My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 23: Shaking the world's demon power third!

The sky is broken

Not an adjective, but really broken!

In the eyes of the girls, a sky always appeared suddenly in the sky, and then, the whole sky was like broken glass. From the small hole, the dense cracks began to spread.

Suddenly, a sense of panic rose in the hearts of all girls!

Not just girls, but all creatures in the underworld, at this moment, it is so!

Indistinctly, everyone realized that if the small hole were allowed to exist and the cracks spread endlessly, the entire underworld would eventually disintegrate under such a force. Uncontrollably, everyone's face suddenly pale.

"Boom! Boom! Boom !!!"

At this moment, the entire underworld burst out of terror that surpassed all sentient beings. Devil-level strongmen from different forces, or surpassers, released their terrifying coercion.

In an instant, the atmosphere in the entire underworld was completely frozen at this moment.


At this moment, a white beast claw came out of the zenith hole!

Along with the roar, the space around the small hole shattered, and the cracks in the sky further expanded. At this moment, the invincible demon gas completely swept the entire underworld and alarmed all the creatures.

The countless forces all over the underworld, when they saw this horrible demon spirit, were all shocked!

Although it has a place in the dxd world, the demon clan in the lower position has completely boiled at this moment. No one expected that the demon clan, there is such a powerful existence, it is simply against the sky!

next moment--

"Roar! Roar! Roar !!!"

A terrifying dragon chant came from the sky, and then the silver and white demon claws that protruded out of the zenith cave retracted back again. Then, the terrifying dragon prey spread out from that cave, shocking countless people.

In an instant, the masters of the entire underworld were startled:

They do n’t know who is the peerless demon in front, but who is behind the dragon chant, many high-ranking powers and even powerful lone warriors know that it is recorded in the Bible, claiming that God will be silent, true red dragon Emperor-Great Red!

"Ooooooooo !!!"

At this moment, a wolf-like voice came faintly.

In a trance, all those who heard this amazing roar know that this is a notice, that one day, the Peerless Demon will eventually break the crystal wall of the world and come to this world.

Subsequently, the cracks in the sky began to slowly 'heal', and soon, even the small hole at the top disappeared slowly that day.

In less than five minutes, the sky returned to its original state.

But what happened just now has an indelible impact on the future of the entire underworld.

"Oh my **** !!!"

At this time, after returning from the shock, she couldn't help but shouted, "That's Uncle Shasheng Maru. I didn't expect that he and the Great Red would hit that level, it was almost to the level of extinction. what!"


"Unexpectedly, they will play so long!"

Hearing Rin's words, Sakura and Ilya nodded in agreement.

On the other side, the fallen angel girl Lina Li, after hearing Rin's words, and then seeing the actions of Sakura and Ilya, suddenly felt ridiculous, and a look of disbelief appeared on her face.

"Rin, this is the opportunity to conquer the demon clan!"

At this moment, the sound of the six-winged beast inadvertently came out lightly.

After hearing the words, a flash of consternation flashed on Rin's face, and then a surprised look suddenly appeared on her face. At the next moment, there was an extra gem in the girl's hand, which was a gem with a gleaming greenish golden color.

That was before Rin set off, to find a burst of broken tooth power burned by Shi Sheng Wan!

At the same time that this gem appeared, a breath very similar to the peerless demon just now broke out, instantly breaking the disbelief in Lina Li's heart, and at the same time, this breath made Lina Li feel more at ease.

Lina Li finally understood that the future that she couldn't believe in her own eyes could really exist in the hands of Rin!

Heaven, the starry sky.

Above the white jade courtyard suspended in the center of the starry sky, the ripples in the space suddenly appeared. At the next moment, the whole body was damaged, and the blood-stained killing pills emerged from the ripples and landed lightly on the ground.

"Yo, kill Sheng Pill, it seems that you have been seriously injured this time!"

The leisurely voice came out on the next second of the killing pill on time, causing the killing pill to frown slightly.

Looking down at the sound, the first thing that caught in the eyes of Shi Sheng Wan was a huge **** tree standing in the middle of the courtyard, and under the **** tree, a red-haired teenager was holding two girls, one red and one blue, Looking at him leisurely.

"The great red is very strong, but next time, I will not lose!"

Although the injury was serious, the killing pill was still in a cool appearance, and walked to less than ten meters in front of the long door, and said, "Give me a place of origin. I need the strength of the origin to complete the evolution of the bloodline. "

"Huh? Didn't pay attention just now, did your bloodline break through the bottleneck in the battle ?!"

At this time, looking at the approaching Shengsheng Pill, Nagato froze for a moment, then smiled with a little surprise, "No problem, go, I will wait for you to become stronger, and the great red will be left to you. solve!"

As soon as the voice fell, a space-time channel appeared near Shisheng Pill!

At the end of the channel is a chaotic color, a faint, full of the breath of the beginning of all things, from then on the empty channel slowly emerged, that is the breath of the endless power of the convergence.

Without any hesitation, Shi Sheng Wan nodded toward the Nagato, and then walked in.

Then the space-time channel is automatically closed.

The Nagato is completely imaginable. The next time the space-time channel is opened again, a more powerful peerless monster will appear. At that time, it is probably the moment to end the dxd world.


"The guy who killed Shengsheng Pill has done too much. Now, the comprehensive plane consciousness of the entire dxd world is probably alarmed. Presumably, that plane will usher in a world soon!"

Looking at the killed Shengsheng Pill, Nagato sighed faintly. ..

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