My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 37: Shady! Meet again Gu Lei Fiya fourth!

Time flies.

In a flash, three days passed.

Three days ago, Nagato succeeded in conquering the pet dragon **** Orpheus on the condition of helping to deal with the Great Red and swallowing the Ouroboros. Then, Nagato led the little girl towards the city of freedom set off.

Nagato did not teleport to the City of Freedom directly, but chose the most common carriage.

In the case of a luxury carriage drawn by tears in the tears of an unknown demon aristocrat, and a voluntarily Yalong dragon willing to act as a horse in the underworld forest, Nagato and Olympics Fez set off.

I have to say that Mr. Yalong is very good, and the luxurious cabin is really comfortable.

For at least three days, Nagato felt that the whole person was soft.

The only thing that is more troublesome is taking care of Orpheus. This little guy is too simple and doesn't understand anything. This makes Nagato's idea of ​​wanting an all-round portable maid more and more important.

On the third day, while Nagato was still estimating how far away he was from the City of Freedom, the red-haired boy received an ancient book from Saya across time and space. According to the girl, it contained I am very interested in things.

In response, Nagato sent Orpheus into a daze with great interest, and then opened the book.

As a result, the content on the first page immediately attracted the attention of Nagato--

"Ouroboros, also known as self-eating!"

"This is one of the oldest symbols circulated since ancient times and contains the true meaning of the universe."

"This symbol symbolizes the endless and infinite true meaning, and also confirms the concept of the endless cycle in the universe. Even more than a decade ago, some scholars proposed that the true meaning of this symbol is the prototype of human psychology!"

In his mouth, he softly read the content on the first page of the book from his own hands.

"Interesting, it's really interesting!"

With a murmur, the long door focused his attention on the book

Almost half an hour later, when Nagato's attention was drawn from the book, the face of the red-haired boy seemed to be smiling.

From this book, Nagato knew a lot of things, and even thought of a lot of things

From the true meaning of the infinite power, to Orpheus ’s current essential state, from the Great Red and the Beast Emperor 666, to the artifact system left by the falling biblical god, from Hinduism that seems to have been waiting for something, to being A glorious prosperity opened step by step

Nagato seems to see that a horrible black hand that has been deployed for thousands of years is covering the world!

"What a fun game!"

With such a whisper in his mouth, Nagato also had various emotions in his heart. At this moment, he seemed to see the figure of a man who had laid out the ancient world and woven a mythological world in the world of the god-killer.

"No matter which world, there are always people like that, but, unfortunately, you met me!"

He whispered quietly, and the long door glanced at the dragon not far from his left, sitting on the side of the car window, looking at the view of the flying sky outside, and a crystal ball flashed in the other hand. , The ball is a stationary Ouroboros. That is nothing else, it is the manifestation of infinite power that Orpheus thought the long door swallowed.


As if sensing the gaze of Nagato, Orpheus turned his head and looked over.

On the eve of the girl ’s sight, the crystal ball in the hands of Nagato had disappeared without a trace. The red-haired boy smiled leisurely and beckoned to Orpheus. Lord Longshen tilted his head and stood up straight. Beside the long door.

Then she lay directly in the boy's arms, rubbed, and then quieted down.

It's like a pet kept in a long door.

"Ha ha!"

As for Orpheus' performance, Nagato smiled complacently.

The right hand caressed the girl's black hair, feeling the tender and tender body. The whole person of the long door leaned slightly on the inner wall of the car. His left hand leaned on his head. His eyes looked through the window beside him and looked to the outside. Started dazed.

I don't know how long it has passed. Suddenly, the carriage where Nagato was stopped suddenly awoke Nagato from a daze.

"Galen! Why did it stop?"

After looking at the scenery outside, Nagato determined that this was not a city of freedom, frowned and spoke softly.

Without letting the Nagato wait for a while, soon, a seemingly awful sub-leader skull appeared outside the window of the Nagato, and the eyes of the full bowl were full of pleasing meaning, and said: "Nagato Adult, someone stopped on the road and said it was here to pick you up. "


Hearing Yalong named Galen, Nagato frivolous, and was too lazy to see who was outside, and said, "In that case, let the people come up, I am too lazy to change the car."


Hearing the words of Nagato, Yalong said hardly.

Originally thought that Yalong, who was able to ride a carriage, was suddenly weak, and God knows how he had spent these three days. With countless surprised eyes, he pulled the carriage across the Underworld Continent's Yalong. He was absolutely the first One!

However, despite his grief and indignation, he dared not resist, if he did not resist, he would be ashamed, and resistance would be a loss of life!

Not long after Yalong's head disappeared into the sight of the long door, the long door felt a sound of stepping on the carriage. At the next moment, the curtain in front of the carriage lifted, and the tall woman with silver braids came in.

Seeing this woman, Nagato's eyes shone slightly, but she didn't expect that she was coming to pick herself up!

Gurefija Lucifer Figs, maidservant of the city of freedom.

The female demon that Rin had met once in that year has now become the maidservant of the City of Freedom. If it were not for her, the time for Rin to establish the City of Freedom was greatly delayed. It is impossible to build it in one year!

By the way, His Majesty Lucifer, the infatuated Lord, did not know the news that the demon he liked was still alive.

"Master Nagato!"

Entering the carriage, Guleifiia first glanced at Lord Longshen in the arms of the long door, and then officially bowed to the long door as if nothing had happened, "Although we have known each other, this is the first time we meet in person. Please advise me in the future! "..

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