My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 50: Determined to be third with Cat Demon!

Two hours later, the meeting ended.

The long door sitting on the throne stared at the women who were acting with a stunned face, but it was a shame.

In the past two hours, Nagato finally understood what it means to be a 'wasp tail back needle, the most poisonous woman's heart'. Although his layout is equally versatile, it is still dominated by crushing and presents its integrity. Momentum.

But the women in front of them, especially the witches, are simply insidious.

Although some of them, led by Madoka and Joan of Arc, had some objections, but under the persuasion of persuasion, they also agreed to the battle plan. In short, Nagato has been silent in silence for the upcoming mythical coalition forces.

"Master Father!"

Just as the others were walking about the same, Rin took Guleifiah, Lina Li, and the unknown cat demon standing in front of the long gate, "Although you already know it, let me introduce them. It is Guleifiah, Lina Li and Tacheng Linai. "

"Oh, you have decided?"

Hearing his daughter ’s words, Nagato ’s eyes swept over the three women behind her. The scrutiny of the eyes suddenly made the three feel that they had nothing to hide in front of each other. The three almost stepped back in unison. Put your hands in front of you.

"Yes, I have decided!"

The majestic answer was extremely determined, and the awe-inspiring pride made the long door curl up.

In fact, when the young girl's move was held before the meeting, Nagato had already anticipated it. Not to mention the other, the five forces were divided throughout the meeting, and Nagato understood Rin's determination.

In fact, according to the assumption of Nagato, the city of freedom should have only four forces.

The three forces on the bright side are Rin ’s Witch ’s Legion, Sakura ’s Magical Girl Legion, and Ilya ’s Saints ’Legion. On the dark side, the Bing Li Legion dominated by Bing Li. On, it is Bai Yujing's reserve army.

When they grew to be comparable to the three major legions, the goalkeeper gave the title.

It's just that there is always a gap between reality and reality.

Bing Li is immature because of her own, and her mother and Yu Yihu are very dissatisfied with the old. Naturally, they are only a minor master in the hundred ghosts, and Elia is an unintentional force, and has directly become the mascot of the Saints Legion.

Sakura's words, befriending the flame demon and the round **** very well, and she entrusted her right to Xiao Meiyan generously.

As for Rin, it is unwilling to become the leader of the Witch Legion in this simple way!

Although Rin has transformed into the strongest witch after possessing the swear book of the God Destroyer—Holy Demon, she is sufficiently qualified to be the leader of the witch, but it is clear that she does not want to take this position with the protection of her father and adult.

The girl is ready to pull up her own forces in this plane, with enough merits to convince everyone!

"Well, it doesn't matter, anyway, I don't care much about these things!"

Standing up from the seat, the long door came to Rin's side, patted her on the shoulder, and said, "I just want to witness your growth. I don't need to restrain myself because of my order."


The proud girl lowered her head and said softly.

"Your name is Taina Rina ?!"

Seeing Rin's performance, Nagato chuckled and came to the cat demon woman behind Rin, and said, "Wait, the angels and demons are coming, I remember, I just confirmed it at the meeting just now. In your mission, are you welcoming the three peace talks as representatives of the City of Freedom? "

"Yes, lord!"

Faced with the sudden enquiry from the door, the cat demon was slightly surprised, then glanced at Guleifiah and Lina Li, and said, "In some senses, no one is more suitable for this task than me."

This is also the case. As the leader of the Hellcats who joined the city of freedom, Taina Rina is indeed very suitable for this task.

Especially in the case where Gulei Feiya and Lina Li don't know how to face the original leader.

"That's right, I'm interested in some guys coming."

Hearing the words, Nagato's eyes also glanced at Gulei Feiya and Lina Li, without saying much, but said to the **** cat demon beside him, "In this case, let me go with you!"

"my pleasure!"

Faced with the request of the father of his own city owner, the cat demon appeared to be very humble and decent.

"Oh, let's go!"

Hearing the other's words, Nagato nodded with a smile, and walked out first.

Behind him, Taina Rina first gave a courtesy to the master of his own city and was about to keep up, but just then, Rin suddenly raised her head and called her, so she said:

"Rina, you better be careful."

"Although there is information that my father's adult is not interested in married or non-existent women, but his father has not clearly expressed this idea, so the possibility of his wife's shot is not zero."

"So far, my father's heart for finding more heterosexual partners has never subsided."

"What about me, I don't like to add more rivals to myself!"

Hearing Rin ’s words, it was n’t just Taina Rina, but even Gu Lei Fiya and Lina Li were shocked all over. Looking at Miss Rin who said such words, there was an incredible expression on her face.

Hey, hello, Missy, have you made a mistake, are you sure you are a ‘love rival’, not a ‘mother’? ! !

Obviously, the three were shocked at this moment!

"not good!"

At this moment, Nai's complexion in Tacheng changed, and she seemed to remember something. She hurriedly followed the path of the long gate, followed, and quickly walked down the stairs to the courtyard of the main palace. .

Then, she saw that the young and handsome father of her own city owner

He is hugging his daughter Heige, who looks only five years old.

Both of them showed a smiling face, and the atmosphere between them seemed to be very harmonious, so that Mrs. Tacheng did not know how to intervene ..

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