My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 24: Unscrupulous and demonic fourth!

"Oh, isn't this what Nagato Jun expects?"

Just when the voice of Nagato just fell, the girl in red in his left arm, Alay Yee, rolled his lovely eyes and said, "Obviously you let Shi Shengwan try to try to break through the plane of the face with violence." "

"Yeah, if it weren't so, Shi Sheng Wan wouldn't be hit hard by this."

Gaia, the girl in blue in the arms on the right side of the Nagato, added, while using her fingers to gently draw circles on the right palm of the Nagato.

"Ha ha!"

For the two girls, Nagato laughed and said nothing.

Indeed, Shisheng Pill will suffer such a serious injury, and Nagato bears certain responsibilities, precisely because according to Nagato, Shisheng Pill directly broke through the crystal wall of the dxd plane, causing the consciousness of the plane to wake up and instantly gave The great red is nearly ten times as powerful.

Otherwise, Shisheng Pill will not suffer such a serious injury.

Of course, even if Nagato does not say, Shishengwan will not easily shrink back. After all, he is Shishengwan. The perfect monster does not allow himself to easily make similar escapes, not to mention the enemies who can help his progress!

But having said that, it is indeed Nagato's idea to kill Shengshengwan.

After all, Nagato's real body can't walk out of the original starry sky, and can only meet with Rin and them in the form of avatars. In a sense, it is almost equivalent to opening the perspective of God and treating Rin and their actions as a film to understand boredom.

Watching the movie or something, no one likes the unchanging plot.

So, Nagato has done this and stimulated the dxd's plane consciousness to make it instinctively feel the world-level crisis. Under such circumstances, the world's instinct will call for the emergence of the strong one after another.

In many cases, the so-called Da Shi is similar to this situation.

"Sure enough, it's still necessary to see the climax after watching the show!"

Mumbling so softly, Nagato didn't feel the guilt of taking his daughters' experience as a relief movie, and even began to predict what difficulties they would encounter in the future.

Gaia and Alaya expressed strong condemnation, and then joined in with great interest.

"Really, are all a group of children ?!"

Inside the courtyard, the two rituals who just put a fried dish on the plate, perceiving the movement of the three guys in the yard, couldn't help shaking their heads, and then continued to start preparing dinner.

"Ah !!!"

At this time, in the dxd plane underworld, I just made a wish to subdue the underworld clan from the uncle of my own uncle, and led the crowd, suddenly a sneeze inexplicably, the next meal, almost fell in Ground.

"Mr. Rin, are you okay!"

Lina Li, who happened to be standing next to Rin, immediately moved a step, held Rin right with her right hand, and said with some anxiety that her left hand even touched Rin's forehead. "It's strange, I don't have a cold, how did I sneeze."

After confirming that Rin really has a way to realize that dream, Lina Li changed the situation for the three girls.

In a sense, they are treated like porcelain dolls, watching carefully.

just Close contact, plus Lina Li is still wearing the costume of the fallen angel at this time, and a large amount of snow is revealed throughout her body. This kind of contact suddenly makes some innocent and unbearable. Come on.

"It's all right, Sister Lina Li!"

A little blush on his face calmed down, and Rin said, "It was just a sudden cold behind me. It seems that someone is talking about me, not a cold. What should I say, my physique has never caught a cold."

"Huh, sister, do you feel it too?"

When Rin's words just fell, Sakura standing behind Rin suddenly said.

"Huh? Sakura, do you feel it too?"

Originally, I just thought of my feelings as an illusion. When I heard my sister's words, I was a little surprised. Then I looked at Ilia and got affirmed by Ilia's smile.

"The same is true for Elijah. Who is missing Elijah?"

"Probably a fallen angel!"

After thinking about it, Rin regarded the only fallen angel who had conflicted after his advent as the culprit. "It seems that some people over the fallen angel are not stubborn and are trying to deal with us. It does not matter. Next time, we must fight Disable them! "

Rin ’s words were approved by Sakura and Ilya, and Lina Li hesitated and nodded, but the girls did n’t find it, and the six-winged beast sitting on Sakura ’s shoulder at this time had quietly Turned his head.

"It's a miscalculation. Forget Rin, all three of them have my bloodline, and they have a super sense."

Thinking so in his heart, the Six-Winged Beast tried his best to dilute his sense of existence. However, at this moment, a strange feeling entered the Six-Winged Beast's perception and made his whole body fly.

"What's wrong, Father ?!"

Feeling a sakura with a loose shoulder, he immediately turned his head, and then saw the flying six-winged beast and asked.

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately attracted the attention of others.

"Something is approaching!"

Hearing Sakura ’s words, the six-winged beast head did n’t return and said, “Now I am a six-winged beast. The guy who is approaching makes me react with energy. If I guess right, it should be a demon!”


Hearing this sentence, Rin and Elia suddenly felt refreshed.

As the two people with the strongest energy and curiosity in the team, Ilya and Rin immediately stepped forward and came to the bottom of the six-winged beast, followed his eyes and looked towards the distance.

Sakura and Lina Li looked at each other, and turned around as well.

After about half a minute

At the end of everyone's sight, two silver hair figures holding each other appeared in front of everyone. It was a man and a woman and two demons. It seemed a lot calmer.


"This is the demon? It feels no different from humans!"

Looking at the so-called demons, Ilya said something very in line with Sakura and Rin's psychology. After all, in their impressions, shouldn't the so-called demons be more terrible? ! ..

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