My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 39: Ready to shoot first!

"Ha ha!"

Seeing Gu Lefia's expression, Nagato couldn't help but chuckle softly.

Hearing the laughter of Nagato, Gurefiah suddenly recovered from the shock, and there was a trace of anger in the female demon's face, and he said, "Master, do you still have a heart to laugh ?! If you let After that space access is completed, Lord Rin ’s plan is greatly reduced. "

Rin's plan is actually very simple-

It was during the talks with the leaders of the major forces in the underworld that the future mythical forces were defeated and used as bargaining chips.

However, an idiot clearly appeared in the mythical forces in front of me, and he swaggered to expand the space channel here. If that space is completed, even if the city of freedom pretends to be deaf and dumb, it will definitely find the other party, and then the battle will be advanced.

Although this will also help to increase the prestige of the City of Freedom, there will be more room for manoeuvre in the talks seven days later.

That's not what Rin wants to see in a series of high-level officials!

"Don't worry, Gurefia!"

"Since I am here, how can I help my lovely daughters deal with these unexpected situations."

Faced with Guleyfia's anger, the long door comforted indifferently, and then opened a snapping finger in the left hand. At the next moment, the red light suddenly spread from the fingertips of the red-haired boy, and a shield was formed in the blink of an eye. The area within a few hundred meters is enveloped.

Seeing the action of Nagato, Guleifiya's face suddenly showed a look of surprise.

Although I do n’t know what Nagato is going to do, I do n’t know why, but the silver-haired female demon psychology felt a calmness, as if there was nothing in the face of the gentle gentleman in front of him.

"Huh ?! Do you want to fight?"

The action of Nagato immediately affected Orpheus, who was sleeping in his arms. I saw Lord Dragon God raised his head in dissatisfaction and stared at Nagato. It seemed to be annoyed that Nagato disturbed her sleep. Orpheus's face also showed a hint of curiosity.

Although natural, Orpheus is not an idiot. Lord Dragon God is also curious about the strength of his current "feeder"!

"Yeah, let's see if I can sign a contract with you!"

Smiling apologetically, Nagato pulled up Orpheus's small hand, and the whole person stood lazily, crossed Gurefia, and walked out of the carriage. Behind him, the silver-haired female demon followed closely.

The moment the car walked out of the car, the long door felt a divine coercion from a short distance away.

Under this pressure, the Yalong who was used to pull the cart was already creeping to the ground.

"It's really weak, no wonder it's just Yalong!"

Seeing Yalong's performance, Nagato whispered, and immediately let the prostrate Yalong shake his body, but then there was no response. For this, Nagato couldn't help shaking his head, and originally had a little hard work for this The heart of Yalong who was ready to be promoted suddenly disappeared.

Real dragons, but fantasy species of creatures, are not in the ecosystem, they will not fear the gods, the fear is no longer a dragon! Just when Nagato sighed, that space channel has been formed!

Although possessing a breath of life, the breath of incomparably obvious divine sentiment came very clearly telling Nagato and others that the coming person was a **** of death, and thinking of this, Nagato could not help but sneer.

"Ha! Is it another **** of death who has lost his position in the underworld? No wonder he will open the space channel directly, probably remembering the past, some anxiety, let's talk about the **** of the Bible is not a sin!"

Hearing the long door, Gurelfija standing behind him also couldn't help but pursed his lips and chuckled.

Speaking of which, traveling in many planes near the human world, the underworld is definitely one of the most unique worlds.

When the gods appeared, the myth began to spread in the world, and the space floating in the human world continued to expand and become one **** world. However, the human world is limited, and the belief is also limited, so the battle of belief between the gods began Too.

Among them, the God of the Bible made the most profit in this war, annexed many mythical forces, and became the largest mythical force in one fell swoop!

The God of the Bible is honored as the only God, the God of God!

Under such circumstances, the God of the Bible not only turns his own God Realm, that is, the Heaven Realm, into the largest God Realm, but also shapes the Underworld Hell according to the approval of the world ’s spirits for the post-death world, directly occupying the post-death world Orthodox status.

Under such circumstances, the existence of Pluto, the **** of death, and other mythical forces suddenly became embarrassing.

Except for a small number of believers, there are very few creatures who will report to them when they die. In a sense, they have become a pseudo-god. Except for a few believers, they are only known as gods in the world.

That is, Hades, the Hades, was more arrogant, and moved directly from Mount Olympus to the bottom of the underworld, occupying it. Therefore, now the world's truly recognized **** of death is Hades, the Hades!

All other mythical forces of Pluto are only able to grind their teeth in their old nest, but they are helpless.

Now that I have to go to the underworld in person, there will be some brain damage, which is justifiable.


"Here! You dare to blasphemy! You are unforgivable!"

With a chuckle from Nagato and a chuckle from Guleifia, an extremely angry voice came from the space channel.

At the next moment, a green man with a beard, a crank, a flail, a scepter symbolizing supreme power, and a crown wearing a crown came out.

After stepping out of the passage, the protoss with the breath of death all over his body stared at the long door with fierce eyes, as if he wanted to choose someone to eat!

Immediately behind this protoss, the two protoss of the eagle-headed body and the dog-headed body guarded him.

After the three, there are mummy one by one, coming out of the passage

Soon, almost hundreds of mummies appeared here, and all the mummy's breath seemed to be connected as one, full of unmatched immense might, which made Guleifiya unable to help being surprised.

"Mummy, then you are Osiris?"

However, under such circumstances, the long facade does not change color, but instead reveals a smile of bloodthirsty! ..

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