My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 51: Black song and guess fourth!

Nagato was puzzled.

Have you been flooding your fatherhood recently?

Or, the lethality of young girls has recently increased inexplicably

Just out of the meeting room and came to the courtyard of the mansion, I met a cute kitten girl, and then just a few words, the cute kitten girl entered her arms and was very intimate with herself.

This situation is almost the same as in the world of the type of moon, Nagato and Rin as a child, Sakura and Ilia get along exactly the same way.

"Mom, you are here !!"

At this moment, the kitten girl named Hei Ge in Longmen's arms looked behind him and called out.

Hearing the black song, the long door that was holding the kitten girl in her arms could not help but turn around. At first glance, Nai Nai was looking at her and the kitten girl in surprise. Obviously, she was herself The mother of the kitten female in her arms.

Seeing the other party's arrival, Nagato didn't think much, and went straight up a few steps to pass the kitten girl in her arms.

And Tacheng Rina took over her daughter almost subconsciously.


It wasn't until the kitten girl called again in her arms that Taina Rina recovered, her cheeks slightly red, hugged her daughter tightly, and bowed slightly to the Nagato to salute, "Thank you for taking care of the little girl!"

"No need to!"

A smile appeared on the face of Nagato and said, "Mrs. Tacheng, your daughter has great potential. Let her have more time to come to the main palace. I will guide her personally."

"Uh, thank you lord!"

This time, Tacheng Rina responded a little hesitantly.

She remembered what she said just now, the master of her own town. In connection with the situation in front of her, the mother suddenly felt that her daughter seemed to be very dangerous. The father of this master of the town would not be Lori Control!

It ’s just that if Heige is taught by this man who teaches such characters as Lord of the City

Even the lo*ic*n, the old lady recognized it!

Tacheng Rina does not expect her daughter to be like the master of the city in the future, but also hopes that she can become stronger.

Growing up in a world of weak flesh and strong food like Underworld, Tacheng Rina knows that the importance of strength in the Underworld is more important than anyone else. If it were not for the free city to emerge, the Tacheng Rina family might have been displaced long ago.

Rina in Tacheng will not forget the situation when Rin fell into the sky when his family was suddenly attacked by other demon clan and nearly destroyed.

The weakness at that time, she did not want her daughter to experience it in the future.

For this, strong strength is necessary!

"Okay, go ahead and prepare!"

Nagato didn't know what kind of thought flashed in the cat demon's heart in front of him. At this time, Nagato's eyes had already been seen in the distance. I must wait for the news to arrive. "

Nagato's words just fell, and Nai suddenly froze in Tacheng.

The first time, she wanted to ask why, but before she asked, a message came into her ears from the system that enveloped the whole city. The patrol guard had made positive contact with the fallen angels and demons.

Suddenly, Taina Rina's eyes looked at the long gate, as if heaven and earth!


At this moment, the red-haired demon was slightly stunned in the luxurious carriages tens of kilometers away from the City of Freedom.

Seeing the movement of the red-haired demon king, Serra Fulton, who was originally immersed in his world, turned his head and looked at his partner. Although there was no opening, the meaning of the inquiry in his big eyes was already very obvious.

"In the city of freedom, someone greets me in the air!"

Seeing Serafell's performance, Sazax knew that if he couldn't satisfy her, I was afraid that he would be annoyed. Fortunately, there was no hiding, and he said, "That is a very special existence."


Hearing a little hesitation in Sazax ’s mouth, Serafel could n’t help but say, “Oh, let little Sazax also feel special, what kind of special law! Little Leviathan wants to know ! "

"If I can, I want to know!"

At this moment, a sudden sound came from outside the car. Soon, a slightly vicissitudes middle-aged uncle came in and sat down beside Sazax without any care, and asked by the shoulder of the red-haired devil. Road.

"Hello, Assachel, you just give me a stop, we are hostile forces!"

The red-haired demon king with good eyesight could not help feeling a headache when he saw the strange eyes of the members of the patrol guard of the Free City who were leading the way through the slightly opened curtain.

"Well, what does it matter!"

In response, the fallen angel governor was unconscious and asked, "Tell me, what do you feel? I just felt a little glance, but that's all. People are old, and it seems that they can't do it anymore!"


Hearing the governor of the fallen angel, the red-haired devil couldn't help but hummed, and then said, "I feel that it is a very special person, he is covered with a layer of smoke, it seems that his strength is not strong, but Has three powerful forces. "

"The three powers feel a bit like a god-killer, but some are not, just three pieces of god-killer."

Speaking of which, there was a trace of embarrassment on Lucifer ’s face, and he apologized for his perception error. "I am afraid that I am wrong. Even the owner of the artifact, I have rarely heard of the plural. if"

"It's possible!"

Intermittently interrupted Sazex ’s words, and a hint of iron blue appeared on the fallen angel ’s face, “If something goes wrong with the artifact system, such as what was invaded”

Hearing the governor of the fallen angel, the two demon kings were stunned!

Although the two demon kings are usually very funny, but that only represents their attitude towards life, it does not mean that they are really idiots, on the contrary, they are rare geniuses in this generation of demons, and soon they will understand The words of the fallen angel governor.

Suddenly, the whole car fell into silence

ps: Something went wrong today, and it will erupt on the last day. ..

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