on Rin's body with the same eyes.

"Relax, little girl!"

Flying off Rin's shoulder, the six-winged beast sat on Ilya's head and said, "You and Sakura, and Bingli, have a share. I'm sorting out my strength and separating some non-essential How about the power of your God condensing into your **** destroyer? "

"Okay, thank you, Father!"

Hearing the promise of the six-winged beast, or the long door, Elijah suddenly smiled.

After appeasing the little girl, the six-winged beast looked at Rin and said, "Next, I will walk with you with this body, but I will only give an opinion. All decisions are up to you, how?"

"Since that is the case, look at it, my father!"

Hearing the words of Nagato, Rin showed a eager expression, and then looked at the fallen angel girl lying on the ground and said, "First of all, since you wake up, please get up, Miss Lina Li, we Need to talk about it. "..

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