My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 25: The devil's infighting is the first!

What is a demon?

There are different definitions of demons in different planes.

But so far, the demons known to a few people are nothing more than the existence of evil with supernatural power, or the maliciousness that emerges in the heart, or the description of the source of the malicious threats that all beings encounter.

In short, the devil is the embodiment of evil!

"It doesn't matter if it looks almost the same as humans!"

The magically strengthened eyes looked at the two demons that were slowly coming, and Rin's face was entangled. "But why, I don't feel any obvious evil breath on them. Is this an illusion?"

"No, sister!"

Upon hearing Rin ’s words, Sakura, who is most keen on malicious perception, immediately interrupted Rin ’s self-deception and deception, “These two demons in front of them have no malicious residue except for their magical nature tending to a negative force.”

"What kind of demon is that, Sister Lina Li?"

What did not understand, Rin immediately asked the fallen angel around him, and Lina Li was also puzzled. After a long thought, she said, "I remember when I was an angel, I heard a few high positions. Lord Angel said that the demons now are much different than before. "

"Oh? There seems to be something hidden, right?"

Upon hearing Lina Li's words, a moment of contemplation flashed across Rin's face.

"This is probably what caused the collapse of the myth system."

Falling from the sky to Sakura's shoulders, the six-winged beast secretly murmured in his heart. According to Saye's information, the six-winged beast sharing the memory of the body is known. The mythological system of this world is very interesting, and the myth that was born from the incompetent The system is somewhat similar.

Of course, these mythological systems cannot manipulate the incompetent gods as in the mythological realm!

However, it can also have a slight impact.

Before the ancient wars, the demons and fallen angels were absolutely as described in the Bible. However, after the war, the gods and demon kings all fell, causing the demons and angels, and even the fallen angels to gradually break away from the mythological system and began to change. .

If it were not so, a little fallen angel like Lina Li, when she first fell into the sky, I am afraid that the whole character will be completely reversed.

Because in the Bible, angels, fallen angels, and demons have clearly defined!

In a way, this is almost equivalent to truth!

And the fall of the God of the Bible made his enacted truth begin to dissipate

"In this way, the God of the Bible died well!"

Thinking of this, such a thought flashed in the mind of the six-winged beast. If the devil and fallen angel are really as hopeless as the Bible, the six-winged beetle has a headache. As the creator of the body, the most annoying thing is chaos. Chaser with chaos!

Suddenly, the six-winged beast in thinking felt a gaze of gaze.

Lifting his head, he saw that the two demons coming from afar had stopped, and the female demon's sharp eyes were glancing at himself and others, especially with the incredibly similar appearance of the Seraph, also possessing the Holy Light The powerful six-winged beast himself. And they, when they looked at the female devil's eyes, also looked at the past unwillingly.

In an instant, the surrounding space was silent

The people on both sides were silent, and seemed to be thinking about how to speak. However, the words of the heart of the female devil or Rin who had been waiting across from him suddenly appeared in the sky.

"Haha, Gurelfia, you can't run away!"

Afterwards, silhouettes full of powerful magic waves traversed a beautiful trace in the sky, landed around the crowd, surrounded the two demons, and they seemed to be ignored.

Suddenly came, there were about twenty people, everyone was full of powerful magic, with a pair of bat-like wings growing behind.

Obviously, they are all demons!

"Surrender, Gurefias Lucifer Figs!"

It seems that the middle-aged men of the more than twenty demon leaders looked at the female demon and said, "If you are willing to surrender, our reformists are still willing to give you, and your family, a chance, Master Sazeks. I also hope that you can join our great cause. "

"Dream! The Lucifers family will not betray Master Lucifer!"

Talking to the child next to the female demon named Guleifiah, at this time, his face with an angry expression, angered the other side, "Destroy our Lucifer Figs family, but also want us to surrender, it is a dream. . "

"We didn't destroy the Lucifer Figs family, didn't we still have you?"

Hearing the words of the little boy, the middle-aged devil said leisurely, "In addition to the recent invention of the demon chess piece, as long as hundreds of years, the Lucifer Figs family will be revived again, how?"


Hearing the other party's words, the little boy demon suddenly became speechless.

"Okay, Euclid!"

With his left hand holding the head of the little boy ’s demon, the female demon named Guleifia turned her head, a cold light flashed in her eyes, "Originally, I thought Sazax was a rare and honest demon. , Can bring a new future for the demons of the underworld, it seems that I am wrong! "

"Oh, do you mean that you are determined to be enemies with our reformers Lou ?!"

Hearing Gu Leifia ’s words, the middle-aged demons tentatively asked, and at the same time, the demons he led poured out their magical energy, and at least 20 demons with at least the median power surged together, trying to give Gu Lefia caused pressure.

And Gu Lei Fiya also has a terrifying magical flame, confronting it!

Suddenly, the surrounding space froze for a while!

"This is, the devil's infighting?"

Seeing this scene, Rin couldn't help but be a little surprised. The girl understood that they seemed to be caught in a fight between demons, and subconsciously glanced at the fallen angels around her, and the corners of Rin's mouth curled up undetectably.

"I said, demons, you are a bit pretentious!"

Rin suddenly broke out, and immediately broke the confrontation between the two sides. At the next moment, the six-winged beast flew out automatically. The glorious flame of the holy demon appeared, and the fallen holy angel appeared suddenly. The powerful coercion immediately crushed the audience!

ps: Don't say that I am black Sussex, I have an inside story! ..

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