My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 57: The planned battle is third!

I have to say that Rezevim was surprised!

He really didn't expect that someone could have concealed so many Protoss, Demons, and Fallen Angels, and came to his side without knowing it, even though he himself thought the guys were really bad.


"Able to hide so many gods and deities including me silently, hum!"

Without concealing the fact that he didn't find the other party, Lezevim's face was full of curiosity, and he asked casually, "This little brother, may I ask your surname, uncle, my name is Lezevim ! Lezevim Livian Lucifer! "

"You just call me Nagato!"

Facing the son of the former demon king, a smile without any smile appeared on the face of Nagato, "Li Zeweimu, you are the only exception in this war. As the guardian of the city of freedom, I came This expels you. "

"Oh, that's really interesting!"

Hearing the words of Nagato, an interesting smile appeared on Rezevim's face.

If he did not feel wrong, the power of the mysterious young man in front of him seemed to be an artifact. However, for him, any power is good, as long as its source is an artifact, it is invalid for Rezevim.

Higher demons usually have their own abilities, and Rezevim ’s power is ‘artifact invalidation’, which can be called an artifact nemesis.

Therefore, in his eyes, Nagato is not his opponent at all!


"Your face is really annoying!"

Nagato's temper can't be said to be good or bad. What can really make Nagato treat patiently, except for his siblings and beautiful girls, only enemies who look good.

Obviously, Rezevim in front of him is not in the category of people whom Nagato can treat patiently!

and so


In an instant, a violent roar broke out in the demon's camp.

The demons staying around rushed out of their tents. At first glance, Lezevim's tent had turned into a blast of skyrocketing, and the red current flashed continuously in the explosion.


Suddenly, the sudden sound of the dragon chanted.

At the next moment, the phantom shadow of the red dragon in the whole body emerged from the blaze of the explosion, the terrible coercion spread uncontrollably, and the waves rolled.

The lower demons have stepped back, and the upper demons are also under strong oppression, unable to advance. With the sound of an air blast coming from their ears, the phantom of the dragon broke through the fireworks of the explosion, and naturally exploded. Come.

In an instant, the space began to twist in the explosion spark.


Then, a more violent explosion reverberated, and the earth was shaken!

The raging current instantly covered the entire camp, and almost all the demons were numb at this moment and fell to the ground.

Such movements naturally cannot hide from other forces in the coalition camp. The fallen angels who are farthest from the demon forces rushed over immediately. Do n’t get me wrong. The fallen angels are not worried about the demon, but want to see the demon first. Their ugliness.

Members of other mythical forces also came here immediately after the fallen angels.

Then they saw the smoke rolled up by the explosion in the center of the demon camp, and the devil lying on the ground as if they were cramping, and, from time to time throughout the camp, the red current flashed from time to time

Suddenly, everyone felt a crisis coming!

Da da da! ! !

The light footsteps were very conspicuous at this moment. Soon, a red-haired boy wearing a purple robe and a scarlet magic gun came out of the smoke in the center of the explosion. The red current from time to time flashed on him.

On the other hand of the red-haired boy, he also pulled a black robe magician.

Then he threw it away, the teenager looked at the others present

"Sprinkle, just let a guy escape, I am very upset."

"So, let you guys practice with me!"

As soon as the words fell, the red-haired boy didn't say much nonsense, the whole body's current surged, and the next moment, the red-haired boy turned into a scarlet magic gun and killed him directly!


In the Egyptian God Realm, which turned into dust, the silver-haired demon fell from the sky and fell straight to the ground.

"Bah, there are artifacts that I can't offset, really fake!"

Soon, in the smoke, the white-haired demon came out of the big pit he smashed with some curse, and a faint expression appeared on the shocked face, and looked around.

As a result, there was nothing but wilderness all around.


Although it was a bit confusing at first, after all, it was the son of a well-informed star, and Lezevim suddenly glared wide, "Here is the Egyptian God Realm! The remaining breath of power here is Orpheus, there is also

"And my strength!"

Suddenly, the voice echoed in his ears, which surprised Lezevim.

Turning his head, he saw a group of black-robed people. In front of the black-robed people, there was an elderly man looking like an elderly man and a silver-haired human teenager dressed in military uniform. The latter just spoke.

"Hello, unknown guests, welcome to here."

The silver-haired human teenager stepped forward and came to Rezevim, with a smile on his face, "It's embarrassing, let you see something bad, so"

"Wait, you guys are the scourge!"

Unexpectedly, when he arrived here, Rezevim suddenly said, his eyes turned to the old man, "Orpheus, how about letting Uncle I join you ?! Uncle, I think I think Still a very good terrorist! "

"Maybe, think about it."

Turning his head to look at the elderly man, after seeing the other person's nod, a strange smile flashed on the silver-haired boy's face, then disappeared, turned his head, looked at Rezevim, and said:

"I am the emperor! The boss of the current scourge, if you have any ambitions, absolutely kill you." ..

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