My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 40: The second kill and counterattack!

Osiris is angry!

As one of the nine most important gods in Egypt, ‘Nine Gods’, he rarely gets so angry!

In Egyptian mythology, he has a high status.

He was an enlightened king before his death, and he was the master of the earth and the judge of death after his death; he was the **** of resurrection, rain, and plants, and he was called the **** of abundance; Get the judgment of eternal life.

But all this can't be covered, Osiris' strength is really not very good.

In mythology, Osiris was famously killed by his brother and even caused the disappearance of an important part of his lower body.

But that doesn't matter, you are not strong, and you have a high status!

For a long time, Osiris has always comforted himself. As a pillar god, even those who are stronger than himself can only look up to him, making Osiris with limited talents very happy.

But all this has changed since the city of freedom emerged.

When the authority of the myth is shaken, Osiris can obviously perceive the following people to see their eyes gradually become a little weird, which makes the proud and proud Lord Hades how to endure!

So when someone came to lobby the city of freedom, Osiris took the lead and agreed.

Even he decided to take the lead in command!

However, when Osiris opened the channel of the Underworld happily, he heard a very ridiculous sound of himself. Immediately, Osiris rushed out regardless of his disregard.

At first glance, Osiris saw the mortal who mocked and desecrated himself

A red-haired boy in a purple robe!

Immediately, Osiris exploded his own momentum, preparing to let that mortal understand what is called supernatural power!


"Mummy? It seems that you are Osiris!"

Faced with the anger of God, the mortal in Osiris' eyes not only did not have any panic, but instead showed a bloodthirsty smile that made Osiris feel bad, "It seems that my luck has always been good, shine, red Curse!"

With the sudden speech, the surrounding sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, blocking the light!


The crimson thunder suddenly appeared, drove down towards Osiris, the rolling crisis, and the vast will of the punishment of the heavens, so that the high-powered but ineffective Pluto suddenly froze in place.

"Guardianship of Kingship !!!"

Fortunately, Horus, the bird-headed personal warrior beside Osiris, the son of Osiris reacted for the first time, and the energy scepter in his hand was immediately swayed, turning into a shield for the guardian of the king, protecting Osiris.


The violent roar suddenly echoed, and the red current continued to spread, obscuring everyone's sight.

However, at this moment, a red light seemed to flash in front of everyone's eyes, a terrible feeling echoed in the whole area, almost everyone felt at this moment, a horrible judgment will come !

Horus's pupils contracted sharply at this moment, because just now, the guardian he had released had broken.

In a short time, the red current is all led to the ground, and the continuously spreading smoke is dispersed

Then an incredible scene appeared in front of everyone:

I saw the young man with red hair and purple robe holding a scarlet magic gun in his left hand and raised Osiris high!

The so-called Pluto still has an unbelievable look on his face.

It's just that the divine power, which is constantly collapsing, clearly tells the people present an amazing fact that Osiris, one of the nine pillar gods in Egypt, is dead and neat.

All of a sudden, there was silence in the entire area!

The Egyptian gods were completely in shock, and Guleifiya was also surprised by the determination and strength of Nagato. Only Dragon God's eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of his mouth were gently raised.

Lord Longshen discovered that she seemed to underestimate her oath too much.

"Weakly scary!"

At this moment, Nagato said a little speechlessly, "Fortunately, all I need is the divinity called Osiris, not a powerful Pluto, otherwise, it will be miserable."

As soon as the words fell, the magic gun in the long door gleamed with a dazzling red light, and there seemed to be something constantly being extracted from the corpse of Osiris.

In an instant, the corpse of Osiris had turned into ashes and dissipated

Only the red-haired boy with the magic gun was standing.

"No !!! Father !!!"

At this time, the Egyptian **** of war Horus finally couldn't help crying, and then the Egyptian **** of war with a bird's head erupted into the flames that shook the surrounding allies, and the whole person turned into a ray of light, impacting toward the long door. Come.

The God of War, who was carrying it, could no longer bear the presence of the boy who killed his father!


"Hah, are you anxious and have so many flaws!"

With a soft whisper, the magic gun in Longmen's hands seemed to turn into a crimson roaming dragon. He penetrated Horus' heart at an incredible angle, making the face of the Egyptian **** of war unbelievable.

"This magic gun is one of the **** destroyers I made, the magic gun of judgment!"

Looking at the unbelievable face of God of War, Nagato explained very kindly, and then said, "Then I will send the entire Egyptian gods to you as a companion, so go to death with peace of mind!"


As soon as the words fell, Horus burst out, and the red thunder flashed around.

At the next moment, the magic gun in the hands of Nagato turned into a thunder disappearing, and then the endless thunder continued to bombard from the clouds in the sky, bombarded on a mummy and the protoss with the doghead

In this thunder, Nagato strolled back to the dull Guleifiya.

With a smile, Nagato pulled one of Gurefija's hands and the other hand took Orpheus. The three of them walked through the endless roar and walked into the space channel, preparing to go to Egypt Spirit world.

Before leaving, Nagato looked back at Yalong and deleted his memory.

Then the three heads disappeared into the space channel without looking back. ..

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