My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 43: End with fifth after the aftermath!


Or, incredible? !

Standing above the void, Gu Leifia looked at the world of God Realm that had fallen into the end, and the wailing God Realm sentient beings did not know what kind of mood they should maintain at this time.

In short, after seeing the Nagato with three pieces of **** extermination equipment, almost to destroy a feat of God Realm

Gu Leifia's mind was suddenly confused, with all kinds of emotions.

Looking up at the sunburst in the sky that is constantly oscillating, Gu Lefia can obviously feel the acceleration of his heart beat. As a demon, even if he loses the shackles of the Bible and has a diversified personality situation, but The essence of the strong worship in the bone is inevitable.

In the face of the long door that can do all of this, Gu Leifia found that he might not be able to maintain his previous attitude towards him.

Standing next to Gulyfia, Orpheus also looked straight at the sun wheel in the sky.

With unique means, Orpheus penetrated the sun wheel, watching the battle inside the sun wheel, a battle between wills.

Lord Dragon God didn't take part in the battle, she was asked to protect Guleifiya by the long door.

Of course, even without this task, I am afraid that Lord Dragon God will not want to join the war. After all, for Orpheus, as long as it is not a battle against the Great Red, it is almost meaningless, at least for now.

Observe the power of your oath, this is the most interesting thing at this time.

It was her protection that made Guleifiya not affected by the aftermath of such a fabulous battle. Otherwise, Guleifeiya's ability is strong, but she may not survive this battle.

At this point, the strength of Lord Dragon God also seems unfathomable.

"The battle is coming to an end!"

At this moment, Orpheus said suddenly, a surprise in his eyes, and did not know what she was surprised.

As soon as this remark came out, Gurefija's attention was suddenly drawn, and the silver-haired female demon only discovered that the explosion frequency on the sun wheel was getting faster and faster, until a certain limit, the energy of terror spread from the sun wheel. Here comes the energy ghost of a huge pterosaur.

Then Pterosaur's energy phantom even opened his mouth directly and swallowed the sun wheel above.

Afterwards, the whole pterosaur began to gradually become a little light, and continued to disperse

In the process, the sky of the whole God Realm gradually dimmed with it.

Fortunately, the ground is constantly burning, and from time to time, the light of lightning does not suddenly fall into darkness, but this situation seems to be more frightening than darkness, and it seems to render the entire God Realm as purgatory.

"Although it is no different from purgatory"

I added in my heart that Gu Leifia's eyes did not move away from the gradually disappearing giant pterosaur. Soon, the light dissipated, revealing that the whole body was wearing golden armor, and the figure carrying the wings slowly fell down.

"Crack !!!"

At this moment, a sudden sound came from the golden armor.

The entire armor was broken into pieces, exposing the body of the long door. At the same time, the light wing was separated from the long door, and then emitted a huge light. Soon, a 100-meter pterosaur radiating the sun's rays Empty appears. The light broke through the darkness again, but this time, he brought not light but destruction!

Without any hesitation, complete destruction!

Three hours later, Egyptian God Realm.

The clouds have dissipated, the thunder has been shining constantly, and the giants are no longer destroying, because the enemies have been completely destroyed, and the earth is no longer burning, because the entire God Realm, there is really only a desolate earth.

Less than half a day before and after

Among the many mythical forces in the human world, it is also a well-known Egyptian mythical force, which has completely become history.

If things are going to spread here, I am afraid that the forces of the world will be uneasy!

"Master Nagato, what are you going to do next?"

Looking at the long door where the three monsters were printed into the artifact one by one, Gurefija asked, "Although your power is shocking, what is happening here is really too big, a little carelessness may cause We are in a more passive situation. "

"I know!"

Put away the last piece of God's Extinguisher, Nagato nodded.

What Guryfia said in his words, Nagato knew that similar to his act of overthrowing the Egyptian God Realm, it was equivalent to nuclear weapons in the human world. Countries with nuclear weapons would have a deterrent force and make them surrender, while countries that use nuclear weapons indiscriminately It will only lead to resistance.

Although Nagato was trying to deter the whole world, Nagato still knew the truth.

"Just hide for a while!"

In this way, Nagato's right hand penetrated into the void, and then took out, a creature similar to a white rabbit appeared abruptly in Nagato's hand, that was no one else, it was Shaye's current dependent, the hatcher Qube !

Throwing Qiubi in his hand, Qiubi immediately changed into a gray-haired old man in the next moment.

Seeing this old man, Gurefija hadn't responded yet, Orpheus froze for a moment, then looked at the long door, and the voice of inquiry was revealed, because the old man in front of her was the one she used before Image.

"Give me a snake!"

Without explaining anything, Nagato reached out and asked Orpheus.

"it is good!"

He tilted his head, Orpheus said, and then an Ouroboros with the power of infinite appeared in the air, and was caught by a long door. The Ouroboros flew into the mouth of the old man. In an instant, the old man His breath suddenly became exactly the same as Orpheus.

"I'll leave it to you next, Qiubijun!"

"Your will is everything!"

Hearing the command of Nagato, the old man nodded, and then a shielding force field containing infinite power burst out of him, and soon he merged with the whole God Realm. In an instant, God Realm was filled with Orpheus everywhere. Breath of power.

"Let's go, just hand him over here."

Seeing this, Nagato turned his head and said something to the two unknown women. At the next moment, the ripples of the space surrounded the three.

Soon, the three disappeared here. ..

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