My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 54: Meet and rob the third most!

When an enclave hundreds of kilometers away is planning a plan for the city of freedom.

The city, which has attracted worldwide attention for less than ten years since its establishment, is welcoming the governor of the devil from the devil and fallen angel from the name of ‘freedom’.

Nagato also met as expected, at this stage he is very interested in the new devil Lucifer.

It's just obvious that this kind of diplomatic occasion is not suitable for long doors. He just quietly followed behind Nai in Tacheng, watching her contact with the fallen angel governor and the two demon kings, and secretly observing the newly appointed Lucifer

At the same time, the essence of the other party is analyzed.

However, people like Nagato are destined not to be ignored by the fallen angel governors and devil kings!


"Mrs. Tacheng, can you please tell me the identity of this little brother behind you?"

Asachel, the fallen angel governor who was talking to Naina in Tacheng, suddenly pointed to the long door behind her and asked, "It's uncommon for me to take the liberty to carry more than one god-destroying and breathing human body!"


The long door standing quietly for a moment was slightly stunned, and he turned to the governor of the fallen angel, and said, "It's really an accident. Although I didn't specifically hide the breath of God's extermination, I'm confident that even the devil-level strong cannot It's just right to find. "

"Haha, that was indeed an accident. I'm just good at artifact research."

Having said that, Assachel understands that if he had n’t heard Sazex before, he might not have noticed the extremely subtle fluctuations in the other person ’s body, so he said that it was indeed an accident.

"I have many identities. One of the identities in Freedom City is probably a guardian!"

Nagato, who was originally intended to be a watcher, did not continue to be silent after being identified, but stood up generously and said, "My name is Nagato. I used to be a human, but now, I Has surpassed the human species. "

"Are you beyond humans? This is really amazing!"

"So, let me introduce myself, although you may already know that I am Assahir, and the identity is the head of the fallen angel!" During the speech, the governor of the fallen angel also extended his right hand, very Obviously, I plan to shake hands with Nagato.

"you are interesting!"

After being silent for a while, there was a hearty smile on the face of the long door, and he extended his right hand as well. "I thought that the fallen angel governor would be a very boring guy. Now I change my mind. You are Pisa Zekes. It's still interesting. "

During the talk, the two men's hands were held together. In an instant, the breath of the three gods' extinction was very clearly reflected in Asahir's brain.

Asacher, who has studied for a long time on the artifact, understands that these three are completely different from the breath of known gods, or the judgment of Tianwei, or the tyrannical and sacred, or the sacred sun. The existence of tools!

After confirming all this, the shock in Asacher's mind was conceivable.

It ’s just that, after all, it ’s the leader of the evil forces. Asachel, who has lived for a long time, did not show the horror in his heart. He gently shook hands with the long gate and released it. Jokingly said:

"Oh, Nagato Jun, listening to what you just said, seems to be interested in Sazax?"

"No, I'm just interested in the variability of the biblical forces over the centuries."

Shaking his head lightly, the long door looked at a few people, and said with a smile, "Whether it is the new Lucifer demon or the new Besibu demon, are very interesting mutation points, you can't call them It ’s a demon. "

After finishing talking, Nagato no longer said much, turned around and left.

The original is to take advantage of interest and walk away as soon as possible, and the Nagato is extremely free and easy at this time.

"Ah, sorry, a few!"

At this time, Tacheng Rina quickly said, "Admiral Nagato is more free and easy. He is special in our free city. He will not be constrained by the free city. There are many offenses. Please forgive me."

"it's okay no problem!"

Asaline's apology, Asachel generously stated.

Only Sazax beside him could clearly perceive that the speed of the heart of the fallen angel governor beside him was obviously much faster than usual. Obviously, after the long door left, he finally exposed To understand his state of mind at this moment.

The long door that left on the other side suddenly stopped after walking out of everyone's view.

At the next moment, the pure white figure suddenly emerged from the space. The pure white girl leaned directly on the long door, embraced his arm, and said, "Brother Longmen, I miss you."

"I miss you too,"

With the other hand raised, he gently rubbed Saya's small head, and the long door chuckled softly, "Also, hard work for you, what's the situation with the crowd, there shouldn't be anything unusual."

"Yes, the son of the Venus star who can invalidate the power of the artifact appears there."

Hearing a hint of hesitation on Sayaka's face, he said, "He seems to have seen through our plan, and he seems to be just messing around. It's a dumb guy."

"Oh, that's how it is!"

Slightly pondered, Nagato and Saya hugged and began to walk. While walking, they said, "No need to pay more attention, anyway, it is just a **** that can't jump out of the game. By the way, Saya, have you got anything recently? Feeling wrong. "

"Huh? Brother Nagato, do you feel anything?"

Hearing the long gate, Saya immediately stopped and asked seriously. At first glance, Saya seemed to be a little overkill, but that had to be the case. Nagato was not someone else, and his feeling was almost equivalent to prophecy!

"I didn't feel anything, just somehow uncomfortable."

Nagato also understood his situation and truthfully expressed his feelings, "It's as if my own things have been touched inexplicably, but I probably also understand that in the legend of cultivation of immortals, there is a saying about crossing the robbery. "

"I'm afraid, my robbery is here" ..

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