My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 72: Split the third palace!

Seeing the person coming, Emperor Shitian's face showed a trace of surprise and anger.

Although the opponent's body was equipped with a dark blue masked armor, the breath on his body was not covered. At the first moment, Emperor Shitian saw the identity of the opponent, and in an instant, Emperor Tian's body was angry.

"God of God, are you the city of freedom ready to fight against my Sumiya Mountain !!!"

Along with the heavenly emperor's binge, the electric current of terror continued to diffuse from his body, and instantly spread to the entire hall. Emperor Shitian's angry will reverberates throughout the space, confronting the tyrannical and holy will.

"Oh, Emperor Shitian, you laughed!"

The existence of the so-called deity, a sense of laughter from the dark blue armor, the next moment, the dark blue armor turned into magic, and the red-haired boy in a purple robe was exposed. The magic of dark blue converged on its right Cage on the arm.

Waving his lower arm and moving his neck, there was a wanton smile on the face of the long door:

"I don't know what you are talking about. I just saw the legendary Sun Wukong. He rose on a whim and couldn't help but have a good contest with His Excellency Qi Tian Da Sheng. Other things have nothing to do with me."


Emperor Shitian couldn't help but see a sullen breath when he saw Nagmun's sophistry.

The Emperor Tiandi really did not expect that the well-known gods in the eyes of the major forces in the three realms to manipulate the three gods would be so incompetent. What they did did not admit it, or opened their eyes to talk nonsense. .

But he is more depressed, as long as the other party does not admit, he can't deal with him in the name of justice!

Prior to this, the relationship between City of Freedom and Xumishan became more and more tense, and even led to the intervention of other mythical forces, and finally the two parties reached a temporary peace agreement. In this way, as long as Nagato admitted that he was intentionally provocative

Then Emperor Shitian can call on other mythical forces to fight against each other.

But Nagato refused to admit that Emperor Shitian was a little helpless.

Although it seems that the other party is doing this, as long as he does not admit it, there is room for maneuver, and then after a series of actions, then the intention of Emperor Shitian will be aborted. This is the so-called political darkness.

After all, the relationship between mythical forces is actually not good.

When other forces are in difficulty, it ’s good not to fall into the well, not to mention, help other forces for free unless someone breaks some unspoken rules

It's like a city of freedom that was just established hundreds of years ago.

"So, let me also discuss with you, God of God !!!"

After a short period of sulking, Emperor Shitian finally couldn't stand it anymore. The terrifying thunder burst from Wushen and bombarded the place where the long gate was located. Endless anger and warfare leaked from the flash of thunder.

Facing Emperor Shitian ’s attack, Nagato did n’t even bother to defend, because at this moment

"Your opponent is me !!!"

The clear voice was still audible in the thunder and thunder of the thunder. The silver-haired king suddenly appeared on the road of the thunder's bombardment. Endless brilliance burst out into a shining divine sword, thousands of thousands. !

The most frightening thing is that each Excalibur contains a different kind of sword and emotion, as if it were a loyal knight!

"People are like swords, and the sword's intention is the heart of the people. Take me a stroke, and the humane flood!"

Along with the emperor's words, the torrent of the sword suddenly exploded, and the frontal collision with the god's thunder, the two sharply opposed forces of the human sword and the god's thunder violently collided.


At the next moment, a horrible explosion sound suddenly appeared in the hall.

In the deafening roar, the sword of light and the thunder of God are constantly intertwined, completely destroying the entire huge temple, and many gods and Buddhas are stained on the spot in such an environment!

"Shoot !!!"

Not long afterward, accompanied by bursts of air breaking, a figure rose from the center of the explosion.

More than a dozen figures just walked out of the explosion center, and the explosion center detonated again, increasing the number of terrorist explosions several times, killing the gods and Buddhas who failed to leave the explosion center despite the first round of explosions.

Such a horrible situation caused many gods and Buddhas who had left the center of the explosion to panic.

Emperor Shitian looked at the long door opposite him with the face of "No matter what I do", and the emperor with the expression "I did this deliberately". Under his own territory, he lost so much Many gods and Buddhas, Emperor Shitian feels that he is going to run away!

It's just that the Emperor Tiandi doesn't know that today is destined to be the day of hematemesis.

At the next moment--


A huge soaring light burst from the southern part of the Tiangong.

Emperor Shitian immediately turned his head to look at the past, but saw a large area in the southern part of the Tiangong, starting from the southern Tianmen, almost blood stained, and the knights glowing all over the body were distributed there.

The beam of light rising from the sky was formed by the glory of all knights!

"Damn !! Is this your purpose?"

Then, in the perception of Emperor Shitian, the area covered by the pillar of light seemed to be no longer the sphere of influence of Xumi Mountain, but under the erosion of that glory, it became another field. In other words, the Tiangong was divided. In two parts.

Thinking about this, Emperor Shitian understood the purpose of the two guys in front of him!


Seeing Emperor Shitian's performance, the Emperor said indifferently.

Then he and Nagato flew out at the same time, and soon came to the soaring beam of light. With the joining of the two, in an instant, the whole beam of light burst out of unprecedented brilliance, and the ripples of space oscillated here .

"not good!"

Seeing the opponent's movements, Emperor Shitian's face flashed with consternation.

Almost immediately, a large number of thunderclouds gathered in the small world, and the thunder of God also condensed from his hands. However, the two of Nagato and the emperor seemed to be prepared early, and they did not wait for him to attack.

"Crack !!!"

The harsh voice resounded throughout the Tiangong.

All the gods and Buddhas heard this voice is a chill.

At the next moment, Tiangong, it was split in half ..

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