My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 35: Origin and bombardment second!

The so-called mythic force

In short, it is the force that uses myth as a link!

In this dxd plane, mythical forces are the strongest forces, just like demons, angels, and fallen angels. Although they are three-way forces, in the eyes of other mythical forces, they are actually a force in civil war, whose name is Bible Mythology. power.

If we want to talk about the origin of mythological forces, we must start with the human world

Although there are heaven and underworld in the dxd plane, and there are small worlds unique to each mythical force, no one force will ignore the existence of the human world, and even in the eyes of all forces, the human world is irreplaceable.

All this is because the human world is the origin of other worlds, the original world!

In ancient times, only the human realm existed, other worlds were only scattered in the space bubbles of the human world, and in those space bubbles, powerful gods were born, they are the so-called **** clan!

The space bubbles around the human world and all around are moving, and it is easy to intersect.

As the intersection occurred, the gods gradually revealed miracles in the human world, and then derived a myth, and the myth draws the ideas of all beings, and pulls the space bubble tightly around, and the space bubble follows the belief The force gradually became larger.

This is the origin of the mythical forces that are rooted in the human realm, but yet override it.

In the power of mythology, mythology, in a sense, symbolizes status, just as Sazax Gimri is powerful, but if he wants to lead the demon, he must inherit the name of Lucifer, otherwise, he will not be recognized at all.

In another example, in the Nordic mythology, Thor is the most powerful existence in the Nordic mythology, but Odin is the king of the gods, and Thor can only fall under it.

The situation in the Free City completely broke the authority in the myth

Such consequences are naturally self-evident.

The forces of various myths naturally have some that do not even appear in myths, but their strength and abilities are very strong. The destruction of the authority of the myth will definitely ignite the flames in their hearts. Perhaps it will be nothing for a while, but for a long time, There will definitely be problems.

Therefore, it is quite normal for many forces to prepare for the city of freedom.


"That's just right. I recently felt that I didn't make enough sensation in this world!"

A cold smile appeared in the corner of his mouth. After understanding all the causes and consequences, Nagato had lost the interest to continue listening, stepped out, and the abrupt footsteps echoed around him.

"Someone, come out for me !!!"

Hearing this footstep, the strong man immediately stood up, a broad sword appeared across the sky, and a cut was made towards the place where the long gate was. The horrible sword screamed out and cut a long line on the ground. Long traces.


At this moment, the dark blue flame burst out suddenly, slamming the sword, and the next moment, the dust flew, and a strong wave of air burst out from the collision position, spreading out on all sides, and completely extinguished the bonfire.

The surrounding environment dimmed in an instant, and seemed to be cold.

"Da da da!"

The sound of footsteps was heard again, which made the three of the big men concentrate. In a few moments, the red-haired teenager with a dark blue flame flashing across his body walked out of the flying dust, and the purple cold eyes swept across the three people present and spoke softly. : "Hello, a few of the disaster group."

"Then, say goodbye!"

I didn't plan to say anything at all, and Nagato immediately started!


The deep blue arrogance skyrocketed wildly, and the strong pressure made the whole gorge tremble.

The tent not far away is like a duckweed in the wind and rain, crumbling.

At the next moment, the horrible arrogance gathered behind the long door, and turned into a phantom like a sacred statue in the church, which was not more than ten meters. Troll of destruction!

Subsequently, the dark blue arrogance gathered on the right hand of the long door, and soon, a dark blue caged hand appeared on the right hand of the long door!

That was one of the **** destroyers that Nagato carried with him, the caged hand of the giant **** soldier!

After completing all the accumulations before the Dao Realm, the long-door beast has little meaning.

The significance of the beast is the destructive power.

But what kind of beast is more terrifying than Nagato's own destructive power?

So in this ten-year period, Nagato created six **** beasts into six **** destroyers, three of which were given to Rin, Sakura and Ilya, and the remaining three were due to compatibility issues and the future Growing up, Nagato kept himself.

The caged hand of this giant soldier is one of them!

"God extinguishes ?!"

Seeing the caged hands on the right hand of Nagato, the three people in front of him couldn't help but blurt out.

However, they didn't wait for them to continue to say anything. Nagato had punched out, and the giant statue behind him also waved his fist of destruction.

The horrible will to destroy them will make them completely creepy!

Realizing the advent of the crisis, the three unwilling to perish have used their stunts. The gloomy magic has launched a complex magic circle. The devil opened his bat wings, and the magic of destruction began to gather. He even wielded his most decisive sword.

It's just completely useless!

Evil magic or the power of destruction, even the most severe swordsmanship is the same. Under this punch, all the counterattacks seem to be like paper, dissipating suddenly.


A violent roar erupted throughout the canyon, and the shock spread wildly.

At the next moment, the enchantment encasing the entire canyon suddenly crashed into pieces, and the encrusted debris that fell into pieces fell down, and even the entire canyon was under this fist, vaguely seemingly showing signs of collapse.

The power of the Giant Divine Soldier is truly extraordinary!

It was quite common for this long gate, after bombing the enemy, they put away their caged hands, and at the next moment, the little girl dressed in black walked out of the smoke in front of the long gate and walked around

Infinite Dragon God, Orpheus, is here! ..

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