My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 34: Unexpected gain first!

"I found you, Orpheus!"

After perceiving the existence of Orpheus, a smile appeared on the face of Nagato.

Although in the past year, Nagato even accidentally forgot his purpose and immersed in the beautiful scenery, but his original purpose was to find the infinite dragon god. At this time, Nagato did not forget.

Only in the perception of Nagato, the dragon god's breath is somewhat looming.

There seems to be a lack of roots, just a breath of air.

"Presumably, is that dragon **** hiding in a special place that can isolate the breath?"

Thousands of thoughts flowed through my heart, and soon, Nagato made such a judgment.

At the moment, the red-haired boy glanced at the slightly dark ground around him and the purple sky, and he groaned slightly, then he converged his breath to a more subtle level, almost to the extent that the breath of the assassins of the spirits was covered.

In response to the traction of an invisible causal line in his left hand, the long gate walked away in a certain direction.

Soon, Nagato came to a canyon.

At first glance, Nagato saw it. The special invisible enchantment that was laid out around the canyon. Although he did not know its specific role, Nagato knew that if he touched the enchantment himself, he would alarm the people in the canyon. .


"How could this enchantment stop me ?!"

Dismissing his lips disdainfully, the fluctuations of Nagato's whole body began to change, and soon it was almost in line with the fluctuations of the invisible enchantment. The next moment, when Nagato stepped out, the invisible enchantment rippled.

At the next moment, a red-haired boy in a purple robe walked into the enclave, unnoticed.

Just stepping in, the long door heard a slightly gloomy voice.

"It's a pity that the Hindu guys, the demon clan on the land of China, and the gods and priests and witches of Gaotianyuan in Fusang Island are not willing to participate. Otherwise, all mythical forces in the human world have been completed. "

Nagato knew that it was the voice of the guy who had followed him for more than a year. Hearing this voice, Nagato frowned instinctively. The killing in his heart gradually rose. After a year of rest, Nagato has recovered The hands-on interest.

Silently, the long door stepped out in one step, then crossed a distance of 100 meters, and immediately crossed the obstacles and reached the depths of the canyon directly.

Here, the long gate saw a huge tent and three figures surrounding the campfire in front of the tent.

The figure closest to the Nagato is the man in black robe that Nagato has been searching for a long time. At this time, he has revealed his figure. It is a middle-aged man who looks less than forty, and his body is invisible. His resentment made him look very gloomy.

"That's no way. Hinduism has been known for a long time, and the demon clan in China are very rebellious, and there is no sense of honor between each other, and they even advocate freedom. How can they participate in such an action."

He was talking about a young demon near the man in black robe. The whole body of destruction and frivolous tone made him look very uncomfortable. "And the high gods of Fusang, those weak guys dare to provoke the reputation of the underworld today. What about the city of freedom that rises up ?! "

"It doesn't matter, anyway, it's just some pieces used to attract most of the strength of the City of Freedom!"

Beside one man and one demon, the extremely strong man said, "Our purpose is to seize the opportunity to break into the city of freedom and explore the trace of the peerless demon who was fighting the great red ten years ago."

"According to intelligence, a large part of the rise of the City of Freedom is based on the relationship with the big demon."

At the end of the day, the muscular man could not help feeling a bit uncomfortable, "It's awful, if it wasn't for Orpheus to find the monster, things wouldn't be so troublesome."

"Huh, is that true? The die-hard factions that gather almost all mythical forces. Are you sure that your purpose is not to destroy the city of freedom?"

"Moreover, if you want to make it simpler, just let Orpheus go to the City of Freedom!"

Hearing the words of the big man, there was a sneer on the face of the young demon, "It ’s a hypocritical guy, he did n’t want Orpheus to get help from the City of Liberty, but he gave up on himself instead. You just want to destroy freedom. City, cut off the possibility of Orpheus's departure, right? "

"Aren't you the same, hypocritical demon!"

Hearing the words of the young demons, Dahan did not deny it, and said ironically.

"I don't care, as long as the Infinite Dragon God can continue to provide us with power!"

The gloomy middle-aged man said so indifferently, but his eyes were full of desire for power

This man has long become a captive of power.

"Oh ?! This is an accident!"

Hearing this, Nagato's eyes moved slightly, revealing a little surprise.

I didn't expect that I was just going to find the Infinite Dragon God Orpheus along the vines of the disaster group, but I accidentally learned such an interesting news. Although I already knew the existence of the city of freedom, it would make many stubborn forces feel unsightly.

But Nagato really did not expect that there will be a situation where almost all the diehards in the mythical forces besieged together.

"But think about it, this situation is really reasonable!"

After all, the City of Freedom is a deliberately left hole in the dxd plane by the heavens and the world.

While the City of Freedom takes root, the system located in the chaotic starry sky takes the City of Freedom as the starting point and begins to penetrate the entire dxd plane step by step. Although this penetration is invisible, it will not be noticed by world consciousness.

However, in the subconscious mind, the plane consciousness will not like the city of freedom very much.

And this subtle meaning will affect the people of this plane. They are prepared to be people who have never seen the city of freedom, and let their malicious intensify.

In addition, the City of Freedom has really shaken the foundations of those mythical forces.

In this city, different creatures from different places in the Three Realms live together in a friendly way. This kind of city where angels and demons are called brothers and brothers, fallen angels and fairies become couples is a subversion for any myth! ..

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