My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 59: Forbidden hands: Dragon of Heaven Penalty! First!


At the moment when the ring king appeared, the sound of air blasting continued to reverberate.

Facing the volley of the vast pagoda, the guardian of the golden knight burst into a powerful spirit. At this moment, the dark magic invaded the surrounding space, and had a positive collision with the endless attraction.

As if collapsed, everyone can feel the twist and collapse in the air.

Although King Tota Lee ’s pagoda is very strong and once suppressed the dead God Nezha on the land of China, the king of the ring is also not weak.

You should know that, except for the six-winged beast, an alternative guardian directly made by Nagato, the Lord of the Rings is definitely the strongest guardian. The existence of it alone is enough to cause the world to twist. As long as there is enough time, this guardian is Enough monsters to destroy the world.


"Boom! Boom! Boom !!!"

In an instant, continuous roar echoed over the battlefield.

Whether it is the king of wheels, or the pagoda of heaven and earth, both sides seem to have no choice but to stand still.

Under the battlefield, no matter the guardians or the soldiers of the mythical forces, have been shocked by the shock of the incoming space, many guardians have dispersed their bodies and returned to the bodies of the witches in the city of freedom.

In contrast, the soldiers of the mythical forces were more miserable, and many died directly on the spot.

"Damn, demon **** !!!"

After seeing this scene, King Li Tian in the sky exuded a little surprise, and couldn't help but said bitterly, "I wouldn't believe that you can't suppress your heresy, Linglong Tower! Give me full suppression !!" ! "

This **** from heaven exploded out all his power, and the endless awe-inspiring divine power was transmitted to the pagoda!

The next moment, the pagoda began to spin down and fell down.


Soon, the revolving king collided head-on with the pagoda beyond his body, and the sound of more terrifying concussion echoed, even the long gate on the edge of the battlefield felt deaf, not to mention the situation on the battlefield.

Although the guardians are constantly decreasing, as long as the contract remains, the guardians will not die.

In contrast, the mythical soldiers are simply mixed with death and injury.

I have to say that Li Tianwang is almost a pig teammate.

Fortunately, the mythical soldiers who had escaped temporarily and escaped for a while, even looked at Li Tianwang's eyes with a touch of hatred.

This shows how unpopular this Li Tianwang is!

However, probably because the opponent was so chaotic, Rao was a powerful ring king. At the same time, because he could not withstand the falling bombardment of the pagoda, he began to approach the ground constantly.

"Although I believe in the strength of Aye and Nayuejiang!"

Looking closely at the situation on the battlefield, Nagato raised the magic gun in his hand and said, "But that's a waste of time. After all, the battlefield is constantly changing, let me end it! Forbidden hands !! ! "

Along with the last sudden words of Nagato, the red thunder current burst out of the magic gun in an instant!

It was a current thick enough to substantiate that it was jumping, and it quickly solidified into a physical crimson dragon, surrounded by the red-haired boy, and the dragon head just integrated with the magic gun in the hands of Nagato.

It looks like a red-haired boy dragging a huge dragon head directly, which is shocking!

At this moment, all or surviving people on the entire East Gate battlefield perceive it, and the glorious opportunity high above it is not only the East Gate battlefield, but also the powerful people in the conference room in the Free City.

Almost for the first time, everyone's eyes were focused on the red-haired boy who was releasing the new god's power to ban the hands.

"Destroy the enemy in front of you, the Dragon of Heaven's Punishment!"

For the gaze in the void, Nagato had long known, but his face remained the same, and he didn't care much about it.

In a decisive posture, the red-haired boy quickly stepped forward and threw the magic gun out of it. The next moment, the huge crimson thunder dragon with a long tail, toward the huge Linglong pagoda Bomb away.


In an instant, the Crimson Dragon directly hit the pagoda.

In the violent sound, the Crimson Dragon poured into the pagoda that suppressed the world.

At the next moment, a terrifying electric current exploded madly, and the power of thunder destruction full of destructive interest burst out of the windows and portals of the Linglong pagoda. Then, the crimson violent electric current continued to shine on the surface of the pagoda.

Even, the terrible electric current, even as the king Li Tian urged the power of the pagoda, poured into the sky.


In the first time, King Li felt the pain like hell.

There was only one time to shout, and the King of Heaven fell into a reincarnation of pain, and the ubiquitous current continuously impacted everything, body, spirit, even soul and memory of King Li.

All in all, under this thunder began to enter the path of destruction!

Li Tianwang did not want to resist.

Only under this thunder, no matter what means is lost.

This is a punishment from heaven, there is no escape!

"Crack !!!"

Just as King Li Tian was almost completely annihilated, a loud noise came clearly from the pagoda.

The cracks visible to the naked eye quickly spread like spider webs on the surface of the powerful pagoda. Soon, in the eyes of the mythical soldiers remaining on the entire battlefield, the pagoda that suppressed everything exploded suddenly.


A terrible shock resonated beyond imagination. Including the City of Freedom, all four battlefields were shocked. Almost everyone who used wind power or wind-related power was instantly deaf at this moment.

For a time, all the battlefields stagnate for a while, and then continue to fight.

Compared to other battlefields, in the meeting room of the City of Freedom, at this time, it was silent, and the breath was dignified.

ps: This weather is sleepy! Write a chapter and doze twice in a row ..

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