My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 58: Tragic battlefield fourth!

"Trial Thunder !!!"

Along with a violent drink, the long door burst out, piercing a big hole in the body of the hero around him, and the crimson electric current was using the body of the hero as a conductor, and the sound of the crackling echoed around.

Indistinctly, a scorched smell of meat filled the air.


Withdrawing the magic gun, the enemies in front of the long gate fell one by one.

Deeply exhaling the turbid breath in his mouth, he looked around, all densely fallen people, all of them were in a state of electric focus, and a subtle smile appeared on the face of Nagato.

At this time, it was only about three minutes before the star son left.

I am afraid that the coalition forces on the front line did not expect that their reserve camps have been completely annihilated in the hands of Nagato!

"Except for the son of the rising star, there is not even a master!"

Some murmured disdainfully, knowing that the Nagato at this time simply used the power of the **** exterminator, and did not use the power of the body at all, and even the **** exterminator did not use the so-called forbidden hand!

"Having said that, the son of the star should enter my scourge!"

Thinking of the previous battle with Lezevim, when the other party started the space transfer and fled, the long door secretly dropped his hands and feet and transferred it to the already destroyed Egyptian **** realm. The long door couldn't help but reveal a trace Smile.

Presumably under the emperor's hands, that guy will be very interesting in the future!


At this moment, a violent roar came from a distance.

At the next moment, Nagato vaguely felt the tremor of the ground under his feet. This was the subsequent impact of the violent roar just now. Obviously, the battlefield on the front line had entered a white-hot stage at this time.

"It's time to go to the front!"

Speaking so softly, the magic gun in Nagato's hand was pointed toward the sky, and a red current burst from the blade of the gun, breaking through the sky instantly. At the next moment, the red-haired boy turned into a residual image and ran towards the front.

Not long after, the figure of a cat demon warrior came to this camp.

"Ah, worthy of being the guardian!"

As the leader, the cat demon man looked at the situation of the "lie" and praised him, then shouted at the cat demon beside him, "don't hurry up and take these guys completely while the paralysis effect has not disappeared."

"Yes! Master Tacheng!"

The cat monsters around replied respectfully, and then rushed into the camp.

On the other side, Nagato, who left the camp, leaped through the forest like a monkey.

His goal is the battlefield at the East Gate of the City of Freedom!

There are four portals on the walls of the City of Freedom, so the whole battle is divided into four small battlefields. The battlefield at the east gate is closest to the long gate.

The mountainous forests can't stop the long gate from advancing. In less than ten seconds, the red-haired boy crossed a distance of several kilometers.

Not long after, the red hair approached the battlefield. With the constant approach, even before it actually entered, the long door heard a burst of roar, and the nose tip smelled a strong **** breath.

Nagato clearly felt the cruelty on the battlefield not far away!

Brows were lightly wrinkled, the speed of the Nagato was mentioned, and they instantly appeared on the edge of the battlefield. At first glance, the Nagato could see it. Groups of giant creatures with different shapes ran wildly on the battlefield.

The mythological armies from different mythical forces are all like fragile paper in front of these monsters.

The blood and the remains of the corpses have already spilled over the battlefield!

In the vision of Nagato, I can even see that the mythological army is constantly deteriorating. Many people of the Protoss even tried to escape, but the monsters did not intend to let them go, swarming and killing them.

"It's asura hell!"

Looking around, Nagato looked at the blood-stained everything, and could not help making such a judgment, "It is indeed the battlefield of the witches, and the power gathered by a large number of guardians is indeed somewhat beyond imagination!"

Yes, this mythical monster in front of me is all the guardians of the witches!

In fact, in the whole city of freedom, only the witches will create such a terrible battlefield. The witches from the blood-sucking raid that plane are all a group of heretics, and they really bring the magic to the extreme. .

"Damn demon, die for this king !!!"

At this moment, a binge reverberated in the air across the battlefield.

I saw that in the mythological army, a middle-aged man who appeared to be in his forties or more appeared in the sky, with a golden light in his hand. At the next moment, the golden light turned into a 30-meter high in the sky. Huge pagoda with more than meters!

The attraction of terror erupted from beneath the pagoda, absorbing it regardless of enemies and enemies, and wanted to devour everything on the battlefield!

At the beginning, the attraction of the pagoda was still relatively small, and the guardians were barely able to resist it for the time being, but the mythical soldiers like the Yellow Scarves were unable to do so, and soon entered the pagoda in a burst of howling.

It's just that with the passage of time, the pagoda's attractiveness is getting bigger and bigger, it is almost necessary to lift the entire land of the battlefield!

"That is, the legendary heaven and earth pagoda?"

On the edge of the battlefield, Nagato felt the attraction that spread to his side, and couldn't help but sigh, "That guy is the king of Totali. This kind of move is simply an enemy-independent move!" "

Just when Nagato judges if he wants to shoot

"Come out for me, 'Lord of the Wheels.'"

One of the strongest witches, Nangong shot that month!

The slender figure suddenly appeared under the huge pagoda, directly facing the attraction of the pagoda, and behind her, there was grace and violent coexistence, and the figure of man in golden armor appeared out of the sky.

That is a golden knight made of machinery. The unknown presence makes the whole space slightly distorted!

It sounds like the roar of monsters and the sound of huge gears and drives from the inside of the thick heavy armor enclosed in darkness.

The atmosphere entwined by the golden knight statue obviously does not belong to this world, eroding the black magic of light. ..

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