My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 53: The dark tide surges second!

A remote mountain forest hundreds of kilometers away from the City of Freedom.

The environment here is harsh, the gas is pervasive, and it is almost a forbidden place for souls. However, at this time, there is a mysterious enchantment that covers this place. The enchantment is a huge space magnified hundreds of times, like a natural small world.

In this small world, countless forces from different dxd planes have gathered at this time.

Gladiators from Olympus, ancient heroes of the Nordic forces, the Death Guard of the Underworld, even the army of demons and fallen angels, etc., are gathered here, and dozens of terrorist forces collide and reverberate above the enchantment. Come on.

In the center surrounded by many mythological arms, there is a huge platform with high-level leaders from different mythological forces.

These high-levels may not be the highest level of various mythical forces, but they are definitely the biggest victims of the rise of the city of freedom.

In a sense, they are sympathetic to the late Osiris.

However, among such a group of people, there is one person, or the devil, who appears to be the most uncoordinated. He did not participate in this war because his interests were frustrated. He did not even participate in the war from the beginning, but just ran and said that he wanted to joined.

At this time, the white-haired demon who stood blatantly in the center of the platform just stood alone, leaving the entire small world quiet.

"Lizevim Livian Lucifer !!!"

After being silent for a long time, the real organizer of the demon forces, Kyle Baal from the demon king, could not help but ask out loudly, although the white-haired demon in front of him is powerful enough to make people shudder, but it is not that Baal will shrink Reason:

"What purpose did you who apparently disappeared in the previous civil war!"

The best transcendence of the ancestors of the ancestor, Lucifer, and the mother of the devil, Lilith, by Lezevim Livien and Lucifer.

The ability is "artifact invalidation", and the power of all artifacts will be reduced to nothingness by him. It is said that the reason for the lack of artifacts in the family of Sazax is to fight against him and record the dangerous characters in the Bible in the name of "Lelin".

"Ah, bali's little fellow, haven't I said that, uncle?"

Hearing some questions, Rezevim could not help shrugging his shoulders, and said slightly frivolously, "My uncle, I am very interested in this city of freedom that has caused the entire turmoil of the underworld, so I am ready to put in a hand."


Although he knew the hate of this guy in front of him, Kyle Baal couldn't help but feel angry. "This battle is the decision of the first generation of the king's family. Don't do anything stupid."

"Ah, it was the decision made by the old man!"

Hearing Kelbaal ’s words, a smile appeared on Rezevim ’s face, “It can shake the unchanging old man, and there must be something in the city of freedom that deserves his attention. It ’s really Interesting! "


"Okay, we are not here to listen to the disputes within your demons!"

King Totali from Heavenly Court interrupted Kyle Baal ’s words, and at the same time looked at Rezevim, "Demon, you do n’t matter if you join, but you must follow the rules. If not, we will kill you first. . "

Hearing the words of King Li, the gods of Dionysus from Olympus, the gods of flames and blacksmiths all nodded their heads.

"Okay, okay, you call the shots, I'll take a look"

Seeing the surrounding performance, even though Lezevim, who is the transcendental, has the strength to kill all the senior executives present, he still did not show a trace of anger, but instead spoke with a smile, and then retreated obediently.

Of course, there was still a strange smile on his face, and he seemed to be thinking about something.

Seeing Rezevim's performance, the crowd did not say much.

In the eyes of these high-level leaders, as long as the son of the star is not in trouble, whatever!

"So, start our combat meeting!"

Tian Tian Li, who just spoke, nodded and said, "Just got the information, the envoys of fallen angels and demons have arrived in the City of Freedom, and the Hades of the Underworld is also on the way to it. It is time to allocate your work. . "

"We are all from different mythological forces. Even if we cooperate, it is impossible to mix our own army with other mythical troops. It is very important to allocate our own work, but before that, there is a problem."

Speaking of which, a look of doubt appeared on Li Tianwang's face, "Why hasn't the team of Egyptian mythology yet arrived? You must know that the guy of Osiris jumped up and down in the past year. Who knows what happened there?" Yet?"

Hearing Tiantian Li's words, everyone present could not help revealing a trace of doubt.

In fact, this is exactly what they doubted.

"It was probably stopped by Aden!"

At this moment, Rezevim suddenly said, full of sarcasm, "Aden has always been a single **** like the God of the Bible, and he is very uncomfortable with the **** of Osiris."

After hearing the words, everyone was silent for a while, and then nodded in recognition of his words.

After all, this is not unfounded!

Hundreds of years ago in the human world, during the Egyptian Pharaoh Amenhotep IV, the sun **** was renamed to Aden Aden, and in order to carry out a monotheistic religious reform to worship the only Aton god, but unfortunately in various Failed for reasons.

Almost all of the mythical forces know that he is ready to imitate the God of the Bible, to achieve the God of God, the only **** of the gods!

It ’s just that they did n’t find that strange smile flashing across Lezevim ’s face.

"Then regardless of him, anyway, we people are enough to destroy that blasphemous city!"

Finally, Li Tianwang said, "First of all, the attack time is set at a week, and our major forces respectively launched attacks from the four gates of the City of Freedom at the same time."

And in the case that no one in the enchantment knows

Outside the encirclement, the girl in a white dress floated away with a chuckle and disappeared ..

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