My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 42: Apollo is the fourth!

"Ha, I'm so sorry."

Standing up, the long door glanced at the burning goddess, shaking the golden wings on his back, and the sun and Mars filled out. "For my lovely daughter, I will not let any Egyptian **** live."

With the words of Nagato, the thunder that landed in the sky is more vigorous, and the raging judgment will be more terrifying!

In an instant, the whole God Realm was struck by lightning strikes everywhere.

The mummy, the pharaoh, the guardian of the gods, and even the three families of gods, under such a thunder feast, one by one, tragically turned into ashes, and suddenly, the entire **** realm wailed wildly, the breath of despair began to spread.


At this moment, a sudden huge sun wheel appeared in the air!

As if the Dinghaishen needles were in general, the appearance of the sun wheel gave the gods of Egypt a sense of stability.

Then, at this moment, the scorching divine radiance spread all over the world, and the vermilion radiance, which was eroding the whole world continuously, appeared an abnormal stagnation under this scorching ray.

With it, the thunder all over the whole God Realm gradually decreased.


"Your Majesty Artum!"

"Supreme Ammonla!"


Aware of this change, the remaining spirits of the entire **** realm, and even the gods began to pray, they are calling the name of the strongest person in the Egyptian **** realm, and the dxd plane is one of the few transcendents.

Ra, Atum, Amunra, Arden, etc. are all pseudonyms of his different periods!

The strongest person in Egyptian mythology, the sun god, appeared at this moment!

"Ha, did it finally appear?"

Seeing the sun wheel in the sky, an uninhibited smile appeared on the face of Nagato, and under the wings behind him, the light scattered, originally invading this **** realm, one of the purposes of Nagato included this Egyptian mythology Sun god.


I saw that the sun wheel in the sky stopped a full-scale bombardment of the red thunder with its own light, and then a fierce solar storm erupted.

In the deafening roar, huge meteorites appeared from the sun wheel, with hot Mars, like a tiny miniature sun, bombarded towards the place where the long gate was.

At the same time, tremendous changes have taken place in the environment where Nagato is.

Originally able to use every minute of the absorbed aura, at this moment, it seemed to change into a hot sun fire, and began to burn the body of the long gate, and the vast world seemed to turn into a huge furnace!

This is the lore from Arden, the wrath of the Sun God!


"Although it is good, but it is too far to kill me!" The red-haired teenager with his arms crossed his eyes squinted at the tiny sun that was falling down, and said softly, the next moment, the tyrannical breath burst from behind the long door The whole world of God Realm broke out suddenly.

"Roar !!!"

The huge dark blue giant roared up in the sky, and at his feet was the dead **** of the earth.

After absorbing the divinity of the God of the Earth, a huge change took place in the dark blue giant. The whole earth began to tremble under his roar, and the endless power of the earth poured into his body from the giant's feet

Then gathered on the giant invincible fist!

In the face of the falling and falling miniature sun, the terrifying giant slammed into the sky with a punch, and in an instant, the deep blue energy wrapped the divine tyrannical will and rushed to the sky, and there was a violent collision with the falling meteorite!


Suddenly, a violent explosion occurred in the midair of God Realm!

The scorching flame instantly filled the entire sky, as if to ignite the entire God Realm.

After that, the second punch of the dark blue giant followed, punching out, the air, and even the space were completely blasted under this punch, like the waves, lined up on both sides, the big punch was directly bombarded at On the flames in the sky.


A large mouth suddenly appeared on the flame layer that diffused in the sky, and a roar burst on the sun wheel behind the flame layer, and flew backwards. The special light shining in the entire God Realm seemed to have some faults.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the red light eroded back again, and the endless thunder broke out again.

Under the crimson thunder, the flames in the sky fell into the ground one after another, and suddenly the entire Egyptian **** realm burned completely, just as if the end had come.

"Damn !!!"

Suddenly, an extremely loud voice reverberated throughout the whole God Realm.

This is the first time the sun **** Aden speaks, his voice is full of anxious and corrupt emotions, but this is also normal, after all, the entire God Realm has become like this, even if he wins, the lonely power of the entire Egyptian myth is almost a definite option Too.

However, because of this, the sun **** completely put down the burden.

In an instant, the pressure in the sky rose again and again, almost soaring to an unimaginable level.

"Yes, that's what makes it fun!"

Seeing the horrible coercion of the Sun God, even a hint of mourning appeared in the entire God Realm, the long door smiled with satisfaction, and the golden wings behind him expanded to the maximum at this time.

The light wings of the Winged Dragon, this is the third **** extermination tool on the Nagato.

It is not like the magic gun of the judgment and the cage of the giant **** soldier, which liberates the monster of the **** destroyer seal. The long door directly equips this **** destroyer to fight the sun **** in front of him and take his divinity. .


The power of God's extermination was fully stimulated, and the long door was instantly covered with a layer of golden armor. That was the prohibition of the light wings of the Pterosaur, and the terrifying sun flames overflowed at this moment, the earth It even started to melt.

At the next moment, the whole person of Nagato turned into a ray of light that rushed to the sky, and immediately hit the high sun wheel!

"Boom! Boom! Boom !!!"

The sky suddenly echoed with endless roars, the solar storms on the sun wheel one after another, the energy wave constantly raging the entire God Realm, destroying it again and again ..

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