My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 26: Gu Leifia is second!

The holy demon's coercion instantly crushed the audience!

You should know that the fallen form of the six-winged beast is enough to defeat the existence of the fallen angel governor. Although it is not a transcendental, it is still in the top sequence in the level of the devil, and it can even be hostile to some weak transcendents.

In the face of such holy angels, how can a group of demons at most be able to resist.

Whether it is the Guleifiya side or the demon chaser side, at this moment, they are all frozen and difficult to move!

The burst of arrogance, automatically dissipated under this pressure

"Huh, it's so funny!"

At this moment, Rin walked lightly and walked into the encirclement of the demons. He took a closer look at the appearance of the demons. The defiant gesture made all demons go crazy.

However, under the coercion of the Holy Devil Angel, all demons dared not act rashly or even speak.

For some reason, all demons understand that as long as they move, the holy angel who is above the sky will definitely bomb them, and even the soul will be completely destroyed.

There is great fear in front of life and death. There are too few people who can really ignore life and death.

As long as there is so little regret, you will not want to die. No, even if there is no regret in life, you may not want to die. Life and death will always be a major problem that puzzles intelligent life!

"To be honest, I really didn't expect that such a funny drama would be staged in the devil!"

"Before I came to the Underworld, I actually got some information from the Underworld, saying that in the forces of demons, the Demon faction and the reformist are fighting. The demon faction advocates continuing to fight against the outside world and adopts extreme methods, but the reformist means is gentle."

"In other words, it is almost to the point of exterminating other people's family. It is still mild. Is the difference between the devil's values ​​and me ?!"

Roughly half a minute later, Rin no longer looked around, but focused his gaze on Gurelfia. Looking at the absolutely silver-haired female demon in front of him, Rin's face showed a funny smile.

"Now, do you want to join us, I can help you solve today's difficulties!"

Under everyone's surprised eyes, Rin sent an invitation to the female demon in front of him. As soon as this remark came out, Gurefija felt a loose body, and the feeling of being completely locked in by someone, even unable to move, disappeared.

Only for the invitation of Rin, she did not answer, but was silent.

"You are hesitating, why?"

Looking at the female demon, Rin tilted her head and said, "Although it cannot be seen on the surface, I know that the magic in your body consumes a lot, so even if you are strong, it is simply not enough to support Defeat those twenty demons. "

"At that time, the little boy next to you will come off, heh, almost you can imagine!"

As soon as this remark came out, it seemed to be like a sword, penetrating Gulei Feiya's heart, so that she could no longer be silent.

In Guryfia's eyes, there was a flash of disappointment corresponding to expectation, as if waiting for someone to arrive, but he didn't finally wait. Then, a firm will replaced all emotions——

"Although you do not know who you are, do you know the consequences of doing so?"

"Not sure!"

Faced with the question from Guleifiah, Rin said without hesitation, "But it doesn't need to be clear, anyway, the consequences will not be more terrible than the things I want to do. ! "

"Anyway, you have no choice, do you?"

"Wait, this honorable lord!"

Hearing the conversation between Rin and Guleifiah, the middle-aged demon who realized that the situation was wrong suddenly couldn't care about the ventilator that locked herself, "Guleifiya is the confidant of the old Demon School, we reformists"

"——Life and death are intertwined !!!"

At this moment, a low and powerful voice came from the sky. The next moment, the angel of the Sacred Demon appeared in front of the middle-aged demon, with one hand of light and one hand of darkness. In a flash, the power of the Sacred Demon turned into a cube. , Wrap it up!


At the next moment, the roar suddenly sounded.

The whole black-and-white Rubik's Cube burst and shattered, and the body and soul of the middle-aged Devil shattered together with this Rubik's Cube, and turned into bits and pieces and disappeared into the space, leaving all the demons in a chill.

Seeing the terrifying combat power of the fallen form of the six-winged beast, Gu Leifia's eyes flickered.

After being silent for a while, Guleifija said so, "The devil's contract is absolute, as long as you can protect me and my brother, Guleifiya is willing to pay her absolute loyalty!"

"Wait, sister, you"

Hearing her sister ’s words, Gurefija ’s younger brother, Euclid, started to panic, but before the words were spoken, he was covered by his sister, and then the other hand knocked on the neck, dizzy. In the past.

"no problem!"

He glanced lightly at Guleyfia's stunned boy and nodded noddingly.

The girl generally understands why Guleifiya stuns her younger brother. From the previous point, the girl probably understands that the boy respects the devil Lucifer very much and is likely to sing the opposite of his sister.

"So, what do I do with you next?"

Turning his head, Rin's eyes turned to the other demons, showing a smile.

Almost half an hour later

The clouds broke open, and the red-haired young man who controlled the fire beast Qilin fell from the sky and landed on the ground.

However, what was displayed in front of him was just a pothole of land, with a devilish atmosphere remaining, and a somewhat sacred atmosphere, but nothing else.

"Damn it! Is it late? !!!"

Looking at the scene in front of me, the face of the red-haired young man was suddenly blue, and the magic of destruction could not help but burst out. Fortunately, the young man was still rational, and he suppressed the urge to destroy everything. -rm->

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