My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 48: Sudden impulse first

"You flatter me!"

Hearing the praise from Nagato, the purple-haired girl smiled reservedly and worked out the tea set slowly.

In the lonely tea room, it seems to be isolated from the outside world, quiet and spontaneous, while experiencing this rare tranquility, while admiring the gentle and elegant girl bit by bit, showing that he has been tempering tea for a long time, making a unique feeling in the heart. Beauty.

"No, I'm sincere."

He said his thoughts softly, and the gentle smile on Nagato's face grew thicker.

Hearing Nagato's words, the smile on Sakura's face remained the same, but the whole person looked softer, and seemed to be in perfect harmony with the whole tea room, becoming more harmonious.

In the quiet tea room, the two sat like this, time passed unconsciously

Nagato enjoys such a subtle atmosphere very much.

As for the palpitations felt just now, after realizing that there was not much impact, they were completely ignored by the long door.

As Nagato's cultivation became higher, Nagato's horrible instinct gradually merged with Nagato's various perceptions. In the same plane, all the talk about himself, even without a direct name, Nagato can Perceived vaguely.

In a sense, Nagato's eyes have slowly begun to rise to the level of fate

Even without calculation, Nagato will instinctively move in a direction that is beneficial to him. This is one of Nagato's biggest cards!

But even so, Nagato is still not invincible.

At least Nagato himself could vaguely perceive that when he set foot on the road, there would be one of the biggest challenges in history, waiting for himself. That was a challenge that Nagato had to face.

At that time, in the plane of the God-killer, Nagato got the tortoise shell from the field of mythology, and was destined to this challenge.

It was caused by a causal chain that Nagato could not cut.

Therefore, Nagato is not in a hurry now. He would rather spend a hundred or two hundred years laying the ground for him to step into the sky and become a strong man in the realm, rather than wandering in the early stages. But there is no such time.

Almost half an hour later

"All right!"

Putting down the cup in his hand, the Nagato slowly prepared to stand up, and said, "Sakura, although it's still a little short of time, let's get ready to go first. Presumably some people are already waiting."

"Okay, my father!"

After hearing it, Sakura's face showed a bit of perseverance, but there was no entanglement. Instead, she cleaned up the tea set and quickly stood up and started to put on her shoes, a little faster than the long door.

After wearing the same shoes, Nagato glanced at Sakura in front of him and watched the girl's beautiful posture

The spontaneous impulse germinated in the heart of the red-haired boy.

Under the slightly fluttering red hair, a slightly wanton smile gradually appeared.

"Master Father ?!" On the other side, Sakura had just put on her shoes and turned to greet her father and father. Suddenly, she felt a touch of purple and red color near her. Here, she couldn't help but stepped back and posted it on the wall.

When the girl's vision was clear, she found that her father's face and his face were almost touching.

The tip of the nose just touched each other, and all the breathing between them could be felt.

In an instant, an unspeakable feeling rose in the girl's heart.

"Sakura, you are so sorry for me!"

With that said, Nagato was slightly closer, and used the girl completely in her arms, kissing the touching cherry lips.

The girl ’s unconscious resistance gradually weakened under the slight suppression of the red-haired boy. His helpless hands clasped with another pair of warm big hands, and his fingers pressed against each other. Some kind of warm current gradually flowed from his mouth to his heart.

"Crack !!!"

The door of the tea room suddenly opened, filling the ice with the surrounding temperature completely reduced.

At the next moment, a girl with light blue hair wearing a white kimono and a white scarf stepped in, facing the front of the long door that was about to walk out of the tea room. There was a look of joy on her face, and the dark blue circle of eyes filled with smile.

"Master Father, you are here! Um? Sister Sakura ?!"

The girl who was originally about to pounce on Nagato suddenly saw that her cheeks were flushed behind her, her mind was not in her mind, and she was completely different from the soft and atmospheric image of ordinary days. She couldn't help but stop her footsteps, tilt her head, and reveal There was a hint of doubt.

"Uh! You are here, Bingli!"

The girl with purple hair recovered when she heard the girl of Bing, and the panic on her face grew thicker.

In the end, the helpless purple-haired girl directly said "disrespectful" to the two present, and then hurriedly crossed Bingli, and soon disappeared in the vision of the two, faster than usual. Faster than twice.

"Ha, my father, what's wrong with Sister Sakura?"

After being silent for a while, Bing Li's eyes shifted to the body of the long door, revealing a trace of suspicion.

"Don't care, I just left something on Sakura."

Faced with her daughter's suspicion, Nagato said nothing strangely, and said leisurely.


Bing Li is not a fool. Seeing the performance of Sakura just now, the girl knows that her father's adult absolutely did something that made Sister Sakura so shy, so the polite Sister Sakura usually looks like this.

"Of course!"

He smiled and replied. The long door stepped forward and came to Bing Li, looking at the girl's blue eyes. "It seems that your eyes are well adapted to that power!"

"Yes, I have almost mastered that power!"

Hearing the inquiry from Nagato, Bingli immediately turned her attention and said with a head raised.

"So, I look forward to your performance, Bing Li!"

Encouraging his fourth daughter gently, Nagato reached out and took the girl ’s hand, and walked out the door as well, "If it's okay, just walk and talk, Rin has almost gathered all the senior staff "..

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