My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 49: Meeting and change second more!

The mansion house, sometimes, can reflect some of the thoughts of its owner.

Just like Bai Yujing, where Nagato lived, various buildings of different time and space coexisted perfectly and harmoniously, not only showing the spirit of Nagato's whaling time and space, but the main palace of the city of freedom is completely quaint Modern Western-style castle.

Of course, this so-called near-modernization is based on the era of Nagasaki's previous life!

In terms of this plane, this is definitely a futuristic building.

"Judging from the situation of this mansion, although I first learned about the mysterious magic of the moon that traces the history, in essence, Rin is more receptive to future changes, but this is fine, no matter how the past is, everything will eventually be directed towards future development."

Nagato and Bingli went along with each other. While listening to the girl around them talking about their absence, they looked at the surrounding scenery and thought to themselves.

Soon, the two walked through the long corridor and stepped on a long staircase to the front of a large conference room.


Standing in front of the meeting room door, the long door seemed to sense something and stepped forward to open the door.

In the slightly heavy sound, the door of the meeting room opened suddenly. At first glance, the long door saw a familiar and beautiful figure standing long by the round table in the meeting room, looking straight at himself.

"I have seen an adult!"

Almost immediately, everyone bowed slightly and said together.

The neat and loud but sweet voice surprised Bing Li standing on the side of the long door, and quickly hid behind the long door. The long door could withstand such etiquette, but she could not.

You know, among those who salute, there is Bingli's mother!

"Yo, you are all here!"

Seeing this scene, a smile appeared on the face of Nagato, and he walked in.

Straight to the main position left by Rin for himself, Nagato sat leisurely, and Bingli was pulled by her mother Shirley on the way, and failed to follow Nagato.

Sitting freely, the long door looked around, and all of the surrounding figures were in his eyes.

Except for the long doors, the whole meeting room is full of women.

Their menopause is clearly divided into five power groups. The first is a local power group headed by Rin. The demon in the City of Liberty represents Guleifiya, the fallen angel represents Lina Li, and a young cat ear monster. It should be Is a representative of the demon.

By the way, Sakura and Ilya are also members of this force.

But Sakura is probably still in a state of shyness. He has communicated long ago that he has something to do, and Ilya, after the initial contradiction with Orpheus, is still playing crazy at first sight.

The second force group is the Witch Legion headed by Nangong Nayue and Xiandu Mu Aye!

Of course, because the book of Chiyue has now been turned into a **** of extinction, so although the contractor is still a long door, the Witch Legion can also be regarded as the power of Rin, but the witch ’s xenophobia, so that they can only come out alone . The third force group is the magical girls headed by Lumuyuan and Xiaomeiyan!

As a well-known existence in the City of Freedom, the Magical Girl is regarded as a characteristic power manifested by the City of Freedom. Although the combat power of the vast majority of Magical Girls cannot be regarded as elite, the presence of the Round God and the Flame Demon is enough to make this force not weaker. People.

The fourth force group is the ghosts headed by Yuhu and Xueli!

As the second monster army in Bai Yujing, compared to the demon army that only charges natural monsters in the killing pill, this army no matter what kind of ghosts and ghosts, as long as they are loyal, they will be charged, and the road of the night ghosts has reached the extreme.

The fifth power group is the saints headed by the saints Joan and Karen.

This force is the branch of Baiyujing's main city in all planes. Although Nagato will not force all living beings to believe in themselves, it will also not place so many beliefs in Wanjie without charging.

Normal missionary is necessary, and the establishment of religious forces in missionary is also normal!

The Vatican ’s Holy See does not have a certain name in different planes. It is usually just called the Supreme Divine Religion. Its doctrine has not been really determined. It is nothing more than the legend of the “One Lord, Three Saints, and Six Ways” widely spread in heaven All kinds of positive thoughts to persuade people to be good.

"It's hard for them to establish a religion. In a few days, I will tinker with a Bible myself!"

A glance at Joan of Arc, such thoughts flashed in the mind of Nagato, nothing more than Nagato had such thoughts, although there are still one or two hundred years, but Nagato really became a **** and entered the countdown. doctrine!

Although the **** that Nagato wants to be is the kind of true **** that the power of faith cannot control.

But the power of faith, Nagato did not intend to not!

"Okay, everyone!"

Thoughts changed a thousand times, but the reality was only momentary. After sitting down, the long door said, "Now the meeting begins, the goal is very simple, it is to make the world completely boiling, and then it will not lead to a world war."

"Sa, show me your style in front of me, show you the style of the city of freedom, let the world tremble!"


Just as a meeting was being held between the upper floors of the City of Freedom, a sea of ​​blood in the bottom purgatory of the underworld.

The weird vortex suddenly appeared in the blood sea, and suddenly attracted the attention of a death **** who was in charge of the purgatory. However, before waiting for the reaction of this death god, a big **** hand suddenly rushed out of the **** vortex and grabbed it , Pulled into the vortex.

In the whole process, in less than a moment, the bottom layer of the underworld system had no awareness at all.

At the next moment, the death of a **** robe strolled out of the **** vortex.

"This is the world!"

Standing on the sea of ​​blood, Reaper took a deep breath and said, "The guy who has accepted the cause and effect is in this plane, then the next step is dormancy, waiting for the opportunity."

As soon as the voice fell, death reached the shore, and the **** robe turned black again.

Like an ordinary grim reaper

ps: Nima, many people, dizzy ..

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