My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 21: Rin's invitation first!

Hearing the cold words, both Eliya and Sakura were stunned.

Then the two girls suddenly looked suddenly at the fallen angel girl who was in a coma.

Under the watchful eyes of the girls, the sleeping fallen angel girl moved slowly

There was a slight regret on her face. She sat up directly, glanced around helplessly, stunned when she saw the six-winged beast, and finally put her eyes on Rin, silent.

"Hello, Miss Lina Li!"

Stepping gracefully, Rin came to Lina Li and stretched out a hand towards the girl. Rin did not have any precautions at this time, and she seemed completely afraid of the possible sneak attacks of the fallen angel girl.

"No, I'm not good at all!"

Also holding out a hand and holding Rin's hand, Lina Li stood up with Rin's power and said unswervingly, "Because of you, I probably can't get back to the Son of God Supervisor, even if I belong directly Lord Asacher ’s next fallen angel is the same. "

"Isn't that great?"

Faced with the complaints of the fallen angel girl, the majestic mouth said, "I probably also understand that you should be a fallen angel who has just fallen for a long time. Presumably, in the fallen angel organization, many aspects are not very suitable."


For Rin's words, Lina Li remained silent.

The fact is just as Rin said, Lina Li is just an angel who has just fallen into the sky. Although she has fallen, the angelic heart that remains in her heart makes her very uncomfortable in the fallen angel organization.

"Although it is very annoying, the nasty fallen angel, called the fallen angel described by Kirkbol, must be the definition of fallen angels by many people in your organization now. Ask me abruptly, Miss Lina Li, you have Is the determination to be that fallen angel? "

Although there is an old saying, ‘It ’s good for people and people for good,’ but she inherits part of the character of Nagato and prefers to chase after victory and expand the battle situation. Her words are like a sharp arrow directly penetrating Lina Li ’s heart.

"I do not want!"

After a long silence, Lina Li said such a sentence.

If it is after hundreds of years of edification, Lina Li, who really became a fallen angel, may not care about this, but after all, she has the existence of the pre-angel brand, and after all, she still cannot accept the fallen angel in Kirkbol ’s mouth.


After speaking her heart, Lina Li took a long deep breath, exhaled the turbidity in her body, and looked at Rin, "Now can you say it, Miss Rin, what is your purpose?"

Lina Li was not a fool after all, she knew very well that the girl in front of her must have something to say.

"Miss Lina Li, do you think it is unfair?"

Rin did not immediately answer Rina Li ’s question, but asked another question, "Whoever stipulates that the fallen angel must be full of original sin, whoever stipulates that the devil must be evil, whoever stipulates that the angel has done something wrong will Depraved "


The fallen angel suddenly found that she seemed unable to keep up with the other party's thinking.

"In my eyes, fallen angels, angels, demons, monsters, and even humans, etc., should be just the mortal beings of the world, and the difference in species should not limit the thinking of individuals, but weak individuals cannot affect the will of the group, just like Li Miss Nali, you! "

"Without us, in a few years, you will be directly assimilated into a qualified fallen angel in Kirkbol's mouth."

Hearing Rin's words, Lina Li was silent, but she had to say that Rin's words did speak to her heart.

"So, Miss Rin, what do you do?"

At this time, Lina Li also understood that the guy in front of her was turning to say that she was weak. Although she had a refusal, compared with the girl in front of her, Lina Li had to admit that she was indeed weaker than her. exploded.

Obviously he is a fallen angel, but he is not as powerful as a human being, which is a bit of a blow to Lina Li.

"I want to build a city! A free city!"

As soon as Rin's words came out, she suddenly surprised Lina Li. In fact, not only Lina Li, but also Riliya and Sakura behind Rin showed a trace of surprise, even the six-winged beast on her head eyebrow.

"I want to build a free city in the underworld that can protect all weak creatures!"

Under everyone's surprised eyes, Rin continued to say, "In my city, humans, demon clan, fallen angels, demons and even angels, creatures like the **** of death can exist and will be protected, Can carry out his own will! "

"I, in this underworld, build an extraordinary holy place that transcends all great forces!"

"So, for my ideals, how to join me, Miss Lina Li!"

At the beginning, Rin was only calmly telling, but as time passed, the girl ’s heart gradually became clear. Perhaps this is the real intention of father and father to let him come to the dxd world. The book of Chiyue is finally attached. .

After all, if you want to invade the artifact system, Saya will do it silently.

You don't need to do it yourself!

Look through your own eyes, choose through your own mind, and then put your own efforts and hopes to accomplish what you want to do, rather than passively do what the army commander is!

With this enlightenment, vaguely, the oath of the saint in the girl's arms seems to move slightly

But the girl didn't realize it, only the corner of the mouth of the six-winged beast behind her smiled slightly.


Hearing Rin ’s words, Lina Li subconsciously said something like ‘you ’re crazy’.

As the former angel and now the fallen angel, although the level is not high, Lina Li still knows exactly how deep the water in this world is, what Rin wants to do, in a sense, is provoking the underworld Order!

Just seeing Rin's firm and sacred look, the girl was stunned.

Once upon a time, she also had that kind of gaze, how unswerving she was when advocating the glory of God, even if she was just a little lower angel, she was never afraid of any devil and heretic god.

"Are you sure? I don't like to die!"

"Of course, I don't like it too!" ..

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