My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 38: Conversation and mutation fifth more!

"Then please advise me too, Guleifiya!"

Looking at a serious and beautiful female demon in front of him, the long door spoke gently and patted the little head of Lord Dragon God in his arms. "This is Orpheus. Presumably you should already know."

"Yes, lord!"

Hearing the words of the long gate, Guleifiya knelt up directly in the car and confessed, "Three days ago, the Wanjie system has already communicated part of your experience to the city of freedom. God, Lord Rin expressed great pleasure. "

During the talk, Gu Leifia's state of mind was not as calm as her face, and it was a surge of heart.

In the eyes of Orpheus, I am afraid that it is one of the few people with the strongest sequence on this plane. It is not too surprising, but for a native demon such as Guleifiya, the infinite dragon is famous. Not kidding.

That is the strongest dragon with infinite strength, second only to the existence of the great red!

"Oh, how are you prepared?"

Nagato did n’t feel anything bad about his own experience being communicated without permission. At first, Nagato advertised himself as saying nothing, and secondly, the people in charge of this area were Gaia, Alaya, and Destiny

They and the Nagato are almost indistinguishable from each other, and they can be called one body. In a sense, what they will do is allowed by the Nagato.

Nagato cared about how well they were prepared.

To be honest, Nagato was very satisfied with this plane tour. The scenery of this plane is good, but it is impossible to satisfy Nagato if he is just sightseeing. Nagato suddenly wants to set off in this world, which is enough to shock the world Of shock.

Rin's achievements were good, but in the eyes of the long door, after all, there was a little bit of trouble.

Such an interesting plane, the strong come out in large numbers, how to do not make a big trouble, you know, that one by one the unusual strong, sometimes Nagato can't help but want them to find out one by one, and then one by one Explode.

However, Nagato still refrained. The game was not so playful, and it was turned off at the beginning. It was really boring!

Step by step, using the world as a chess game, you can get enough fun.

Fun is the spiritual food of the devil!

Unconsciously, Nagato's mentality has become more in line with Changsheng.

"Master Rin is ready for everything!"

Hearing the inquiry from Nagato, Gurefia's eyes flashed coldly. Obviously, because of the upcoming siege, the female demon was completely irritated, even if the participating forces also had demon forces.

For ten years, Gurefija watched the city of freedom build up bit by bit.

On weekdays, when I was walking in the city, I saw happy smiles and heard a blessing to myself and the city, so that the female devil clearly understood that the city is so worth her. Pay.

Over the past decade, the sense of accomplishment as the head of the entire Free City is not a fake family glory that can match it!

For this reason, even if facing the butcher knife to his compatriots, Guleifiya will not have any hesitation. "After seven Netherworld days, the City of Freedom will officially start the first diplomatic conference with the three major forces of the Netherworld."

"According to your intelligence, I suppose that the so-called coalition is planning to act on that day."

"According to recent information, we have discovered that a large number of other mythical forces have secretly entered the underworld. They are gradually encircling the city of freedom in the form of encirclement. There are many fallen angels and demons and even the death force along the way to help Its cover. "

Speaking of which, Guryfia's face showed a look of disgust. He was clearly prepared to start diplomacy with the City of Freedom, but he did not forget to secretly help the enemy. This kind of diplomacy's sincerity is really doubtful.

"Admiral Rin's decision was to launch the most resolute counterattack directly on the day of the meeting in front of those diplomatic forces, killing his leader, and taking a large number of so-called coalition captives as a bargaining chip for diplomacy!"

"Oh, this idea is good!"

Hearing this, Nagato could n’t help but exclaim, saying that it gave the world a big shock, showed off his muscles, and put an end to the possibility of a real war.


At this moment, the girl in Nagato's arms moved, raised her head, looked around blankly, and finally looked at Gurefia, and then to Nagato, with a hint of inquiry in her eyes. .

"Her name is Guleifiya. The maid Zhang where we live in the next few years will come to her if necessary."

"In Xia Gulei Feiya, I met Lord Orpheus!"

After Nagato introduced Orpheus to Orpheus, Oryx immediately saluted toward the Dragon God.

"I get it!"

Responding dumbly, Orpheus lay in the arms of the long door again, moved his position, and fell into a deep sleep again. Lord Longshen found that the arms of the long door were very comfortable, so she couldn't help it. Recalling my initial silence.

Seeing Infinite Dragon God like a pet in front of the long gate, Gu Leifiya couldn't help but reveal a trace of surprise.

"By the way, Gulyfia!"

At this moment, Nagato seemed to sense something, and suddenly asked, "If you come to pick me up, it must be to prevent me from meeting with the guys who have misconduct, causing problems with the plan."

"That's why, disguised as unaware, is one of our plans."

Suddenly I heard a question from Nagato, Gurefija explained conditionedly, and then there was a surprise on the girl's face, "Adult, you say that, don't you?"

"That's the one!"

The long door smiled indifferently, and as soon as the thought moved, the curtain of the carriage automatically lifted.

Gurefia sensed the movement of the long door and immediately turned around. At the first sight, she saw at the end of her field of vision that a sudden space channel was slowly forming, and the divine breath of life and death slowly poured out.

Shouldn't it be so unreliable? Open the space channel not far from the city of freedom, the ghosts know that you are mischievous.

Then a sneak attack!

Suddenly, Guleifiya was in trouble. ..

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