My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 73: War and peace fourth!

At this moment, Emperor Shitian felt

The rib called "rationality" in my head was completely broken.

Heavenly Emperor never thought that someone had broken into his house, killed his people under his eyes, and even tore his house into two parts. This is a challenge to Emperor Shitian ’s name. !

In this case, no one can bear it, not to mention Emperor Shitian who had a bad temper.

In fact, more than Emperor Shi Tian, ​​the gods and buddhas in the entire Tiangong are ignorant at this moment.

Then, raging anger burst out of my heart.


The war broke out completely at this moment!

In the face of the raging and violent Xuma Mountain forces, the heavenly dynasty, which has been preparing for hundreds of years, also exploded in amazing fighting power. In the base of Nantianmen, one knight after another appeared.

That is an elite knight who has been continuously selected from the hundreds of millions of people in the heaven!

At the same time, Alibaba was on this plane and for the first time as a human subspecies ascended the stage of war.

Under the leadership of the six sisters of Ali, these subspecies of human beings that can survive in the land of steel have erupted into a terrifying combat power!

Coupled with the forces of the Freedom City, dominated by Nagato, from time to time, various unknown methods were used to help the heavenly dynasty

Then, under the incredible eyes of many gods and Buddhas, the war fell into a stalemate!

Time goes by, and in a flash four years have passed.

In these four years, the two big groups of Xumishan and Tianchao played around the split two small palaces for almost four years, almost every day, night and night, there was no left at all, but the result was still indiscriminate The victory and defeat, the thick blood completely stained Tiangong.

Fortunately, the place where this war took place was only the Tiangong World, not the present world. Otherwise, the entire human world might be destroyed.

And other mythical forces also knew the whole story of this war.

All mythical forces in the world are completely shocked by the horror of the heavens. Although they are secretly supported by the city of freedom, they are facing Xumi Mountain. In a sense, the three forces of demon, angel and fallen angel are alone Take it out, they can't beat each other.

The celestial dynasty that can confront Xumi Mountain head-on has officially become one of the world's best superpowers!

Especially the only king of heaven, the emperor!

In these four years, he fought Emperor Shitian for eight times, almost every time, both of them played dimly and darkly, and then ended with a tie. No, in a sense, the emperor even prevailed, because every time, he No blood bleeds, and Emperor Shitian spit out blood several times.

This terrible record not only puts the emperor on the list of transcendentals, but also becomes the only human being among the transcendentals!

The power of the entire Sumi Mountain was greatly hit, and morale gradually declined!

Fortunately, the background of Mount Xumi is really terrifying. Even if the fighting force was established only a hundred years ago, there is no such powerful background. There is no way to take the opportunity to destroy Mount Xumi.

"It's just a pity that the war can't continue anyway!"

Sazax ’s eyes were fixed on the long gate, and he said seriously, "Full four years of continuous fighting has made the original split into unstable turmoil. If the battle continues, I am afraid that the temple will fall. The world, or directly collapse. "

"Either way, it will cause great damage to the entire world, so stop the war!"

"Uh, this kind of thing, you should talk to the emperor and emperor Shitian!"

Looking at the red-haired demon in front of him, Nagato was stunned. Yesterday he had just returned to the City of Freedom. As a result, his brother-in-law ran over by himself and said such a bunch of avenues. The attitude of loving peace is simply. Unlike the devil.

"Di Shitian already had the idea of ​​stopping the war."

Hearing the words of Nagato, a satiric smile appeared on Sazax ’s face, “It ’s just that Indra ’s guy has some good looks, so now, as long as the city of freedom and the emperor are willing to stop, it ’s just the emperor ’s side. , You also know "

Speaking of the emperor, Sazax couldn't help but smile a bit bitterly.

The emperor is good at everything, full of inclusiveness, but also full of xenophobia. He can tolerate non-human beings under his command, but when facing non-human beings under hostile forces, he is full of xenophobia.

In this regard, Nagato nodded helplessly, who called the emperor a humane spokesperson.

"And on the side of Freedom City, I have just talked with Rin. They all said that the command of the war with Xumishan is on your hands. Only if you agree to the peace talks will Freedom City give up secretly intervening in the war. "

"Ha, that's what it is!"

Hearing Sazax's words, Nagato nodded suddenly.

Then the red-haired boy fell into silence. While sitting on the couch in the hall, he subconsciously caressed Orpheus lying in his arms. The short silence made the red-haired devil suddenly restless.

"Well, it doesn't mean anything anyway."

Almost a minute later, the long door lifted its head, and said a little boringly, "Actually, if you don't say it, for almost a few months, we actually don't plan to continue."

"Then what is your silence!"

Hearing Nagato's answer, Sazeks was relieved first, then said angrily.

"It's interesting to see you nervous!"

Looking at Sazax, Nagato said jokingly.

In fact, the reason for Nagato's silence was only because of some discomfort. Emperor Shitian and Hinduism were still disconnected. After several battles, they were able to kill each other, but they gave up because of the secretly hidden three gods of India.


Vaguely seeing the other reason why the long door was silent, Sazax didn't delve into it. He just hummed and walked out of the hall. Before he walked out of the hall, he said something that caught the long door's attention.

"You haven't seen Lias in a long time. She's in the human world, Komaga College of Japan!"

"Komawang Academy?"

Hearing this, Nagato froze for a moment, and whispered to himself, "It's already this time."

ps: There is another chapter. At two points, it is the fifth of today. ..

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